

JAYA_31 · Teen
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6 Chs


After 5 min's bell ranged and Aria went into her classroom.

She placed herself near her desk while a voice from behind appeared.

"Aria, why are you late again?, did you went to the graveyard?" Mira asked.

"Yes...!!" Aria replied in low tone. "Oh!! don't worry Aria everything will be alright!!" Mira said and left the place.

5 days back Aria's mother died...

Nobody know's the exact reason behind it but everyone was claiming it to be a murder and not a suicide.

Aria is a 14 years old girl, these things were haunting her senses as a nightmare since her mother died.

School was dispersed; while everyone came out of their classes and headed towards there respective homes.

Aria started walking slowly in the hall way.

"Aria... Aria!!", Aditya called. Aria stopped for a sec and turned around. "Hey, how was your day", Aditya approached. Aria smiled a bit and looked front. "Hey, am sorry, I heard about your mother!!" Aditya grieved.

Aria dint said anything and changed the topic.

"How was your day, Aditya" Aria asked.

"Ah! it was bad, I got my test paper marked with C grade" Aditya sighed.

"Not bad, cause your previous test paper was horrible" both giggled.

Later they waved at each other and went into two different routes.

Aria started walking down the street slowly, thinking about the things happening around her which were creating mysterious thoughts in her mind.

Whereas she reached home and shouted in positive tone, "Pappa am home".

"Hey, my little princess, I baked some pan cakes for you, would you like to taste it?

Aria ran towards the dining, placing herself comfortably infront of the plate by showing a keenness of hunger she had.

Mr.Mehta served the pie in her plate and asked her to taste it. Aria took a bite by chewing it with her watery mouth and said, "Mmm.... yum... yum..", and laughed.

Suddenly a knock on the door appeared. Mr.Mehta hurriedly headed towards the door without any delay.

A man with police outfit was standing in front of the door with a serious look over his face and said, "Mr.Mehta we want to interrogate about your wife's death case."

Mr.Mehta sighed sadly and said, "Wh...what kind of interrogation??".

"Mr.Mehta we doubt that your wife's death is a murder and not a suicide!!". Mr.Mehta staggered and said, "What?? no it's not true!!".

The policeman sighed and said, "Can we just talk!!"

"Yes!! please come in sir", Mr.Mehta said.. Right after the policeman took a seat, Mr.Mehta made a gesture and asked Aria to get into her room.

The policeman noticed and said. "No worries, your daughter is the one who asked me to come home and interrogate."

Mr.Mehta got shocked and looked at Aria with a surprising look.