
The Inheritor of Magic (HP x JJK)

Kolill · Others
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9 Chs

The Legacy

Frolic grabbed his master pants and apparated into Gringotts entrance.

Oberon entered and when one of the goblins saw him, the globin quickly went to Ulbert's office to notify him of Oberon's visit. He didn't want a complaint to his manager.

"Hi Ulbert. Is it ready?" Oberon asked.

"Yes Mr. Grindelwald." Ulbert addressed him with more respect than last time. "Both rings are ready. Follow me."

"It sure has taken a long time. They should have been ready in two weeks and ended up taking more than one month."

Oberon followed Ulbert as they crossed through a few rooms and reached a lift.

"The Wizengamot has been delaying it until they couldn't do it more. It seems they are not happy with what you said to them about the Ministry." Ulbert explained.

"Have we received any answer from them?"

"Not yet, but I have heard that there have been discussions between the Wizengamot and Minister Fudge," Ulbert replied.

"That's good."


They were in a section of Gringotts that Oberon didn't know existed. It was filled with ovens and anvils; it was the Goblin's forge.

Fires were molting the different metals, most of them Goblin Silver and gold. The blacksmiths were hammering and pouring the liquid metals on the molds.

"Here," Ulbert said.

Ulbert guided Oberon to a different section, it was inside a different room. There was another goblin, a very old one, waiting for them.

"It is him?" The old goblin asked.

"Yes." Ulbert replied, with a lot of respect behind his words.

"Nice to meet you heir of Pendragon. My name is Pralturd, a goblin smith."

"Nice to meet you Mater Pralturd. I have heard of your works." Oberon commented.

Pralturd was surprised, he was one of the first wizards to recognize him.

"To make an heirship ring we must first use the blood of Pendragon. But due to your multiple inheritances, we must first refine it. Could you please give me a drop of your blood extracted while you use the Innate Technique from the Pendragon family?"

Oberon did as told, and the drop of blood floated in front of Pralturd, who tossed it into a blue fire. After the blood was refined, he moved the drop of blood and let it fall into a bucket of molten metal.

He mixed it well and let it fall into a mould. After it cooled down, he started polishing and making it into a beautiful piece of jewellery.

"This is the heirship ring. To make the head of family one, we need to add some things to the heirship ring." Pralturd explained.

Pralturd went to a drawer and took out a small silver circle.

"You need to put this on the heirship ring and use the Innate Technique. Then it will fuse with the ring and turn into the head, or in this case, patriarch ring."

Oberon took it and put it on the heir's ring. It fitted perfectly. Then he put on the ring and used Avalon's Blessing with that hand.

The Residuals of using the Innate Technique were absorbed by the silver circle and it fused with the ring.

"Now you are the official Patriarch of the Pendragon Family. If in the future you want to designate an heir among your descendants you can come to Gringotts and, after a lineage test, we will produce the heirship ring for you." Ulbert explained.

"You can use your Magic Energy to fuse with the Patriarch Ring," Pralturd explained. "It will be easier to wear."

Oberon did so and the ring dissipated and a small tattoo appeared on Oberon's finger.

"Thank you Master Pralturd." Oberon said with gratitude. "Ulbert, could you guide me to the Pendragon Vault."

"Of course," Ulbert said happily.

Now that Oberon was the Patriarch of the family, he could access more riches. And he, as the goblin in charge of his vaults, could also benefit.

Oberon has asked Ulbert to use a small quantity of Galleons each month to invest in certain companies and materials. And he would receive a 5% benefit from it. It may seem small, but they were talking about the two vaults, the Pendragon and the Le Fay ones. Both of them have large quantities of money and treasures, and they grew every year as they still received payments from different rents and businesses. So a small quantity could be at least thousands of Galleons. And the benefit he received was in the hundreds each month.

Ulbert guided Oberon to a mine cart and went to the Vault Nº4. As always, a lot of goblin guards.

Ulbert guided him and let Oberon open the vault.

He made a small cut in his hand with a holy sword and used his blood to open the door.

He went inside and this time he didn't need to use his blood to pass the statue guarding the entrance to the lower floors. The Pendragon Ring tattoo glowed and the statue moved.

When he reached the lake, the waters moved as he approached them.

He stood in front of the same door that didn't let him enter the last time.

He used his Magic Energy to make the ring appear on his finger again and introduced the part of the ring with the family crest, a Dragon coiling around a sword, into the door.

When he did so, a wave of Magic Energy was expelled from the ring into the door, opening it.

Oberon entered inside; it was completely dark.

"Lumos maxima."

He used his wand to illuminate his surroundings. After the light dissipated the darkness, he could see he was in a large corridor with rock walls.

He followed the only possible way until he reached a new room. It was illuminated by two flaming torches.

In the center of the room, something he awaited stood. A big rock with an exquisite sword stuck in it.

On the wall behind the rock with the sword, some words were inscribed.



Oberon read it and went to the rock.

He grabbed the sword by the hilt and channelled his Magic Energy through his body, reinforcing it and giving him even more strength.

When he grabbed it, images started flooding inside his mind.

People were praising him, giving chants of glory. They looked at him with envy and jealously, but also with fear and respect.

He felt powerful, more than ever. He felt like he could destroy entire countries with a wave of his hand.

But he knew it was all a lie.

He wasn't that powerful, nor he want people to praise him or respect him.

It was all but a mere illusion trying to sway his will.

With determination and willpower, he ignored those images and tried pulling the sword out of the rock.


He pulled and pulled, more and more, exerting all of his strength. The images were becoming stronger and more numerous. Even he, who has received the cruellest of trainings from his father, found it difficult to continue ignoring them.

'Come on Oberon, will you really fail from a mere illusion.' Oberon thought.

"HAAAHHH!!!!" Oberon exclaimed as he pulled with all his being until the sword was fully out of the rock.


The rock crumbled and turned into dust. A dust that transformed into a handsome and robust man.

He was blond, with green eyes. Muscles in every part of his body. But in his gaze, only humility and goodness could be found.

"Hello, my descendant. My name is Arthur Pendragon, your ancestor and the founder of the kingdom that ruled over these lands." The man stated. "If you are seeing this, is because you are worthy of being my successor and carry the weight of the Pendragon name. The sword that you have pulled is none other than Excalibur, the friend that has accompanied me in a myriad of battles. But it is not a normal sword, even the sword of Godric palled in comparison with it. It is a very special Magical Relic. You will find more of its wonders as time passes, maybe you discover things that even I couldn't. Farewell my dear descendant, may the Lady of the Lake hold you in her dear embrace."

King Arthur finished speaking and the dust fell to the floor.

Oberon looked at the sword, it was truly beautiful.

Its blade was gold and the hilt and the base of the blade were decorated with a blue metal, probably orichalcum, with sapphire.

He didn't think even a master goblin blacksmith would be able to make something like this.

He tried imbuing his magic Energy into it. When he did so, the sapphires started glowing and a magical pattern appeared on the blade.

The sword started melting, turning into a bluish-golden metal that was absorbed by Oberon's arm holding the sword. The liquid metal concentrated into his right wrist giving him another tattoo, this time it was golden and had some blue marks on it. Clearly, the tattoo was of the Holy Sword Excalibur.

"What will Aunt Vinda think when she sees all these tattoos?" Oberon said aloud.

He left the Pendragon Vault and entered the Le Fay one. He wanted to try if his Magic Reserves were enough this time.

He put his hand on the same purple crystal door. And just like before, he nearly died of magic exhaustion.

'It seems I won't be able to open it until I officially reach Special Grade.' Oberon thought.

He left Gringotts after discussing some things with Ulbert and asked Frolic to take him to Hogwarts.

20th of December, 1991

Great Hall of Hogwarts

Winter was just around the corner. Snow filled the Hogwarts' field. The Forbidden Forest was white and the fireplaces around Hogwarts were all burning at full power.

"Are you going to visit your parents?" Oberon asked.

"Yes. Although we have been sending letters to each other, I want to see them." Hermione replied.

"And you, Gabriel?"

"The same. My grandad wants me to help him with some wand orders." Gabriel replied.

"Cho Chang has already gone. And you, Oberon?" Hermione asked.

"I'm going with my Aunt to see my father in Austria," Oberon replied.

"Oh! I have never been to Austria." A girl's voice said from behind them.

It was Dots with her brother, Neville. Both carry their seemingly heavy luggage.

"Are you going with your grandmother?" Oberon asked.

"Yes. Grandma has told us that she wanted to tell us some things after we asked her about her being a semi-Special Grade Witch." Dots replied.

"Now I am a little scared of her. We can't get her angry." Neville commented.

All of them laughed, but they were interrupted when an angry voice was heard in the corridors.

"What?! I must stay here the whole holidays." It was the carrot boy, Ron Weasley.

His parents told him that they were going to Romania with his older brother Charlie.

"Don't worry Ron. With both of us here, and most people out, we can investigate more about that door." Harry Potter said.

'It seems that in this world the events of the philosopher's stone are repeating themselves in some way. Sadly, without Hermione, they don't have the necessary intelligence to know what to do.' Oberon thought. 'I should keep an eye on them.'

Oberon could ask Frolic to take him to Vinda's residence in Britain, but he decided to do it the traditional way and go back with his friends by train.

"Oberon, I see you are doing well." Vinda Rosier said.

"Nice to see you, Aunt Vinda. I can see you are as beautiful as always." Oberon said.

When his friends saw her, they all thought the same thing.

'''How beautiful!'''

It may sound exaggerated, but Vinda Rosier really was beautiful. The years have passed, but she looked the same.

A great amount of Magic Energy, one or two spells and some potions were truly a miracle.

And Vinda Rosier was a true femme fatale. She has used her looks to seduce and distract countless men.

"Oberon, are these your friends?" Vinda asked.

"Yes. They are Hermione Granger, Gabriel Ollivander and Dots and Neville Longbottom."

"Longbottom…Are you the grandchild of Augusta Longbottom?"

"Yes, Madam."

"I know her. Augusta and I have had many encounters in the past years. Send her my regards. My name is Vinda Rosier."

Hearing her name, the only one who had a reaction was Gabriel.

His grandfather has told him about her when she accompanied Oberon to order his wand.

"It's an honour to meet you, Madam Rosier," Gabriel said.

Vinda just nodded and looked at Hermione.

"I don't recognize your name. But for being a Muggle-born you have truly an outstanding amount of Magic Energy, and quite refined at that. You have a great future ahead of yourself Mrs. Granger. If you don't know where to go after graduating from Hogwarts you will always be received in the Alliance." Vinda said as she handed Hermione a small con with the Alliance symbol on it.

"Ok, Madam Rosier," Hermione said a little scared.

"Well, I have to go. I still have more travelling to do." Oberon said as he said goodbye to his friends.

Oberon grabbed Vinda's arm and apparated into Vinda's house. They planned to grab some things and head to the portkey connected to Nurmengard Castle.

But it seems things were not going to go as planned. Multiple people started apparating in front of Vinda's house.

"What are you doing here? This is Britain, you have no power nor authority in this place." Vinda said.

"What an ardent greeting Vinda. I see that the years have been treating you well." A thick accent voice sounded.

The one who spoke was a man wearing a green coat. He was no more than fifty years old.

"The lapdog of Alder Vogel, Eber Dirksen. I can see that the years have not treated you with care." Vinda replied.

"Well, that is normal if some froggy bitch tried to rip my f*cking eye out!"

"Can I assume these are Minister Vogel's orders?" Oberon asked.

"Who do we have here?" Eber said mockingly. "The 'Young Lord' of an old dead sect."

Eber took out his wand and pointed it towards Oberon.

"Be cooperative and make it easier for both of us." As Eber said that, all the other people took out their wands and pointed them at Oberon.

"Aunt Vinda, leave the cannon fodder to me. You take care of the false Schwarzenegger." Oberon said.

Vinda nodded and pointed her wand at Eber.

"I see. You want it rough." Eber said.

Oberon took out his wand and looked at the ten german aurors pointing their wands at him.

He began to move it as if he were conducting a concert.

The german aurors started casting spells, but none of them reached Oberon. Either they exploded in its casters' faces or just went in a different direction.

Most of the aurors were Grade 2 Wizards, middle-Grade 1 at most. So Oberon's Innate Technique, Chronicle of Arcane Destiny, was very effective against them.

Oberon just manipulated some threads of fate and the spells did what he wanted.

Oberon put away his wand and activated his other Innate Technique, Avalon's Blessing. A pair of armguards materialized and instead of the typical holy sword, the Holy Sword Excalibur appeared from his tattoo. But it was different than before.

Excalibur had some white streaks on its blade and a holy shining aura surrounding it.

Oberon swung the sword, and a wave of Holy Energy shot towards the Aurors.

Some of them were able to defend themselves or evade the attack, but others were not so lucky and were cut in half.

Six german Aurors were left.

"Inferno Diabolica." Oberon casted.

This spell was different from his father's one. Protego Diabolica allowed the caster to create a shield of blue fiendfyre around the user, allowing him to control the flames.

Meanwhile, Inferno Diabolica just produced an enormous amount of blue fiendfyre that grew by devouring everything. Air, water, rocks…everything! Everything, except what its user decided not to burn.

"AAHHH!!" The german Aurors started to scream.

"Glacius maxima."

The burning Aurors were frozen and turned into frozen charcoal statues.


Oberon quickly took them and stored them inside one of his bags.

"They will make a good present."

Oberon turned to look at his aunt and Eber fighting.

Thorny vines rose from the ground trying to pierce through Eber. Sadly, he was by no means weak.

He evaded them with grace and used his own Innate Technique to attack Vinda.

"Innate Technik: Teutonische Wächter"

Runes appeared on the ground around Eber and Doberman's heads surged from them, destroying the vines with bites.

One rune appeared below Vinda, from which an arm with a sword surged trying to attack Vinda. Luckily she formed a thorny shield around her.

They have been fighting like this for some time now. Neither of them could gain the upper hand in this battle.

Oberon could try to help Vinda, but he respected her fight. If he were to interrupt it, it may seem as if he doubted his subordinates' capabilities. Only when she truly needed help would he help her.

Both of them looked into each other eyes and quickly moved their hands.

"Domain Expansion: Chloris' Garden of Thorny Roses"

"Sphärenentfaltung: Zitadelle der Walküren"

Both domain barriers clashed and the Magic Energy in the air shook crazily.

Behind Vinda a garden full of roses and thorny vines with a woman statue crying blood.

Behind Eber a golden citadel with hundreds of valkyries ready to attack.

They fight for dominion, making the earth shake.

Oberon looked at them with amazement. It was his first time seeing two Domains clash.

Both of them used more Magic Energy in their Domain, trying to gain the upper hand. But Vinda's Domain started gaining terrain.

After some time, the woman statue opened its eyes and cried aloud, making Eber's Domain break.

Eber was engulfed by Vinda's Domain. When he opened his eyes, he found himself drunk on the smell of blossoming roses.

"Say hello to your old boss in hell for me," Vinda said as she moved her arm toward Eber.

Vines grew uncontrollably from everywhere. Eber tried to fight, but he was tired and out of Magic Energy.

A shadow covered him, making him raise his head. What he saw scared him like no other thing.

The woman statue grew until it was like a mountain and its disfigured face looked at him while crying with a scary smile. If before she looked like a goddess, now she looked like a true demon.

A drop of blood fell on him and roses and vines started protruding from his insides.

"Aunt Vinda, your Domain Expansion is really beautiful."

"Thank you, Oberon. We must go to see your father; we are already late."