
The King of Fate

Ryouto is reincarnated in a mysterious world as the Son of The Demon King, Ryouto Has no memories of his past, but he has a Fate system (Gacha) Follow Ryo and his servants in a Journey to Conquer and Rule the World ---------------------- Fate Grail war, Kingdom Building, and Great Waifus + GACHA HELL ---------------------- Everything is Original Except the Fate Servant's And Ability's Even the World is an original world Hope you Like It XD ----------------------- if you have never heard or watched the Fate series than don't worry I explain pretty much everything, and don't forget the World is Original so no one knows what happens Next... Except me Fuhahahahaha ------------------------ Support me on Patroon patreon.com/Riadooo

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime & Comics
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The King 2

-2 Years Later


Yeah the Last Two Years were a real fucking pain

I am almost convinced that uncle Mars is My Long lost Enemy that wants to torture me for fun

Mars [More! I want to see you Run More you Still Haven't Finished yet don't stop RUN RUN RUN,]

Ryo [Hah hah hah, Yes Sir I Won't Stop Hah Hah Hah]

Mars [That's Good the Future God-King Can't Be Weak]

Ryo [I am No God Mars am A King]

Mars [Of Course you are a King Lord Ryo But you're also the Reincarnation the God of War Ryo Arkhan]

Ryo [No disrespect to your God Mars but I'd rather be me than a 2000 year old Warlord that calls himself a God]

Mars [My lord I can't fault you for not worshiping the gods that I do but please make sure the people don't hear you say that, The War God Arkhan has been a god worshiped since the age of the first demon ]

I don't really care about that I don't want to be treated like a fucking war god is what I wanted to say but not yet am still a child in the Eyes of Father and Mars but soon I Will prove to them that am different than the average Demon

Mars [Let's go Ryo-Sama am not letting you slack of]


King Arkhan's Pov:


Arkhan [So you're telling me that he hates "The WarGod Arkhan"]

Mars [I'm not sure my king he seemed not to like his nickname as the reincarnation of the war god and instead of hate to the war god it was more like hate towards the Title Itself]

Arkhan [I'll make sure Neia teaches him the need to respect the god's, even if I don't like them myself they are still loved by the public and he needs to learn how to fake it]

Qiness [The Preparations are done Arkhan-Sama The High Priest from the 10-God Church will arrive tomorrow to ascertain Ryouto-Sama's Claim to the Throne and Affirm his Affinity with magic]

Arkhan [Good, Make sure to tell Sylphy to and prepare him well Qiness, Am Counting on you

Qiness is Reliable so am sure all will be fine I just hope he actually makes it,

Even though his young he proved to me already that he is very different the fact that he has been training with Mars for the Last Two Years without any issues baffles me

Mars may look like you're average Soldier but his in the top 5 Warriors in the Country and if Ryo is capable of keeping up with him in the Age of 6 Then he might as well be the Strongest 6-year old in the World Right now

Although the Test Originally was supposed to Teach Ryo a lesson about arrogance I am A Hundred percent Sure that he probably will succeed in the Test which makes me worry about his Future his young yet never spends any time for him self

The only thing he does all day is Study and Train

Arkhan [Qiness is The other thing ready? ]

Qiness [Yes, She is Called Lita and She is A human ]

Arkhan [Good]


Ryo's Pov


I was going back to my bedroom to get some sleep but to my surprise Neia is at the Door waiting for me

Ryo [Neia ?, What are you Doing here ?]

Neia [Hi Ryo, Mother sent me to tell you to get a good night Sleep tomorrow is the big day you've been waiting for!]

Ryo [That's True but I feel bad for Aeron it's like I am Stealing his spotlight, and you, even though am younger am taking the test Earlier than you]

Neia [Oh stop being silly Ryo Aeron is Very thrilled for the Test Tomorrow not only will he do it with you he will also be Doing in the Presence of The High Priest which is Usually only does the test for King's, As for me it's Two Years early and am very heart broken so how about you heal me shishishi]

Ryo [what no!!!, Leave me alone aghhh]

And that's how is spent an Hour Being Hugged to Death by my Doting Older Sister


I toke some sleep getting ready for tomorrow but I was surprised about something I didn't except to happen this early

{Fate System Unlocked


Because of Unexpected actions of the user the system has been unlocked by 25%}


{Functions Unlocked: Stats-Quests]

Well that's a bit disappointing but it doesn't matter

{Ata for Proper Launch 5y7m10h22m}

Oh yeah it seems that I will Unlock it Early 3 years Early

But most importantly what is My Stats


Name: Ryouto Arkhan

AKA: War God Arkhan's Reincarnation

Age: 6 (Body) 19 (mentally)

Race: Demon 50% Elf 25% Human 25%

Gender: Male

Attribute: Star

Alignments: Chaotic –Unknown

Traits: Divine,Humanoid, King, Male,Mage

Active Skills:

-Charisma A+: The User has A Natural talent with leading a kingdom capable of controlling his army with utmost skill and loved by the people for his great deeds

(If you're wondering why is this skill so high it's because the people of his kingdom already adore him since he is considered a Reincarnation of their number one God)

-Fair-Youth A: The user's Childish and Adorable Looks Can Charm Most People

(Basically very adorable)

-Sovereign of Magic EX: The User's Affinity with magic is unparalleled

-Divine Protection of God E: a Divine Protection granted to the user by a god of some sort

-Imperial Privilege EX: Skills that are essentially impossible to possess can be obtained for a short period of time

Passive Skills:

-Magic Resistance D: Resistance to all types of Magic that is ranked by the System under "D" Rank

-Magic Nullification E-: Nullification to all types of magic that is ranked by the system under "E-"Rank

-Divinity E: Divinity Granted because of the user's relation to The "WarGod Arkhan"

-Riding E: The user Can Effectively Ride Horses

-Mixed Blood EX: The user can regenerate magical Energy 3X faster than normal

-Divine Protection by the Chief God "Arkhan" EX


Strength: D

Agility: C+

Luck: C (EX)

Endurance: E+

Mana: B

Noble Phantasm: None


This is? ….

This is fucking weird

Great but what the hell

How did I get this Strong?

Well I guess strong is a stretch but if I train my skills harder I can really be a monster,

First thing I Noticed was my age wish was 19 mentally which could indicate that I might have died at the age of 19 or maybe 13? I don't really know

The Second thing I noticed is my Race which I originally thought it was 75% Demon and 25% Elf

But it would seem that my father is also of Mixed Blood

And not any blood but Human Blood which is the Race the Demon's hate the most, it seems that it's in my best interest to keep my race a secret

The third thing I noticed was my Attribute and Alignments the "Star" thing is weird to me so let's just keep it at that however the word "Chaotic" scares me a bit, hopefully it isn't a big deal

Now what really surprised me were my traits, "Humanoid" and "Male" are self explanatory however the terms "King" and "Divine" are weird, according to my race I am not god and as for king I have yet to become one

Yet in the eyes of the system I'm already one?

And of course the Mage skill is the weirdest of them all, the only thing I can do with magic is create small orbs of mana that can't even harm a child

Of course both the "Divine" and "Mage" are explained with my skills which are the Best Part

It would seem I have Charisma Skill which makes me think 'What can do I do with it?' maybe it's very effective in wars?

Well it doesn't matter, The "Fair Youth" Think is bit weird to me so I won't discuss it

Now the "Sovereign of Magic" Is probably my best Skill as of yet, not only does it remove my worries about The Affinity Test Tomorrow but it Also Shows me that I Have full affinity with all types of magic and with a Rank like "EX" I feel like Magic should be my main thing from now on

As for the "Divine Protection of God", I don't really know how to feel about it, I never liked the gods because my name was just homage to one but I guess they aren't that bad, whoever is giving me this Divine Protection must really be a Nice God


Divine Protection of God E --------> Divine Protection of God D+ }


Whoever is giving me this Divine Protection IS THE BEST GOD EVER


Maybe it doesn't work this way?


Now my last skill is really good but can we change the name please, "Imperial Privilege" makes me seem like some privileged Brat that never work's hard for the stuff he has,

I mean I did train myself since I was 4 ?



Now to my passives

My Riding is well self explanatory

The "Magic Resistance" and "Magic Nullification" thing is to be expected I am Demon and Demons are known for their resistance to magic the only issue is my age sooner or later this passive skills will get stronger however what worries me is my "Divinity" even though it's rank is low it is still a Divinity, in the history books of Arkhan The Wargod was a simple man that rose from a villager to a King and Created the Arkhan Empire, Impressive but Not Divine, this is why I always never liked being Called his Reincarnation he was just an ordinary Demon yet somehow even the system considers him divine not only that but he is Ranked a Chief God, which brings me to my last passive "Divine Protection by the Chief God Arkhan"

What is this skill and what is the difference between it and my active Skill "Divine Protection of God"

Are they Even the same god?

I guess more question's that will hopefully be answered when am 10

As for my Stats well according to the system's Help option "E" Rank is Equal to the Power of 10 People and it doubles all the way up as for the "+" it means it's a temporary Boost for the Stat meaning if I use it my agility which is C could Double for a Short Period of time

And for the stats themselves they aren't really that bad for a Six year old I guess however I don't know what a "Noble Phantasm" means and the system says nothing about them

It's too late to think about it any way I should get some sleep tomorrow is a big day for me


As i said before

I only upload when i want it's a hobby and i hope you liked the chapter I'll try to get the Third chapter sooner

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