

JAYA_31 · Teen
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6 Chs


"What?? what are you saying Aria??" Mr.Mehta shouted in agony. While the officer scowled at Mr.Mehta with a strange look and questioned Aria, "What? How do you know that?"

Aria lifted her head, stared at the officer and din't said a word.

"Aria, answer me!", the officer commanded.

"Cause....cause I saw it", Aria grieved in terror.

"Wha...what the hell? are u mad Aria?" Mr.Mehta yelled.

The officer went awestruck at the visual and asked, "Mr.Mehta u need to visit the station for investigation."

"What?... What no...now you are believing a little girl's words who don't even know what a murder is!?" Mr.Mehta said in high pitch.

The officer sighed and said, "Mr.Mehta please understand the situation and cooperate, if the girl is confessing so firmly then she must have seen something."

The officer pulled out the hand cuffs from his patch and made them wear to Mr.Mehta.

While Mr.Mehta pleaded not to be a suspect but the officer dragged him to the van and droved him to the station escorting Aria.

The officer seated facing Mr.Mehta in the interrogation room while Aria was peering at the visual through the big glass window from the control room.

"So, what happened that night??", the officer questioned Mr.Mehta along with some of his officials.

" I... I don't know!! why will I kill my own wife??", Mr.Mehta responded. "If you don't know anything about what happened that night then why your daughter is claiming it so?" the officer shouted by beating his fist on the table.

Mr.Mehta got stuck at his position and busted in tears. "Look Mr.Mehta, if you wanna be their for your daughter in future for her career then u should divulge the particulars which occurred during the night", the officer stated while scowling at Mr.Mehta.

Mr.Mehta took a minute, wiped his tears and said, "I... I wa...wanna tell something". The officer stared into Mr.Mehta's eyes with a curiosity and asked, "What?? what do you wanna say?"

Mr. Mehta sniveled and said, " I... I.. saw the person who killed my wife."

"What?? but Aria is claiming it was u, who killed your wife!!" the officer asked in confused tone. "No... no she's lying!!" Mr.Mehta said in strong tone. "Oh! so who killed then??", the officer queried.

The next sentence which Mr.Mehta revealed just thrilled a shiver all over the spine.

"Ar... Aria killed her mother".....