
The Invasion

Aldous woke up in a tent hazy. Still dazed from the fight with the deserter. "My fighting still needs a bit more work. That was a close call" he said to himself. "Are you alright? " Aldous heard a voice in the corner of the tent. It was none other than the traitor "Minotaur!" Aldous struggled to get up but alas, he could not. Not with pain still coursing through his torso. "Must've been a rough fight" he thought. "You still need rest" Minotaur offered him a cup of water. The contractor swatted the cup away from the deserter's hands. "You shouldn't be here" Aldous said with fury in his eyes. "I know there won't be a way to undo what i did in the past, but the labyrinth is my home too... And i need to make amends.. " Minotaur said with sorrow. Detecting a tinge of sadness in his tone, Aldous still could not bring himself to forgive the traitor. "What you did... I cannot let it go... Not now... Not ever... " the contractor calmed his voice. The two were left staring at the void. Both of them stuck thinking about their pasts.


It was midnight, a shadow stirred in the darkness. This was not a common silhouette, it was more. A dark entity that rose from the abyss. Observing the labyrinth with malicious intent. Bent on exterminating those who opposed it. Stalking through the night, it moved through the cracks within the walls, slipping unnoticed by the tauren sentries that guarded the Maze. A thirst for power led the demon here. It felt the flow of energy ever since the clash of light and dark. Aldous felt uneasy in his sleep, somehow he sensed something was watching them. He almost ignored the thought until one of the tauren shouted "Demon! " a lone sentry spotted the shadow slithering across the darkness. The contractor felt the need to get up. Still slightly injured, he mustered up his strength and got off the bed. He left the tent to see what was going on. Minotaur silently followed behind. They both saw a few sentries run after something. Aldous, failing to spot the so called 'demon' hurried to the scene until he noticed something move from the corner of his eye. Somehow, the Twilight Calamity enhanced his senses to a superhuman standard. The creature was quick, but figureless. He knew the creature too well, it was indeed born of the abyss. It was no ordinary beast, it was an abyssal scout, sent from the deepest parts of the Void. The contractor knew well that this creature should not be allowed to return to the depths. Using the strength gathered from Light and Dark, he used his legs to carry him as fast as he could. With superhuman reflexes, he gripped the creature by the tail and crushed it to the ground. Dead..... Energy seeped into his right fist before he could notice. It was then a loud roar came from the distance. It sounded like a mix between a tiger and a large man, it was downright inhuman. Outside the labyrinth, a large army of demons was charging towards the Maze, the tauren stared in awe at the sight of the marauders, most of them were human sized, and some were larger than most of the minotaurs. Aldous could sense their energy surging towards the entrance. He and Minotaur rushed to the gate. They all knew what they had to do... And only victory could ensure the world's fate...