
3 months later

in the yan country, inside of a small house Ye Alix was doing some handworks. the small house was far than the main city and it was surrounded by beautiful green trees and grasses. The scenery of that place is what we call natural beauty. There was a small pond infront of the house. The house was built with stones. The house was not luxurious but peaceful. The nature sorrouding it was giving a positive and peaceful vibe. A young good looking man riding on his white horse came near the house. He lost the way of going back to the main city and was feeling thirsty. Though he had shabby clothes on he was looking like a charming prince. A perfect prince who could charm anybody and steal any woman's heart. He kept his foot on ground and started to walk towards the little house. He knocked on door. A little young girl about 18 years old opened the door. She was simply astounding and delicate. Her skin was like snow and lips are like rose petals. Her oval shaped face made her cute and at the same time seducing. The young man was mesmerised for some time and stood there dumbfounded. But he came into his sense quickly and composed his facial expression again. He asked humbly

Miss may i get a glass of water . I came here passing a long distance and i m very tired and also im lost.

the young girl saw his pitiful expression with a frosty glance and hand him a glass of water.

The young man showed his 32 teeths and took the glass from her and finished it with one gulp and thanked her heartily. The young girl didnt even cared to return his thanks with a smile. With cold eyes she took the glass and slammed the door on his face. The young man stood there embarrassed and with a 'dont know anything' expression.

However he sat on the stair and nothing can be understood from his face expression about what was in his mind. At night the door was opened again. The young girl came out of her house and was surprised to see him there. It was cold outside and the man was sleeping on the ground. His clothes were torn and dirty as if he rolled on the ground. She tried to wake him up but stopped after seeing the frown on his forehead. When she was walking him up she accidentally touch his hand. it was hot like boiling water. Then he placed her hand on his forehead and neck. The result was the same. He had high fever. She didnt wake him up as it was not her business. It doesn't matter to her even if he dies. So she returned to her house and laid down on the bed closing her eyes. But after some time she was feeling restless. The face of the man came infront of her eyes. It was like his face was saved in her memory. No matter what, no matter how she tried she just couldn't remove the image of his face from her mind. As the time passing the anxiety and restlessness was increasing. At last she could not keep herself still anymore.