
The King of Time - DXD

Stories takes place in the world of DxD with elements taken from the Fate Series. === Reincarnated time and time again in a fictional world for thousands of years, after being taught by the greatest that the world could offer, befriending the most legendary of heroes, fighting countless of battles and even defying the gods themselves, I have finally been reincarnated into the modern era. Armed with the Principle of Time, Magical Knowledge, Kamui, and a duck, will I ever live in peace with my loved one? or will my bad luck kill me once more? === Don't read this garbage it's trash. I only wrote this because I have much time to waste. If you feel like it's a copy of another fanfic, well it is just with my elements so don't bother to comment that. The Fanfic is called King of Blades so stfu. === https://discord.gg/cRFx2yGZG3

ARandomDream · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 14

A/N: I almost got into a biking accident yesterday but today... I got into a biking accident and so this is quite late... fuck my luck.

I'm quite lazy to write shit cuz of school so expect less updates for 1 week or so as school assignments and projects are troublesome as fuck.

Now, enjoy.


Chapter 14

Walking away from the scene, I gripped a large blue orb on my palm, tightening my fingers over it with a slight grin on my face.

This blue orb is a piece of the White Dragon Emperor Juggernaut Drive, it was attached at the kids' right arm and when it fell, I managed to use Kamui on it once the battle was over. I'm sure I erased the arm left there so no biggie if someone's thinking of stealing it to use it for experiments. Even if I didn't end up killing him then and there, I wouldn't allow myself to leave back empty handed as it would be pointless.

I had encountered it before on other wielders of the Divide Dividing, I wonder if I could implement the concept of 'Divide' to a spear, would be extremely useful if I ever go toe to toe with a fool.

I used Kamui to appear at the forest and walked towards the barrier as I proceeded to enter it. The sight around me changed like usual but of course, I didn't forget to change the barrier.

Laying in front of me once more was the house that I built in the past. A happy feeling takes over my brain, drowning out the slight notion that I missed something important.

I ignored the feeling and continued onwards, opening the fence, and heading inside the house.


Holy fuck that smells amazing. I went towards the kitchen seeing my lovely wife cook something good, my wife didn't notice me, so I hugged her from behind,


"I'm back, Layla."

"Haaa… I was expecting you later but welcome home." She said lovingly as I let go from hugging her. I proceeded to prepare the plates, spoons, forks, and two glasses of water,

"Haaa… I'm starved right now."

"You sound so tired again, did anything happen?" She said while I sat on my seat,

"Well, peace meeting, Host of Albion going Juggernaut Drive, and me threatening people..."

"WHAT?! Didn't I told you to be careful?!" She yelled making a mask of a demon appear behind her making me sweat profusely,

"I-I didn't get injured or anything." I hesitantly replied while the demon behind her was still there afterwards she held a knife and started to sharpen it… SHIT! Think… what's the best way to escape at this situation? Sex? Not going to work. Giving her a gift? Not going to work.

I guess I'm dead, soldiers... don't anger your wives.

Her eyes turned ice cold looking at me like I was trash…

I got beaten by my wife, haaa… troublesome. I didn't use my concept to heal my injuries due to her inflicting more with her spells. I now ate food silently thinking what went wrong in life,

"Have you learned your lesson?" Layla said with a sigh.

"Y-yes ma'am."

"So that's all that happened there?"


She got up from her seat and went to my seat and kissed my forehead.

"Even if you're powerful, you should still be careful of things" Layla said.

"But I wa-"

"No buts" She said while patting my head… Haaa… I'm getting treated like a kid. But it's sweet of her to do this…


"I love you, Layla." I said with a straight serious face making her blush.

"D-don't say t-things like that with a straight face! It's embarrassing!" She said making me smile…

I hugged her afterwards, feeling her warmth and softness. She teleported us into our room and hugged me back.

I really wonder why women have these kinds of moods, troublesome.

We hugged for quite some time before a break in the silence.

"I have a question Julius."

I raised an eyebrow before replying, "Hmm?"

"You once told me you were sent here in this world by a 'bastard', so is it possible that there are other worlds apart from ours?"

Holy shit, that's actually a good question, my eyebrows raised as I replied, "What brought this on?"

"It was stuck in my head for 2 years and I remembered it just now..."

"Hmm… I think there are, but travelling to them is hard due to Great Red."

I didn't lie about the Great Red part. Great Red protects this world / universe by making almost a number of infinite illusions that confuses the outsiders leading them onto another universe.

I had encountered some Reincarnators like me but killed them due to their existence destroying this world via their greed of power.

I'm still really confused about Great Red being much more powerful than Ophis, who's the infinite. The Dream is not infinite so why is Great Red stronger than Ophis? I had a theory about Great Red using all the beings' dreams then converting that into 'Infinite' power, even if one being that can dream remain, Great Red could still retain his power, but that's just a theory.

Layla looked at me with a smile and buried her chest on my face then hugged me 'lovingly'.

"I-I c-can't b-breathe!"

"How about no? Hehehe"

This lasted for a couple of hours until both of us got horny and fucked once more like animals. I didn't even expect to have sex today, geez.

It was morning now and I went to the forbidden library of Layla, no one could enter here apart from Her mother, Her, and myself ever since Layla filled this place with runes.

"Morning" She said with beautiful smile,

"Morning" I greeted her, my face right now looks tired and drained, she saw this and giggled.

"Something wrong with the gap?" I asked her in a tired tone, haaa.

"I saw that there were three new anomalies..."

Haaa… I'm guessing those are dudes who got sent here by outer gods again. I face palm and sigh deeply before replying,

"Those are new problems for me."

"It's not that bad… I think." She tried to assure me with a smile,

"haaa… troublesome, did Great Red bother to erase them out of existence?"

"Great Red erased one of them, while the two got into this world."

I sigh even more, this was just trouble coming for me… I swear if that bastard actually sent some reincarnated fools, I'm going to lose it.

Layla shrugged and just monitored again if there was something wrong in this world that could threaten Humans or us. I exited the Library, seeing something moving on the bush.


"Honk! Honk!"

Two ducks that are honking came out of the bush and looked at me making me sigh sadly. Things are truly not going on my way, troublesome.


"Honk! Honk!"

Oh god... How did another duck appear here? It's another Honkizaru...


This...this mana... hahaha!

I sensed mana that I haven't sensed for long ago… and if I'm correct, this is the Old Mans' mana, hahaha!



Want to comment something shitty?

No need to comment that this shit is stolen, I know already.

Why am I doing this? I guess to learn how to write shit and satisfy my mind.

ARandomDreamcreators' thoughts