
The King of Time - DXD

Stories takes place in the world of DxD with elements taken from the Fate Series. === Reincarnated time and time again in a fictional world for thousands of years, after being taught by the greatest that the world could offer, befriending the most legendary of heroes, fighting countless of battles and even defying the gods themselves, I have finally been reincarnated into the modern era. Armed with the Principle of Time, Magical Knowledge, Kamui, and a duck, will I ever live in peace with my loved one? or will my bad luck kill me once more? === Don't read this garbage it's trash. I only wrote this because I have much time to waste. If you feel like it's a copy of another fanfic, well it is just with my elements so don't bother to comment that. The Fanfic is called King of Blades so stfu. === https://discord.gg/cRFx2yGZG3

ARandomDream · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 16


Missed me bitches? Hahaha! Though, seriously, I'm taking a break for now as I have much school shit to worry about now. Especially Research! Fuck Research Papers. (my school has standards on grades, below 85 average, you gone)

Most of you are gonna be pissed by this I know but Idc, I don't want to spiral into depression and breakdown inside again because of my family (I can't honestly speak out my opinion, If I correct them they will say 'learning to speak up now?! / natututo ka nang sumagot ah?!', comparing me to my classmate whose top 1 in my class, then if I got good shit they would still compare me to others, then if I did a little mistake at the house, they attack me for it... like bruh? they really want me to be 'perfect'... no thanks, If I can't even be as myself, I'd rather die.

I still have much more but I'm not going to bring that here. I Ignore all of it but, it's impossible, it just gets stored up which I release if I had enough again, like this rant right now...)

So yeah, I'll just update if I have much free time now...

Layla's Background is still not fully explained here, it's just half of it... The other half will be explained on the later chapters as he visits another Pantheon about chapts 25ish to 30.


Join le discord server! I'm always on as me and classmates need this. You could ask me things here not explained much and future fanfics that I plan to do.



Chapter 16:

Damn it! That Old man actually trolled me like this! I looked at Rossweisse at my arms and I froze at my spot as I felt being started by someone… this feeling! Shit!

I quickly let go of Rossweisse throwing her off a couch and bowed in front of Layla whose eyes have flames in them and her expression, cold!

"I'm sorr-"

Haaa… I once more got beaten up by my Wife who was now talking to Rossweisse understandingly. I know that anime protagonists get beaten up, but is this the feeling of those people that are married in anime's?

I took a deep breath and sighed, using my Concept to revert the damage into nothing.

"-So, summary is Odin left you to be taken care of my husband?" My wife asked Rossweisse which replied,

"Y-yes, sadly. Uwaaa! Lord Odin a-actually abandoned me!" cried out Rossweisse again while I look at her with pity.

The pity I had came bursting in the form of tears. A comrade! Whose luck is like mine! I'm happy to hear it! Holy fuck! We're the same in luck as well as love life previously… a comrade indeed.

Layla's eyes narrowed towards me while I still continue crying and said, "Comrade… I know what you felt like before! My life as well as my love life was like yours! Oh comrade, I feel bad for you."

Layla now facepalmed while Rossweisse was shocked hearing it and said, "You've e-experienced my pain?"

I nodded while replied in a sad tone, "Yes sadly…"

"Haaa… you've got some screws loose, my dear." Layla said with a sigh, I didn't really care because I met a comrade who share the same fate as I.

Rossweisse coughing for a brief moment trying to change the topic asked, "W-what's your name miss and Mister?"

I answered her question, "My wife's name is Layla Belial… as for me, Julius Novachrono, nice to meet you."

I smiled at her, her jaws dropped when she heard of our names,

"L-Layla Belial and J-J-Julius Novachrono?!"

"In the flesh." I said retaining my smile.

"I-I'm honored to m-meet both of you!"

"Haaa… Julius, that's why I didn't want for you to say our full names. Look at her, she's respecting us like her true god now." Layla face palmed afterwards seeing her look at us like legendary gods.

"Maa… Maa… It's fine. Rossweisse, no need for such things, just speak to us like a normal person would." I waved my hands towards Rossweisse who nodded hesitantly while my wife glared at me and I didn't mind at all!

"A Valkyrie huh? So is the salary low there still?" I asked Rossweisse whose face turned into 'pain' and anger.

"The salary there was low! The time of our jobs is long as well as the fact that we go overtime almost every single day! There's no insurance as well! Taking care of Lord Odin is hard! He always disappears once I-" My mind unconsciously ignored what she was saying afterwards that, it's like I'm listening to my own wife rant about something which rarely happens now.

Layla listened to her rant like a champ, while I took some fries out of the fridge and cooked it with magic.

I proceeded to eat the fries while watching her still rant while my wife still listened at her. Heh, this is like watching a movie…


Fuck! Actually now that I think about it, that bastard might be doing this to me as well!

It ended after a while… Layla actually took her on as a disciple and as a helper on the Library to clean the shelves and what not while I called Odin telling him to take her back, but no one answered... Even some people I knew in Asgard, they didn't answer.

I tried to track the Old Man but no luck, Azazel might have helped him escape and hide under my radar for a while. Tch, Cheeky bastards.


In a beautiful field within the area, a young man swung his spear with absolute focus, a faint gray silver color glowed from the spear itself, bisecting the air with no resistance, if one look close enough they would even see the space itself being bent along with the spear.

Julius stood firm, getting in a bit of training before heading out once more. He wanted to further his own mastery in Spear Intent before proceeding further.

Things have been hectic this era, with the Khaos Brigade created, things are bound to get hectic, many problems and enemies to face.

Layla sat nearby having a picnic with her now disciple / staff, Rossweisse who were both sipping on some homemade coffee that I brought back. Layla sipped onto her cup before giving a satisfied expression and talked to Rossweisse who were trying the biscuits that I bought from a shop nearby the forest outside the barrier.


I stopped training at spear intent for now and instead trained my control over my Concept once more. I noticed them having a picnic and asked Layla from a far to create the strongest dragon that she can made out of elements and her unique evolved clan ability.

"Thanks!" I yelled.

The dragon made by Layla stood 40 meters away from me, as I imagined the runes for my spell, my mana was already charged and ready,

"Layla! Make it attack me!" I yelled once more as the dragons started to charge up a beam in its mouth,

"𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗼 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗶𝘀"

A color blue sphere with a ring encircling filled with runes engulfed the dragon halting its movements. I narrow my eyes towards the dragon who has the trait of 'worthless', its muscles are twitching rapidly but it still can't move.

My wife is strong, even though she's a half breed devil whose clan ability evolved drastically... Though, her lifeforce was the price but I fixed that quite easily.

If Zechs', Juka' or even the pest Livan are Super Devils because of their traits, I guess she would be One Tier above them or two since Zechs', Ajuka's and Pest's specialties doesn't affect my magic much, they could stop it for a little while my Wife could actually stop it.

I met her in my seventh life or so, which I was still young back then due to not having much control and mastery over Time…

I think back about the past not minding about the dragon that my wife created…


There was a raid back then as Angels and the Devils were fighting over a piece of paper that has the inscriptions of a spell with unbelievable sealing power… which is used to seal something real bad news. Big G sent Raphael, Uriel, and some others over the area to retrieve it, One of the Original Satan's somehow got wind of this and sent my wife and many others to retrieve it.

And I just had to be born at that town being young with a low magical reserve as well as having near to none mastery of my concept.

The towns there were bombarded with magical attacks by Devils as Angels tried to save many humans while trying to fight the devils back as well.

The fight lasted for days, and eventually the Devils got overpowered by the Angels, my wife was still back at that town with her Gramps that avoided the scourge, one of the upper Angels, Uriel, detected her emanating faint mana and knew that she was a Devil when the faint mana she gave off was of the Belial's. I was there hiding off my mana, watching what would happen next, and as expected due to their races' hate for one another, they were going for the kill.

The Gramps of Layla looked towards my direction with pleading eyes,

'Save her' I could tell in his eyes he was telling me to save her, he got incinerated by the Holy Flames of Uriel afterwards.

I felt bad for him, …I was a fool and a wimp back then, but I had the urge to save her as well as listening to a dying Old mans' wish.

I came out of my spot but accidentally tripping of a rock, falling towards the ground.


Uriel stood in amusement as the thing who he sensed earlier came out from hiding. Watching the human get up from the ground, he put himself on guard as there is a possibility that the Human can inflict damage upon him.

A few minutes ago, he sensed a faint trace of something that possessed mana, he was being watched by something and it appeared.

Narrowing his eyes towards the human while emitting a dense aura, he asked,

"…Boy, why do you seek to save this abomination?"

He noticed that the Human boy he's facing is trembling at his aura, but he didn't care as this Human might have something up his sleeve.

"S-she is innocent! So why? She is someone who didn't take any lives yet!" the boy exclaimed making Uriel's Holy flame burst into life.

He shook his head at what the human he's facing said,

"Yet, so you say it will happen in the future… She is an abomination, made up of Sin and the glorious creation of our Father… Father will forbid such a thing from happening. She is destined to take lives of Humans like yourself." He replied as the holy flames he wielded were increasing in heat and in size.

Uriel shook his head thinking of the Boy's foolishness as he looked at the boy with sadness in his eyes, Uriel remembered the time where a human like him saved a devil… the Human died afterwards as the Devil plunge her arm into his chest, only pulling it afterwards with his heart and ate it like some fruit in front of the Angels.

Uriel didn't want to see that happen again to one of his Fathers wonderful creations. Their Father asked them to guide and protect the Humans, not see them killed or be treated like livestock.


Julius' body wanted to run away as far away from Uriel as it was shaking from the aura he was emitting. Every instinct was screaming to run! Run away as far away as possible without looking back as the terror might kill him.

But in his mind, he was forcing his body to prepare mana to save the girl, even knowing that he might die…

'?!' Uriel was shocked as he can feel a surge in the amount of mana from the Human

'A spell? Impossible, judging from his body, he's only fifteen years old! If he casts a spell, his body won't take it! His magical circuits will deteriorate from the inside! Is his life worth for saving such a mistake?!?!' Observing the humans' body, Uriel knew that this human was going to die if he released a spell, his mana circuits will be overloaded! Possibly affecting the organs inside of his body. Uriel shook his head as he prepared himself for a possible attack from him,


A dense gray menacing aura burst off of Julius as it condensed itself into an invisible attack rushing towards Uriel, Uriel whose guard is up, took an interest in the aura he emitted as it was not a bloodline power,


Uriel was shocked as the human actually casted a spell, he felt that he couldn't move all of the sudden,

'A spell?! Is your life that worth to waste for such filth?!' He hissed in his thoughts as He quickly increased the amount of mana he was radiating even bumping up to a hundred percent of his power, only finding out he still couldn't move.

"𝗞𝗮𝗺𝘂𝗶" Julius muttered as a vortex appeared and engulfed a crying fourteen-year-old Layla.

Julius fired off a magical blast at the ground beside Uriel who was still frozen, making a smokescreen.

'I-it worked! I saved her! S-shit, this hurts a lot!' Julius thought in pain as his body was trembling in pain, now using Kamui to move to his dimension… A vortex appeared at his position while his spell on Uriel ceased to work due to not controlling it anymore.

Holy flames were directed towards the vortex, but it was too late, as the vortex closed immediately. Uriel spread his mana around the area, only sensing that there were no large magical reserves of a human and a devil…

'…Interesting Human… Father will be interested of hearing this.' Thought Uriel as he shook his head before announcing,

"Brethren! We shall return once more into Heaven and inform Father! That we succeeded!" The other Angels let out a yell of victory as they prevailed in the task handed by their creator.


"…Huff…huff… huff, that took a lot of Time out of me" said Julius who was sweating and breathing deeply in his dimension.

Afterwards he collapsed and coughed out blood,

"Bleghh!" He throwed it up, the young Layla looking at him crying,

"W-where's G-gramps?"

Julius ignored her as he tried to stabilize his body. At this point in time, Julius had not developed his own Magic System so, the price for casting spells is Time that he took from others which at the time he didn't have much off yet due to dying many times from unexpected events or mana though he did not have much of it yet.

Julius was still coughing out blood looking at Layla before saying, "I-I didn't have enough power to save him… I'm sorry."

Layla's world stopped at that moment, Her Gramps, the one who took care of her, feed her, taught her things, is now dead.

Mana started filling the Kamui dimension as the aura around Layla burst forth as Layla screamed in despair as Julius was preparing for the worst or even his own death once again.

There were mana potions that floated towards Julius. He popped the bottle open and drinking it… just for him to know that it became worthless, only became normal water.

'?! What the hell?! Water?! This was mana potions! Fuck! Is she someone from the Belial? She didn't even know the properties of the mana potions! Shit!'

Julius coughed out blood even more as Layla whose Mana was now forming into a fog started going rampant…

'Guess I'm dead now.' Julius thought hopelessly as he closed his eyes waiting for his inevitable death once more, forgetting the fact that he hadn't sent out Layla from the Dimension.


A few seconds passed as for Julius it felt like an eternity. The fog created by the girl he saved took him towards Layla who's still crying more and more, "Gramps…"

'The hell?' Julius hearing her, opening his eyes seeing not his dead, as he saw the pitch black sky in the Kamui Dimension 'I-I'm alive!'

"W-why did you save me?" asked Layla who's only tearing up now.

"Your Gramps wanted me to save you."

Shock was evident on her face hearing Julius' words, as the ten-year-old Layla, started to cry again.

Julius moved his upper body upwards, ending up in a sitting position and thought, 'I would pat you in the head because I feel sad for you and you're still a child but- fuck!' Julius coughed out blood once more, feeling pain from every inch of his body. Layla who saw what's happening to Julius, stopped crying, and tried to help Julius.

'I only have a minute left, shit. I'm going to have to do this quickly then...' Julius thought grimly, he weakly glanced over at Layla who was panicking as she didn't know how to fully help Julius,

"I d-don't really h-have much to ...huff... say except, here."

His two fingers tapped Layla's forehead,


A burst of gray light boomed out as a simple rune appeared on her forehead, Layla was surprised at what he did, she felt much more calmer but,

"G-good… Huff… huff…" Julius who coughed out blood and thought, '20 seconds left, good enough to fully use Kamui...'

"f-find a man named… huff… Odin." Julius said as a vortex appeared to engulf Layla who panicked seeing her Saviour disappearing from her sights,

"-noo!!!!!" She cried out,

"…huff, See ya… kid." Julius said with a warm smile as Layla tried to escape from the Vortex but failed.

The Vortex shrunk out of existence leaving Julius who was panting heavily while blood dripped from his mouth,

'Guess I'm going to be dead again...' Julius thought with a smile remembering the girl he had saved.

A few seconds passed, Julius' upper body collapsed ended up on the ground once more, facing the skies. He was enduring the pain of his magical circuits and body as it felt like an inferno to him, feeling like his body will explode from the inside-out.

Looking at the sky above in the dimension, he can't help chuckle in thought,

'Seems like I'm going to die in a shitty position, haaa... I always wanted to die leaning backwards on something... guess I'll do that next time.'

Julius' body had gone limp, his vision turning black...

He died afterwards with a smile.


I snapped out of reminiscing as it proceeded to rain, Layla, and her disciple, Rossweisse, used magic to make an umbrella for themselves.

The Dragon that was in 'Chrono Stasis' was erased now though it took me a bit of will power to age it rapidly. Her evolved 'worthless' is truly strong, since it can resist my Concept… that's already an achievement when most of the Devil's clan trait were useless against me even Sirzechs' Power of Destruction as it is too slow.

I appeared besides my wife, holding her hand, sharing the umbrella.

"You're certainly in a good mood. What happened?" Layla asked me, making me smile warmly.


Her eyebrows raised then she shrugged. Rossweisse was blushing looking at us, heh.

Today is an amazing day again… I hope days like these lasts forever.

No need to comment that this shit is stolen, I know already.

Why am I doing this? I guess to learn how to write shit and satisfy my mind.

ARandomDreamcreators' thoughts