
A Battle for the Ages

The deserter and the contractor rallied the other minotaurs to the gate, "The Twilight Orb led them here.. We must not let them take it! " Minotaur said with utter determination. Aldous, still not at full recovery, nodded at the thought. They seemed outnumbered... Yes they were tauren but the inhuman beasts that were charging towards them were different. Aldous felt something odd. They seemed enhanced; faster, stronger, rabid. "They are being led... ". Aldous knew too well that these creatures were not ordinary... The energy that surged through the gate earlier... It was something else... Something ancient.. The other tauren could sense it too. They felt uneasy. As fast as they could, the sentries readied the cannons that were fastened to a section of the walls. Filling them with heavy ammunition then aiming them at their adversaries... waiting for the right angle to strike.


The tauren closed the gate with all the strength they had. No matter what, they should not let the demons desecrate the maze. Other tauren hurried to their posts, the contractor and the deserter shortly followed. Seeing the creatures from atop the wall, the sentries were eagerly readying their heavy ammunition. "This will be the end of us" one of the tauren said with cowardice in his voice. "No it will not" a deep voice said. Aldous saw the deserter marching amongst the other tauren, "We will not let this place of power fall. It is not only to atone for what i did, but it is our duty as the sole protectors of the labyrinth to exterminate those who thirst for the Orb's power!" the other tauren felt motivated at the thought, yes they were tauren, and its time they did their job. Aldous looked at him and nodded. Minotaur nodded in return. Donning his mask, the contractor eagerly waited for the battle to begin. "Fire! " one of the tauren shouted. Volleys of cannonballs filled the battlefield with cries of demons, the explosions killing them outright. Some of them were able to dodge the assault, quickly striding towards the walls, climbing them with ease. Before reaching the top, hammers swung with great force crushed their faces in. Bringing them down back to the ground killing them. But the demons were many, and they soon overpowered the walls. Slaying most of the minotaurs. The other tauren fought back however, so did the deserter and the contractor...