
Becoming a disciple (Pt 1)

"Where am I," I say to myself as I sit up in an old worn-out bed. Looking around I slowly began to realize where I was, "no not here, please not here." In the next moment, the door to the room I was in whipped open and an ugly looking fat lady walked in with a baseball bat in her hands.

"What are you doing still in bed brat," the lady said in a smokers voice. I was immediately frozen in fear which she took as an insult, "so you want to stay in bed than so be it." After saying that she immediately started to swing the bat toward my head.

"NOOOO!!!!" I shouted out as I sat up in my bed. Looking around I remembered my reincarnation in this new world, it had been four years since my birth in this world. While looking around I felt something on my bare back, that's right I sleep naked, my whole family did because we didn't have money for nightclothes like the royals had, looking down I saw that it was just my hair. My hair is silver in color and contained two natural streaks of raven black hair mixed in, it reached all the way to the base of my shoulder blades.

"Addie?" A small voice said right next to me, looking down I saw my sister looking up at me with concern, at that point I realized I had been sweating. My sister Ayumi looked exactly like me and had the same hairstyle, we had planned it to be like that, but the colors of her hair was reversed, so she had raven black hair with two natural silver streaks. She also had cat eyes as blue as the azure sky, where I had a pair of blood-red cat eyes. "Are you ok?" Ayumi said with worry as she saw me looking at her without saying anything.

"I had a bad dream MiMi," I said while hugging on to her and trying to burrow my head into her chest.

"Well we are together now, and there is nothing the both of us can't beat," she responded while hugging me closer.

"MiMi? Will you stay with me forever?" I asked in an innocent voice.

"Yes I will," she responded in a proud voice. After not hearing a response, Ayumi looked down at my face and noticed that I had fallen asleep. "Goodnight Addie," she said before falling back to sleep herself.

In truth I had not fallen asleep, I was still awake enjoying the warmth of her skin against mine while listening to the sound of her heart beating while repeatedly saying, 'Im not an orphan, I have a family, I'm not an orphan, I have a family,' to myself in my mind before falling back asleep.


"Addie, MiMi wake up and get dressed, we have a guest," I was awoken by my mother as she nudged me awake.

"Ok, mom." Both Ayumi and I said as we separated from our hug from last night and looked at our mother who was smiling at our sibling love.

"Quickly get dressed we have a guest here to see you both," my mother said while pulling us out of bed and putting us both in matching dresses. "There now you both look adorable, now follow me," she said after said as she walked out of the room.

Looking at my sister in confusion I saw her looking at me in the same way. After looking at each other for a while I shrugged my shoulders and walked toward the door while hiding my first tail under my dress by wrapping it around my waist like a belt as Ayumi did the same with her second tail.

Before you ask why we were hiding one of our tails like that, well that is simple, Elder Nick told our parents to hide them because everyone already saw we had one tail. And as for which tail we hid also had a reason, for me I hid my mage-tail because it was dormant and my language skills was harder to hide, in fact, both my skill and myself earned the named "The Gods Translator" because I had learned five languages on my first trip to the towns library when I was three. Ayumi, on the other hand, left her mage-tail visible as she could not hide the powerful mana fluctuations in her body. As for the people who saw are first tails they didn't think anything of it, it was natural for a child to be born with pure colored tails that change colors when the tails skill becomes active a week after birth. But as for why we only showed the corresponding tail was because the skills form color patterns based the skill, for instance, a mage-tail was a solid color and a tail containing a language skill only had a different color on the tip of the tail.

Back to the present both Ayumi and I walked from our room to the living room, the house was small consisting of two bedrooms, a toilet room, and a living/dining room with a small kitchen in the corner. The moment I saw the guest my mother was talking about I immediately ran and wrapped my arms around him in a hug my sister did the same while the both of us shouted, "Elder Nick." That is right, the guest was Elder Nickolas who had come to see us multiple times over the years.

He was dressed in his usual robes, but this time he had a strange staff that I stared at almost like I was being drawn to it. I must have been staring at the staff for a long time completely immersed in it that I didn't notice that Elder Nickolas had started moving the staff around, watching as my eyes never left it. My parents and sister also noticed my gaze as Elder Nickolas started poking my cheek to no response. Finally, Elder Nick moved the staff behind him and out of my gaze while still poking my cheek.

"Ow! Stop it hurts," I said as I raised my hands up to block his finger from poking me again.

"Well I would have but you have been holding onto me for the past ten minutes," Elder Nick said as I let go of him.

"Quit exaggerating I just started hugging you, right?" I said looking over at my parents who confirmed Elder Nick's story.

"Interesting, even though your mage-tail is still dormant you still have a strong sense for magic," Elder Nickolas said. " John, Maggie, (my mom) I think you know the reason for my visit."

"Is this about teaching us magic," Ayumi and I said at the same time.

"Yes, it is," Elder Nickolas said surprised, "I didn't think you two would remember."

"Wait, don't you think they're too young still," my mother said with worry.

"Maggie if they wait too long it will be more difficult for them to learn in the future," my father said.

"John is correct, the longer we wait the more difficult it will be later on," Elder Nickolas said while my mother watched on with a look of worry. After looking at everyone in the room she sighed and nodded her head in agreement, "good, now that that's settled what do you to say, do you wish to learn magic?" Elder Nickolas asks Ayumi and I.

"Yes!" We both said with joy.

"Good, now get your things ready I will be back in two days to pick you up," Elder Nick said with joy in his voice.


After arranging everything, Elder Nickolas left the house with a spring in his step. Once the door to the house shut Elder Nick pulled out the staff again and looked at it. It seemed to be carved out of a strange wood with two dragons on the side and a blood-red gem at the top. "You've chosen her? Are you sure, "Elder Nick asked as if talking to the staff. After hearing the question the staff glowed a blood-red, "champion of Ordoxis!" Elder Nickolas said as he turned back to look at the house behind him while narrowing his eyes, "interesting."