
The death of the king 2

The news of the death of the emperor salazer spread like wildfire. All the countries that are ruled by this ruler were astonished. These countries individually ruled by the dukes as a subordinate of emperor Salazar. Some dukes were overjoyed whereas some were disappointed and depressed. The Overjoyed dukes thought that they can b the king of those particular kingdoms and if heaven gives the chance that there is also A rare chance to replace the late emperor Salazar. The general people were mourning because of the death. If war breaks down then the general people are the one who would be sacrificed. The royal assembly assumed that that the death of the emperor was caused by the enemy. With great powers not only comes responsibility but also bring enmity; jealousy and hatred.

The general assembly were crying in grievance and was preparing a grand coffin in which their revered emperor would sleep for the eternity in peace. The burial would be done inside of a jungle where there is a crematorium. The emperor would be buried there for eternity. The people set forth to the destination carrying the grandly decorated coffin.

But suddenly wildfire broke into the jungle and burnt everything. The members of general assembly and who accompanied the great emperor to his last journey all fled from that jungle keeping the coffin on ground in fear of their death. They were hiding inside of a cave type structure which was not very far than the jungle. They waited till the fire is extinguished. When they returned to see the coffin worrying about consequences that they would face upon returning to the palace. They shamelessly fled and left behind the coffin of the emperor. However they decided among themselves that they would not reveal such a secret to anyone to keep their life safe. The coffin was lying there and it didn't seem that it was effected anyway by the fire. It was rather strange though. All the members were relieved to see the coffin intact. They thanked the god and proceeded with their task.

In the middle of the jungle they found the crematorium and was preparing for the burial task.

In that instant ; a black shadow appeared in the place. its eyes were blood red. The skin of the woman was just like a white lotus. She would be a extraordinary beauty if her eyes were of different colour. She wore a black coloured dress which covered her body wholly. Her face was hidden inside of the veil. Only her blood red eyes were visible. She had long hair which were swaying whenever she moved. The hairs were fluttering as if they had life in them. She stood there silently eyeing the coffin. Her eyes were vicious and

vengeful. She only wanted her vengeance.

She silently walked and stood in front of the people with her head lower. The people were astonished and as well as curious as to why a woman would be in the middle of the jungle at the dead of the night.