

JAYA_31 · Teen
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6 Chs


"OH GOD!! I am late"!!,

Aria whispered while running towards the corridor.

It was one of the regular day at her high school where she carried a lot of expectations to experience new things.

"May.....I.... come.... in sir" she asked, panting heavily.

"Ah! again you are late Aria", Mr. Kumar sighed and looked at her with his tiring eyes.

"Sor.. sorr... sorry sir", she said in a shivering tone.

Mr. Kumar walked towards her and asked in a strong tone "What's wrong with you Aria, why r you late everyday, don't you know that you are missing your first period everyday"??

Looking down to the floor, Aria squeezed her eyes and replied, "Sir, I missed my bus".

"Don't give me excuses, this is the last time am forgiving you, go and take your seat", Mr. Kumar shouted.

Aria walked towards her desk with tearfull of eyes and seated on the chair.

"All of you open page no.24 in your respected textbooks", Mr. Kumar said while turning his sight towards Aria, and yelled, "what happen Aria, where is your english textbook"?

Aria looked at Mr.kumar with innocent eyes and said, "Sir... am not able to find it, maybe I have lost it.

Mr.Kumar sighed and said, "Get out of the class Aria and stand near the corridor".

Without uttering a word Aria left the class and walked towards the corridor.

She started sobbing lightly while peeking out of the window where her tears got roll down from her eyes.

"Aria"!?, suddenly a voice from behind appeared.

Aria turned around and stood firm at her stand while looking into the eyes of Aditya, where her cheeks got red in shy.

She was so lost in his eyes that she was not responding to the question which Aditya asked.

Aditya waved his hand and said, "Aria... Aria, are you here?, take your textbook (English), it fell from your unzipped bag while you were climbing the stairs".

Without uttering a word Aria took the book where her fingers got brushed softly with Aditya's, with a gentle touch.

After handovering the book, Aditya went into his class which was beside of Aria's classroom.

After wiping her tears, Aria walked further and peeked into Aditya's classroom in order to look at him in a hideous way.

Her eyes stopped rolling left to right after pointing Aditya at his desk.

She stared at him continuously as if she was unable to take her eyes off him.

Suddenly, Aditya noticed Aria peeking into his class, and gave her a friendly smile.

Aria's pupils went wide open while a big broad smile arised on her face.

She made a gesture of uttering a word with her lips "Thank you" by pointing her finger on the book and got back to her earlier position.

Peeking out of the window, Aria smiled within herself and looked towards the sky with a positive vision.