
The death of the king

It was the beginning of summer.The birds were chirping outside the window and inside of the room there was a man dressed in luxurious and expensive robe was lying on the bed with closed eyes.The room was luxuriously decorated with many precious and rare pieces. The bed was a double king sized round bed with silver coloured draperies. It was the most spacious and big room of the knight palace. The knight palace was the biggest palace of that whole continent. And the man who is currently lying peacefully on the bed was known as Salazar. His eyes were tightly shut and his heart stopped working long time ago. The arrogant; aloof; intelligent man was simply lying there coldly wrapped in warm blankets.The blanket was soaking wet not because of water but blood. There was a knife which penetrated through his heart. When the maids came knocking on his door no one answered and after a long time some guards came and broke the door made of iron and found the man dead. His body was cold like ice and the blood was dried. The man"s face looked horrifying because the paleness of the face. He was the mighty emperor of the whole continent. There were many mighty countries which were in his grasps. He was surrounded by luxury all his life but alas today he was just a dead man who was brutally killed. The whole region was in uproar when the news of the death of their emperor was leaked.

Nobody anticipated this situation. But the most problematic situation was that who would be the future ruler of the continent now.

Without a mighty and capable ruler the countries would break into war which would cause the whole continent to b extinct. All the countries were mighty and if they were to break into war it would be disastrous and countless of man and woman would die. The emperor was not only enough powerful or mighty but he was the most handsome man all over the continent. He had very sharp brain and had an overbearing and dominating aura that can pressurise any man and was enough to put them in difficulty. His extremely cold and sharp aura enabled him to take control of this land. He practically dominated all these countries bare handedly and there was not even a simple revolt against him. Everybody respected him; feared him; worshipped him and unknowingly submitted themselves under his leadership. He was upright; honest and simply irreplaceable. But he was also a ruthless vicious and had a terrifying aura surrounding him. But who was the one born with a brave heart that could kill a person like Salazar that too in his bedroom....