
The Beginning of A New Dawn

It has been long past since the Twilight Calamity. Long past since his body was changed and his fate intertwined with that of the Abyss... Aldous was but a simple guardian of the labyrinth, a pawn in the gods' great games. The Land of Dawn has never experienced such a heavy twist. With his newfound power, Aldous rolled the dice and decided his own fate, to guard the maze until his very last breath, or to go to the Land of Dawn with some of the minotaurs. Though tempted to flee, he chose to stay and do his duty even if it meant gambling his life for the cause. The Minoan Labyrinth was his home, a shrine, and a place of power. He inferred that if that power was somehow corrupted, it could mean the end of everything. The Last Contractor, a living embodiment of power and a Guardian of the Maze... "A coward would be the last thing I would be" he thought to himself.


A familiar figure steps into the confines of the labyrinth, once a friend, now a traitor, Aldous thought. It has been a very long time since Minotaur fled like a coward, but now he seems different. Accompanied by the other minotaurs, Aldous asked the deserter as to why he chose to flee in the first place. Minotaur felt overwhelming guilt at the thought. "I.... was a coward... I was chosen to guard this very place and yet i abandoned it... " Aldous and the other minotaurs looked at him in disappointment. "Why would you even think we would want you here? you left us to die, and you abandoned your duties as a Guardian!" Aldous shouted in anger. Minotaur's heart felt heavy with regret. "I left because i was too weak and young, I was wrong to do what i did before....and now I come here to make amends.. To rebuild this once proud place into what it was in the past.. " Aldous could not contain his anger any longer. What this deserter did in the past, he could not let it slip. Not this time. He swinged his right fist into the deserter's abdomen before Minotaur could even react. The behemoth was quickly thrown far to the ground as the other minotaurs stared in disbelief. Aldous recoiled in surprise. "So this is the power of the Twilight Orb" he thought to himself. Unprepared, Aldous felt pain coursing through his body as Minotaur charged at him with his horns, knocking him down across the ground. "Enough of this!! " the deserter shouted in anger as the two exchanged blows, one hard hit after the other. As the dust settled, not one could beat the other. Standing across the field, the behemoth and the contractor both fell to the ground as they were both knocked out by the physical strain both of them felt during the skirmish.