
The King of Fate

Ryouto is reincarnated in a mysterious world as the Son of The Demon King, Ryouto Has no memories of his past, but he has a Fate system (Gacha) Follow Ryo and his servants in a Journey to Conquer and Rule the World ---------------------- Fate Grail war, Kingdom Building, and Great Waifus + GACHA HELL ---------------------- Everything is Original Except the Fate Servant's And Ability's Even the World is an original world Hope you Like It XD ----------------------- if you have never heard or watched the Fate series than don't worry I explain pretty much everything, and don't forget the World is Original so no one knows what happens Next... Except me Fuhahahahaha ------------------------ Support me on Patroon patreon.com/Riadooo

Gilgamesh9669 · Anime & Comics
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98 Chs

The Affinity Test

I woke up to a warm gentle felling; opening my eyes I was greeted by the face of an angel that was hugging me

Ryo [Good morning, Mother]

Sylphy [Good morning Sweetheart, did you sleep well ?]

Ryo [Yeah it was real nice, but that doesn't matter, today is my big day HIHIHI, am going to surprise father]

Sylphy [*sigh* you probably will … well that doesn't matter Qiness is going to be changing you're attire since the test is going to be held in front of all nobles, Now I know that you don't like official king stuff but please do it for me ok, I want to show off my future king to the world]

Huh I guess I got to look good if I'm to be a king, what I usually wear is training attire all day and then sleeping attire, man I have been neglecting myself a lot am to be a king after all

Ryo [of course, mother I shall wear appropriate clothe I won't disappoint you Tihih]

Sylphy [That's good sweety now come on go take a bath]

Since I don't remember anything from my past it seems I may have not had parents, whenever I receive any form of parental love from both mother and father it feels Warm?

It's something that is new to me so I always make sure to act a bit childish in front of them

When I came out of the shower I was met by my biggest nightmare "Qiness"

Ryo [umm Mother Qiness I only have a towel on me, can you leave the clothes their]

Qiness [To bad for you these are official attires so you will wear them in an official way since today you'll become a full fledged Prince you will have a personal servant to help you all time, besides you have nothing I haven't seen before I mean I did change your diapers regularly Fufufu]

My Ears become so red "I know that damn it I was fully aware while you were doing it, do you even understand how it felt"

Ryo [please don't say that mother Qiness it's embarrassing also what is the official way to wear these]

Qiness [oh you just have to stand there and me and Lita will put them on you, oh this is Lita By the way she will be you're new servant]

Lita [Good Morning Prince Ryouto, I am very happy to be chosen as you're servant although I am human please know that I Respect you as the next King and God of war very much]



Ryo [What ? you're kidding right, Am not getting naked in front of both of you, as matter a fact I won't get naked in fornt of any one]

Qiness [oh? you won't well that's fine you're 6 years old anyway, it's too early for you to take the test]

Ryo [You won't?]

Qiness [oh I will? fufufuf]


Here I am standing and my step mother is dressing me, not awkward at all huh


After Qiness and Lita where done with dressing me Qiness got close to my ears and whispered

Qiness [It's pretty big for a 6-year old, your future wives will be very Pleased fufuf]

My ears immediately turned full red

I can't even give a reply

This vixen is messing with me damn it

I take a look at Lita and it she was blushing very hard, it seems like she heard Qiness huh

She was a blonde human in a maid outfit she was really beautiful and was exactly my age according to Qiness, her eyes are the best part though, they are sky blue eyes that are Really Beautiful I was really mesmerized by them

Now that I think about it I did not introduce myself to her huh

Ryo [Sorry about not paying attention to you at first Lita I hope we become good friend in the future, I will always treat you right I have nothing against humans, also you look really Beautiful]

Lita immediately blushed and said

Lita [No need to be sorry Prince Ryouto, am humbled that you even acknowledged me]

Ryo [No this isn't how I am Lita, Please I don't like it when people humble themselves to me And please Call me Ryo, and do know that I except us to have a friendly Relationship instead of a master and servant one ]

Lita [Uhmm, of course Ryo-sama]

Huh I guess it's too hard to drop the Sama now


When we reached the hallway before the Castle's throne room Qiness left me and Lita alone

I was supposed to enter with her alone

Random Soldier [Prince Ryouto, please you have been called to enter]

Ryo [Thank you]


When I walked into the throne room the atmosphere was so serious, but somehow I liked it

It felt like finally I will be taken seriously

When I noticed father in the Throne all I felt was Fear

He was truly majestic in it and the powerful aura he emitted was so magnificent yet so Scary

It was truly what I want to be

A King

After I got close enough I kneeled for the first time to the King of The Demon Kingdom Arkhan

Arkhan the 27th

Arkhan [Ryouto Arkhan the 28th, you have been summoned here to take you're affinity test and ascertain you're claims for the throne, you are still young so you can still back down now]

The moment he said that the pressure that was on the room all fell on me

However three of my skills activated together without me even doing anything

{User under mental Pressure… Activating Skills

Charisma A+ (User Emitting Charisma)

Imperial Privilege EX (copying the pressure from the king)

Divine Protection of God D+ (protection against the pressure)}

I got up and looked at father in his eyes and Said

Ryo [I walked in here as the The son of Arkhan's King I will leave it as it's Prince, this time not in name but in Power too]


Arkhan The 27th's Pov


I have been in so many wars in my life that I might as well be a warlord my self

I have seen so many warriors and so many king's I have seen people that can kill me in a mere second's

Yet I have never felt fear the moment my own son looked at me


Fear is the wrong word

It was admiration

Something I am not used to giving

The Aura he emitted wasn't power

It was Pride

The Pride of a King

Arkhan [Ryouto Arkhan, you are permitted to take the affinity's test, Make me Proud Son]


It was the first time he called me "son" in front of a formal audience

It was like I was hit by a wave of Positive emotions

Ryo [Yes Father, I will make you Proud]

Lita's Pov

I was a War Prisoner to the Demon Kingdom of Arkhan, although Slavery is forbidden in here by orders of the King being a war prisoner is almost the same the only Difference is that Our Owners don't Chose us, we are giving to them,I am not sure if am lucky or not but i was ordered to serve the Future King of this Kingdom a, child the same age as myself I was really afraid, although my mother taught me everything about how to serve a high level personnel she never taught me the Antiques of Royalty, even though the one I will be serving is my age, I was still very wary, everyone in the Kingdom constantly speaks about him, They call him the Reincarnation of A War God, something that puts fear in all people like me who are mere servants

When I was first dropped in the Royal Castle I was introduced the one of his mother's,

Lady-Qiness, she was a very nice Lady who taught me everything about what is excepted of me and the etiquettes of Royalty, yet even though I was fully ready nothing could have prepared me to the fact that my first task would be dressing the Future King

When we first met him he was wearing nothing but a towel around himself, and to my surprise he was very beautiful yet Scary, he had a muscular Dark Skinned body even though he was Six years old, His hair was Blond and what scared me the most were his Eyes, They were Crimson Red Eyes and in the middle as soon as he saw me his pupils turned into a Black slit that eyed me, I felt shivers run through my body, and again to my surprise he was a very simple boy my age, I think Lady Qiness was teasing him to show me that I have nothing to be afraid of, which honestly worked my new master was a genuine nice person

At least that's what I thought

When I went with my Master to the Throne room that's when I first got to know him

When we entered there was a weird feeling in my heart it felt like I was being seen through but it was only a pressure released by the king who although scary looked like a nice person but then the whole room went Dark when my Master Ryo released some dark energy that covered the whole room silencing everyone after he loudly Challenged the King, his Father,

To other it might have looked like a rebellion but to me it looked like a father and son moment, something I never experienced myself


Ryo's Pov


After the weird incident between Father and me we were lead to the Kingdom's Treasury room

Demons are known for their physical power not their magical might and since most Demons aren't magician's or with affinity to magic our Kingdom managed to collect a lot of Grimoires with no one to use them

When we reached the Treasury door we found a young man, probably In his 25th year wearing a white pries robe, and to be honest it didn't look good on him, I don't know why would demons even have priest but hey a new world with new rules

The Priest [Welcome my King, and of Course Prince Aeron and Prince Ryouto-sama]

The King [Good to see you, Agmond, how are the Kids]

Priest Agmond [They are in great health my King, Now as you all know when Grimoire are put together their magical energy is fused and the pressure released from it determines if you are ready to take the affinity test, when this door is opened you will feel like you're about to die but it's mere magical pressure so don't be afraid and face it head on, after you endure the pressure a Grimoire will chose you and come to you, that is if you have affinity to it, Let's Start with you Prince Aeron, My Prince you should stay here for the moment]

Ryo [Sure]

Father and the Priest unlocked the door and behind it was another door, they closed the first one and we waited for few minutes

Before they came out


Inside the Door

The king's Pov


When we closed the door I noticed that my son was bit afraid but I know he can handle it,

Aeron is a genius warrior and I hope he has magical affinity it will help him a lot in his life

When we opened the second Door the pressure came out and as usual it was very powerful, I looked at Aeron and I noticed that he was not handling it well so I screamed at him

The King [Endure it Aeron, this is you're moment son]

He looked at me and managed to smile to me

I was very proud of him

He really is a warrior

After few seconds the Pressure stopped and a Red Grimoire flied from one of the hundreds of shelves inside and went to Aeron's hand

Priest Agmond [Congratulations Prince Aeron You have been chosen by a 5th Level Fire Grimoire, It means that not only are you a great warrior, now you can learn magic and not any type of magic, you see Prince Aeron Levels 1-3 are basic magicians levels and levels 4-7 are levels of warrior infusion magic and Levels 8-9 are Great magician levels, so you're Grimoire is very good especially for a warrior]

Prince Aeron [What about level 10 Priest Agmond ?]

Priest Agmond [No need to worry about that Prince Aeron Levels 10-15 are God Magic and are impossible for mortals, Now Prince Aeron you need to study the Grimoire and you have to learn all you can from it, Since it Chose you it won't open for anyone else other than you and you can't open someone else's Grimoire too, but be careful although Grimoire's are useless to others they can still be Stolen from you]

Prince Aeron [Of course I will protect it with my life, it is the Weapon that I will use to protect brother after all]

The King [I am Very Proud of you son congratulations and good luck with unlocking its secrets, now go and Call your Brother]

Prince Aeron [Thank you Father, I shall do so immediately]

This is the Third Chapter

I have 2 More Ready but ill realese thouse on New Year's EVE

so Have Fun

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