
The death of the king 3

The woman just stood there like a statue. The people who were present in the crematorium stopped their work and with brows furrowed one of them decided to go infront of the girl to ask why she was there

Miss; who are you? Why you are here? Have you lost the direction of road?

There was only silence from the other side

Miss ; may be we can help you. Just tell us the truth.

This time the woman answered keeping her head lower. Her voice was extremely hoarse and sharp

You can't help me but surely I can help you all. I will send all of you to your final destination.

The man was Instantly raged hearing this. You brat do you know who we are. How dare you to say such a thing. You will be hanged for this insolence.

The woman finally raised her head and looked at the man with her blood red eyes

The group of the people all saw that. Horror spread on their face and they were also mesmerized seeing her

Her facial shape was perfect. She had delicate features. But right now those delicate features turned into a horrifying scene.

They never saw something so horrible. She was more like a ghost. Her eyes were the most frightening thing. There was rage vengeance and blood thirst was hidden. It was enough for destroying the whole world. She was like an incarnation of death from the depth of hell

Everyone retreated and they wanted to flee from that place. But alas they could not. The woman opened a bottle of glass and something spread from the bottle in the air.

The poison mixed with the air and whoever breathed all fell on the ground clutching their heart. Slowly all of them were in the brink of the death. They didnt even know why they were killed. There face was burnt because of the poison and they turned into stone after a while. They did not even get a chance to plead.

The woman was standing there silently. Observing everything. After a while; she walked towards the coffin and sat beside it. There were hatred is her eyes. We meet again.

Dont worry i will make you alive and then kill you a thousand times. You are not getting a death so easily. We met again to not to be separated again. you will pay me everything. whatever I had to suffer you would suffer 1000 times more than that. Most of your servants (the members of national a assembly ) Died here in my hands. The rest will meet their death soon. And you the most precious and mighty king would be a puppet in my hands.

You will live mighty king to die again and again. You will get to taste death everyday a hundred times.

The woman spread her arms and looked towards the night sky and started laughing. Her eyes were just like before filled with rage and viciousness.

It will be only you and me the mighty king....