

JAYA_31 · Teen
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6 Chs


Mr.Mehta got puzzled while taking a seat on the nearby chair and stared at Aria for a minute.

"Mr.Mehta can you tell me why is your daughter doubting it to be a murder? Hello?? Mr.Mehta are you here?", the officer asked.

As Mr.Mehta was lost in deep thoughts so he babbled, "Sor....sorry!!, what were you saying??"

The officer sighed and repeated his question, "Why Aria is claiming it to be a murder??"

"I... I don't... know why she is saying so?", Mr.Mehta said in a sad and shivering tone.

The officer turned towards Aria and asked her politely, "Child what's wrong with you, why r you doubting it? did something happened?"

Aria agitated and went silent for a minute while bending her head towards the ground and started crying.

The officer got melt while looking at Aria's condition and said "Oh child!! come here!". He took her into his warmth arms and patted at her back by relieving her.

Soon after the officer made Aria seated beside him and confessed, "Aria, I know things are going rough and it's hard for you to handle but you have to overcome these situations and buildup yourself towards the positive way."

Aria looked at officer for a sec and uttered, " I... I know.... I know what happened the night when mumma died."

Mr.Mehta and the officer got stuck at their position's and went dead silent for a minuscule.

"I know it!!" Aria repeated while crying loudly.

The officer and Mr.Mehta exchanged a strange look with a dreadful of eyes and got startled.

Later the officer adjusted his tone and asked, "What happened that night Aria?? what did you saw that night??"

Aria stared at her father for long with tearful of eyes and said, "Someone killed her!!"

"Who...who killed her?" the officer questioned.

Aria started sobbing lightly in pain and din't said a word.

Sooner later the officer sighed heavily and said, "Aria if you don't say then how will I be able to find the truth behind your mother's death??"

Aria wiped her tears and pointed her finger towards her father and said, "Pappa killed!!"...