
The Journey of an Eternal

Orion was one of the Eternals to be sent on Earth to help protect the humans from their enemies. The Deviants. He was the strongest of the 10 and tend to not follow orders. He does what is necessary and that why he and one of his team always get in each other's throats. After separating from his team, he journeyed across the world discovering and learning about humans and their culture. Until present time where he meets a group of remarkable people.

DoomSlayer21 · Movies
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1: Awakening

The Eternals are immortal beings created by the Prime Celestial named Arishem. He created the Eternals to fight back the creatures he created that went wrong. The Apex Predators called the Deviants.

Now inside a flying aircraft called the Domo, we see the 10 Eternals tasked on a mission sitting around the statue of Arishem as a golden orb went inside Ajak the Prime Eternal who leads the mission.

"It is time." That's what Orion heard until he opened his eyes to meet 9 other people sitting around a red statue.

They stood up from their sitting position and walked up to the wall as golden linings surround their bodies. Suits of different color was now around their bodies but Orion's suit was different. His suit is black and gold as he also wore a helmet. Just like his bretheren, he also posses unique abilities.

Since he is fueled with cosmic energy like the others, he had the ability to fly, strength higher than the others and can shoot cosmic beams from his fists or concentrate all that cosmic energy on his body to release an even powerful beam. Over all, he is by far the strongest in the team.

After suiting up, he saw the others separate and formed groups to talk to. Orion walked over to Ajak who was watching out the window of the Domo and saw the planet Earth closing in.

"Wonderful isn't it?" asked the Prime Eternal Ajak.

"Yes. This planet is full of life. No wonder many Deviants are found on this planet."

"And we are going to stop them from killing anymore life. We will protect them and help them evolve." Ajak nodded as she put a hand on Orion's shoulder. "Get ready. We are almost there."

Orion nodded as Ajak walked away to talk with the others. Orion stood there with his arms crossed as he watch from the window of the Domo that they are entering Earth's atmosphere. He then suddenly had a small flashback from his head as he stumble a little.

"You okay man?" A voice asked from behind Orion.

He turned around to see two figures. It was Kingo and Gilgamesh who approached Orion and asked if he was okay.

"I am fine. Thank you for asking. I'm Orion."

"I'm Kingo and the big guy beside me is Gilgamesh." Kingo introduced himself and then pointed at Gilgamesh.

"Hi." Gilgamesh answered.

"Nice to meet the both of you." Replied Orion who instantly got close to the two Eternals.

"So it was true." Gilgamesh commented.

"What is?" asked Orion.

"That one of the strongest warriors in Olympia is here to aid us in battle. We heard a lot about you." Kingo added.

"Ah that. They are just exaggerating." Laughed Orion.

Ajak then went in the middle of the room as all turned towards her. "Everyone, get ready. We are arriving shortly. Phastos here will brief you on your first mission."

Phastos stepped forward as a holographic Earth appeared in the middle with multiple red dots. "Well as you can see here, the red dots on the hologram represents the Deviants in the area. The mission is to kill the Deviants and protect the human settlement."

"Ikaris, Makkari, Kingo, Thena, Gilgamesh and Orion. Get ready. Me and the others will stay put until you kill all the Deviants in the area." Ajak said making everyone nod and got ready. "Arishem, please guide us."

Back on Earth, a boy is seen gutting a fish on top of a rock as he heard some of the men shouting and pointing at the ocean. The boy turned and saw something coming towards his father who was standing on a rock fishing.

"Dad!" The boy shouted in an ancient language.

"Run my son." The father whispered before he was eaten by a Deviant.

The Deviant went up the shore and approached the defenseless boy who started to crawl back in fright. The Deviant opened it's mouth ready to bite him but a laser beam hit the Deviant pushing it back. The boy turned around and saw 6 figures on top of a cliff with one of them floating in the air.

Ikaris' eyes started to glow golden as a beam of cosmic energy shoot out hitting the Deviant again. Ikaris charges forward and rammed the Deviant as it grew wings and they flew up doing an air battle. Another Deviant appeared and got ready to eat the boy but Orion flew towards it and pushed it back. Makkari then blitz towards the boy and grabbed him and brought him to safety.

She then used her speed to grabbed more humans and brought them away from the Deviant. Kingo then charges his cosmic energy from his hands and used finger guns to shoot it as projectiles. He kept shooting at the Deviant as it was pushed back towards the cliff. He then charged an attack as Makkari distracted it by using a shockwave that pushed it aside. Kingo then released his charge attack towards the Deviant as it was killed instantly.

Gilgamesh and Thena fought a fairly large one as Gilgamesh used his cosmic energy to create a gauntlet that boost his strength. He punched the Deviant on the head disorienting it as Thena ran in and conjured blades slashing the Deviant in different places. Gilgamesh then two punched the Deviant as Thena jumped on top and killed it by stabbing her spear on the Deviant's head.

Orion slammed the Deviant on a rock formation with his superior strength. He punched it to oblivion as the last punch killed it instantly and destroyed the rocks behind it. He then on instinct caught a boulder hurled towards him and ripped it in two seeing another Deviant throwing rocks at him. The Deviant threw another rock but he aimed his fists towards the incoming rock as a beam of cosmic energy shoot out destroying it. He flew towards the Deviant and pushed it towards the sky and punched it making it fall back towards the shore. But that didn't end there, he charged all his cosmic energy and focused it all in his torso. He then released it as a concentrated beam hitting the Deviant making it fall even faster as an explosion occurred once it hit the ground.

He then saw Ikaris finished the last Deviant with a punch as it fell down dead. "I guess I'm not the only one who can fly." Orion said aa he floated towards Ikaris.

Ikaris smirked. "And I think I finally have competition."

They then turned towards the Domo closing in on the cliff as Orion saw the others went down. There first mission was a success and many more challenges to come.