
The Inheritor of Magic (HP x JJK)

Kolill · Others
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10 Chs

A New Beginning

I can't help but ask myself where the hell I am.

The last thing I remembered was walking down the street. I just bought the last volume from Jujutsu Kaisen, and I was reading some fanfics on my phone while I was walking through the street.

And now, out of nowhere, here I am. In some type of dark room or something, it is fully black.

Suddenly, space itself or something broke. Why? Because a fucking rift appeared and light was coming out of it.

Don't know what to do, the rift closed, and a humanoid being stepped out of it.

Why humanoid and no human? Well, I don't about any human that is made of clusters of galaxies.

"Hello. My name is ■? *+·d¿!%. I am deeply sorry to say this, but you have died."

Well, fantastic, out of nowhere this sort of cosmic being appears and tells me that I am dead. Something that, truthfully, made sense, but why?

"Excuse me. May I know how I died?"

"Of course. You see, while you were reading on your phone a bike passed near to you. That made you fall to the floor and hit your neck. That shouldn't have killed you, but while you were losing consciousness, you rolled to the road and three motorbikes rolled over your body, and after them, one tractor and one truck collided with your body in between. In other words, your body was turned into meat paste."

"Ah. Well, you should not cry over already spilled milk. And what will happen to me now?"

"After some deliberation, I have decided to reincarnate you in a world full of surprises, along with some wishes."

"Thanks! But can I know in which world?"

"It is the Harry Potter world, one of your favourites, with some modifications to it."

The humanoid being stopped talking and made a screen appear in front of him.

"You should select some of your settings in this world. You can select your bloodline. Also, you can make two wishes, which you can just write there." The humanoid being said.

I started reading it and saw I could select up to four bloodlines for my lineage. That is a lot considering how the Harry Potter world works.

I start rolling and see different famous families of the Wizarding World.


· Black

· Dumbledore

· Lestrange

· Scamander

· Malfoy

· Olivander

· Bones

· Rosier

· Abbot


A lot of them caught my attention, but four in particular were outstanding.



·Le Fay




I think the first two didn't need any explanation. Arthur Pendragon, one of the first kings of Great Britain, and Morgan Le Fay, his half-sister and one powerful witch. Just thinking about the riches he could inherit, his drool almost fell from his mouth.

Grindelwald, Gellert Grindelwald. The one and only true Dark Lord. Anyone can terrorize a country, but two whole continents, that's another story. A seer and one of the most powerful wizards alive in the Harry Potter movies and books.

Also the leader of an international organization that still incited fear in most of the European Ministries of Magic. That would assure him the support of incredible wizards for his journey in that dangerous world.

And last, but not least, King Solomon. The creator of the Lesser Key of Solomon, the Ars Goetia. Probably one of the first wizards in the world and one of the most powerful. Known for his connection with the dark and summoning magic.

That four lineages would assure him success in his new life.

Now he must select the setting in his new life.

After some time writing…

"I think this should do."

He decided to become the biological son of Gellert Grindelwald. How the world will make it happen was a mystery to him, because as far as he knows, Gellert Grindelwald was homosexual and in love with the old manipulator, Albus Too Many Names Dumbledore.

His mother would be the one giving him the rest of his bloodlines and, sadly, would die while giving birth to him.

Now, the two wishes.

First, he will wish to have the most magic energy in the world. The quantity of his energy would be the biggest in the world.

And second, he wished to maintain all the memories necessary for his success. He doesn't know what this cosmic being will change, so wishing this will assure him to know things that could be necessary in dire moments.

"Have you finished?" Asked the humanoid being.

"Yes, I have finished. Thank you for this opportunity."

"Don't thank me so early. This will not be as easy as you may think. Bye!"

The cosmic being bid farewell while a space vortex started swallowing him and the screen with everything he wrote.

"What do you meaaaaannnnn….?!?!!?" He screamed as the vortex absorbed him.


I hope you like this new fanfic.

This first chapter is a little short, I know. But the next will be longer.

I can't assure you of a periodic and continued release schedule as I have continuous exams, but I will try to be constant.