
The Inheritor of Magic (HP x JJK)

Kolill · Others
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10 Chs

Going to Hogwarts

1st of September, 1991

"Oberon, have you packed everything?"

"Yes, Aunt Vinda. I have everything ready and check." Oberon replied.

"And your wand? Is it working well?"

"Yes. I would say it is superb."

--- 1 Month ago ---

"Mr. Grindelwald, I must say this wand is one of my finest creations, along with being the most difficult one I have ever made," Ollivander said.

"Thank you, Mr. Ollivander. It certainly is a piece of art on its own." Oberon commented.

He looked at his dark grey wand. Just by holding it, he could sense the link between him and it.

"Yew wood, 13 inches long and an unyielding flexibility. But I never expected you would ask me to make a wand with Obscurial Blood as the core. How did you even get your hands on Obscurial Blood? From what I know, Obscurial turns into an ethereal being when transformed." Olivander said.

"I will just say that my dear father got his hands on it a long ago," Oberon replied.

He asked Ollivander to make him a wand with Obscurial Blood, something his father gifted him on his eleventh birthday.

"This wand is perfect for Dark Wizards. I have never seen a wand with such an affinity for Dark Magic. But I am not one to judge the uses of my creation." Ollivander stated. "Yew wood, rumoured to endow its possessor with the power of life and death. 13 inches long, suited for those with a grand character and style of magic. And an unyielding flexibility, reflecting the unyielding personality and spirit of its possessor."

"I truly like this wand, Mr. Ollivander. I will cherish it forever." Oberon said.

"I hope it suits you well Mr. Grindelwald. It will be 400 galleons."

Oberon paid the price without blinking. He understood that a personalized order such as his wouldn't be under the Hogwarts Student Fund, which makes a wand cost 7 galleons.

--- Back to the present ---

Both Vinda and Oberon arrived at London's King's Cross Station at 10:30 a.m. Oberon didn't want to risk it and come late.

While searching Platform 9¾, they couldn't help but hear the conversations of a lot of wizard families. Most of them were preoccupied with the increase in Cursed Spirit attacks.

"How is the mission going?" Oberon asked Vinda.

"Our Acolytes have already completed 134 missions, exorcising curses from Grade 4 to Grade 1," Vinda answered.

"And how many losses on our side?"

"We have lost a total of four Acolytes."

"Make sure to compensate their families and send my and my father's condolences," Oberon ordered.

"Yes, Young Lord. For the Greater Good." Vinda replied. "It seems here is where we part ways, Oberon. I will see you on Christmas Holidays. Goodbye."

"Goodbye Aunt Vinda." Oberon hugged her and bid farewell, just before getting on the Hogwarts Express.

"Hi, can I sit here?" Oberon asked.

"Of course! Nice to meet you, my name is Dorothy Longbottom, but can call me Dots." Said a girl with blonde hair and green eyes. "This here is my brother Neville."

"H-Hi." Shyly said the boy.

"Nice to meet you both. My name is Oberon, Oberon Grindelwald." Oberon greeted both and presented himself.

Nor Dots, nor Neville; although strange, got scared after hearing Oberon's surname. Though Gellert Grindelwald was and is still today feared in great parts of Europe and America, his feats weren't known so well in Britain. Even less nowadays.

Oberon sat in front of the pair of siblings and started reading one of the books from the Le Fay vault.

After some minutes, a girl opened the door to the compartment and asked the same question as Oberon did before.

"Hi! Can I sit with you, most of the compartments are full." Said a girl with bushy brown hair and brown eyes.

The three of them nodded and she seated next to Oberon.

"My name is Hermione Granger." She said.

Oberon, Dots and Neville also presented themselves.

"What are you reading?" Hermione asked Oberon.

"A book about spells that my family gave me," Oberon replied.

"Really! Could let me see it later? I have already read all the books that the school told us to buy, and I feel they talk too little about spells." Said the famous know-it-all of Gryffindor.

"Of course, but maybe they are a little high-level for you." Oberon answered. "not because you are not smart enough, but because they talk about very new and difficult things."

"Hmph! That won't be a problem for me! If it is because I come from a family of no wizards, I want you to know that I don't care about your opinion." Hermione said grumpily.

"Sorry if I have offended you," Oberon said apologetically. "Do you know what a domain is?"

"No…What it is?" she asked curiously.

"A domain is the mental landscape that reflects both the soul of a wizard and his Innate Technique. They are the metaphysical reflection of our innate techniques, and even muggles are born with them." Oberon explained. "What I referred to before is that there are a lot of things you should know before you can understand the contents of this book."

Realizing what Oberon meant before, Hermione started apologizing to him.

"It's not important. We are friends after all." Oberon said.

'Friends? Ah! I have a new friend.' Hermione thought.

"Wait! Where is Trevor?!" Neville said nervously.

"Who is Trevor?" Oberon asked.

"It's his pet toad. Our Uncle gifted it to him, but he often loses it." Dots explained. "He has had it for one month and has already lost it a total of twenty times."

 Neville got up and started searching in every place of the compartment, getting more and more nervous.

"Don't worry," Oberon said. "I will help you."

Oberon closed his eyes and started moving his hands in the air. Although no one else could see it, he was using his Innate Technique that he inherited from his father, Chronicle of Arcane Destiny.

He rapidly found the threat of fate that joined Neville with his toad, Trevor.

"Look inside your robe."

Neville looked inside his robe and a toad jumped out of it.

""How did you do it?"" asked Hermione and Dots.

"It's my Innate Technique."

Dots, coming from one of the prestigious Sacred Twenty-eight Families, knew it was rude to ask another wizard about their Innate Technique. But Hermione, who came from a muggle family doesn't, and unknowingly asked Oberon about it.

"What does your Innate Technique do?"

Oberon looked at her.

"Hermione, you must know that in the wizarding society, it is very rude to ask a wizard about their Innate Technique as it means disclosing the secrets of their power and their family."

Hearing Oberon, Hermione started apologizing again.

"Don't worry. It's your first time in the wizarding world, you are new to our traditions and customs." Oberon said. "My Innate Technique, which I inherited from my father, give me the ability to look into the future and see what cannot be seen."

Someone may be thinking, 'Why is he telling his secrets?'. Well, Oberon Innate Technique not only allows him to see the future. If not, Grindelwald would not have become one of the most powerful wizards.

It also allowed him to alter the future and destiny of everything that surrounded him.

More than one time, his father used his Innate Technique to make his plans come to reality. He just needed to follow a script he already knew.

Or that was the case till he confronted Dumbledore. That old fox, who had known his father since their childhood, knew how to counter his Innate Technique and win him in a duel.

"Really? I have never believed in Divination. I think that it is useless and ridiculous." Hermione said.

"Oh! If that is the case, how do I know what is going to happen next?" Oberon asked.


"That," Oberon said as a platinum-blonde-haired boy entered the compartment.

"What do we have here? The children of a crazy couple and what I can presume to be a mudblood." Said the boy.

Hearing him, the Longbottom siblings got incredibly angry. Neville was unable to confront him, but Dots was the opposite of her brother.

"What did you just say, Draco?! You are nothing more than the descendant of a french dog." Dots said.

"If I were you, I would control what I say. Lest a witch come to you and leave you incapable of thinking." Draco said, mocking the Longbottom parents again.

Dots was going to grab her wand but was stopped by Oberon.

"Hi. I don't think we have been introduced." Oberon said.

"And who are you? Another mudblood friend of these orphans?" Draco said intending to offend Oberon.

"No, I am not a 'mudblood'. My name is Oberon Grindelwald."

"Grindelwald…Grindelwald…" Draco mumbled trying to recall that surname. "Ah! It's you! The son of Gellert Grindelwald."

Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, advised him not to get into problems with Grindelwald's son. He told him what he did 50 years ago. Lucius' father, Abraxas Malfoy, was alive when all that happened, and he knew how fearsome and cruel Grindelwald was.

"I'm sorry if I have offended you, Mr. Grindelwald. My name is Draco Malfoy, heir of the Malfoy house." Draco said politely.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Malfoy," Oberon said. "It's good to see that the Malfoy lineage has continued till today. In one of my journeys to France, I was fortunate enough to visit what was in the past the Malfoy manor."

Draco didn't know how to react. What does it have to do with him?

"I see...I hope it was a fruitful visit." Draco said out of politeness.

"Oh yes! It was very fruitful. You see, when I was investigating the Malfoy manor, I found a diary of one of the earliest patriarchs of the Malfoy family. His insights in Innate Techniques were truly extraordinary." Oberon said. "If possible, I would like to meet with your father to give him the diary. I think the Malfoy family are the rightful owners of it."

Hearing him, Draco was delighted. The diary of one of the first patriarchs of his family…How many spells and techniques related to their Innate Technique would be there?

"That won't be necessary. Just give it to me." Draco ordered.

Being just an 11-year-old boy, Draco's greed for power was very big. He couldn't help but ignore all his father's warnings and rudely demand something from Oberon.

"I'm sorry, Draco. But sadly, you are not destined to own the diary."

"How dare you go against my will!" Draco exclaimed. "Crabbe, Goyle! Teach this bastard a lesson!"

Crabbe and Goyle quickly took out their wands and aimed them at Oberon.

Dots tried to take out her wand to help him, but Oberon signalled her to sit down.

"I talked to you calmly and politely, but I think you are nothing more than a spoiled child," Oberon said with disdain to Draco.

Oberon's eyes glowed and with a move of his hand, the childish spells that Crabbe and Goyle cast on him turned into a strange trajectory and hit both of them in the face.

Crabbe used the Bat-Bogey Hex and Goyle the Slug-vomiting Charm, so their outcome wasn't very pleasant.

Oberon just manipulated the destiny threats of both spells with his Innate Technique. It was easy, as both spells were not truly dangerous and Crabbe and Goyle's magic powers were, compared to Oberon, nearly non-existent.

"My father will know about this, Grindelwald!" Draco shouted.

"I already told you at the beginning to do that," Oberon replied calmly.

Draco urged his followers to get up and leave the compartment.

"Oberon! That was amazing!" Dots said. "How did you do it?"

"Again, with my Innate Technique."

"I know it's rude, but I am getting more and more impatient to know about its details," Hermione said.

Oberon sat down and before he could pull out his book to read, Dots asked him something.

"Do you know in which house you will enter?" Dots asked Hermione and Oberon.

"I would like to enter in Gryffindor. Many famous mages, such as the Headmaster Dumbledore, were from Gryffindor." Hermione said.

"Really?! I would also love to enter Gryffindor." Dots said.

"I still don't know it. I would like to enter Gryffindor, but I don't know if I am brave enough for it." Neville said.

"And you, Oberon?" Dots asked.

"I am deciding between Ravenclaw and Slytherin," Oberon stated.

He looked towards Hermione.

"I think Ravenclaw would suit you much more than Gryffindor. Even though they are the bravest, they are also the boldest and sometimes can make stupid decisions." He looked to Dots and Neville. "No offence, it's just my opinion about the house, not about you."

"Why do you think Ravenclaw will suit me more?" Hermione asked.

"From what I've seen of you, you thrive for knowledge and wisdom. And I don't think that in times of crisis you will act without thinking, a trait more suited for Gryffindor." He explained.

"And what would a Ravenclaw do?" Dots asked a little angry.

"A Ravenclaw would think about all the possible outcomes and then make the best decision. A Slytherin would do what benefits them and their people the most, only considering their interests. And, lastly, a Hufflepuff would act in such a way that everyone can be pleased with the outcome, and no one is left behind."

Dots heard Oberon's explanation and couldn't refute anything he said as all of it was true.

"Maybe I should think more about it," Hermione said after hearing Oberon's explanation and seeing Dots reaction. "And why do you like Slytherin and Ravenclaw?"