

JAYA_31 · Teen
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6 Chs


After hearing the sentence, the officer evacuated from his seat, walked towards Mr.Mehta, grabbed his collar, lifted him roughly from his seat and warned him,"So now you are blaming a small girl who don't even know about what a murder is uh!?? better tell the truth or shut your mouth."

The officer threwed Mr.Mehta on his seat and left the interrogation room with his officials.

Later the officer ambled towards Aria in control room and said, "Don't worry child everything's gonna be alright" and hugged her tightly under his arms.

Sooner later the officer took Aria and droved her to her grandma's home, as Aria suggested the officer when she was being asked by him to where to drop her as a safe place.

They both walked into Aria's grandma's house, where Mrs.Rekha (the old lady) was surprised watching Aria with a police officer.

"A... Aria...!? the old lady mentioned. "Grandma" Aria said with tearfull of eyes and ran towards her.

"What... what happened Aria?? Why r u crying and Why an officer is accompanied with you at night??", the old lady asked with a eerie feeling.

Where the officer responded and managed to answer Mrs.Rekha by telling her about the whole situation occurred in last 6 hours which was hard to accept.

"Oh... God!!" the old sighed heavily while a drop of tear rolled down her eyes.

"Mam, don't worry, we are trying our best to handle the case and willing to conclude it in a direction," The officer explained the old lady.

"Aria I know things are not running positive but don't forget, life is about up's and down's, soon their are good days ahead", the officer made a convincing statement and waved a bye.

"Aria??...Aria!! wake up child, get ready for school", the old lady said. Aria squeezed her eyes, yawned a bit and hugged her Grandma.

Aria got up from her bed, got dressed and placed herself in front of the plate in the dining room.

"Grandma..... breakfast!" Aria shouted in positive tone.

Grandma got surprised watching Aria with so much cheerful energy as if Aria was pretending like nothing happened in past 24 hours.

Anyway the old lady served the food in the plate of Aria and sended off her to school.

"May I come in sir" Aria asked. Mr.kumar was shocked as Aria was on time.

"Yes... Yes please come in Aria", Mr.kumar permitted, while the whole class was surprised to see Aria on time as she always arrived late in her class.

Anyway the classes went normal and school got dispersed. As Aria was coming out of her class she noticed Aditya standing in front of the corridor starring at her.

"Hey... Aria" Aditya waved. "Aditya... what are u doing here?", Aria questioned. "I... I was just willing to talk to you!! Aditya mentioned. "Why??" Aria queried. "Cause yesterday you dint came to school right!?? So... I was worried about u!!". Aria smiled and headed towards the hallway. "Hey is... is everything all right??" Aditya asked. "Haa... why did u asked like that??" Aria questioned. "Actually u look different today" Aditya mentioned. Aria laughed a bit, watching her smiling Aditya too laughed.

They started walking down the street while communicating with each other till they reached at a point where they get separated by making a different paths for their homes.

While Aditya initiated before waving a bye "Aria I...I wanna tell u something". Aria glared at Aditya and mumbled... "Te... tell... "...

"Aria what were you doing at the locker room of school yesterday night"???