
A mage-tail?

I was calmly being breastfed after the whole tail incident half an hour ago, apparently growing a foot-long tail in ten seconds consumes a lot of energy. My father John went to go find Elder Nickolas to inform him of my new tail

Suddenly two quick knocks sounded from the door, "one moment," my mother called out as she fixed her dress to cover up her breasts. When she was finished she shouted, "come in"

After getting permission the door opened and two people walked in. One was my father John while the other was an old man with short grey hair and a long well kept beard and two horns growing out of his forehead, he was most likely Elder Nickolas.

"So it's this little one who is causing such a dilemma," Elder Nickolas said glancing at my father who was nodding his head in confirmation. "Interesting, mind if I hold her," he said to my mother who handed me over to him. "Now let us see what we have here," he mumbled as he placed a finger on my forehead and mumbled under his breath, then he hovered his hand over both tails. "This was her first tail right?" Elder Nickolas asked while pointing at my pure silver tail after handing me back to my mother.

"Yes, that was her first tail, is she all right?" my mother responded and asked after holding me like it had been months since the last time she saw me.

"Haha yes she will be perfectly fine," Elder Nickolas said with a laugh, but when he saw the looks on my parents' faces he continued. "She possesses a strong mind and lots of mental energy, meaning she will be able to remember this very conversation all the way into her elder years," Elder Nick said shocking both my parents, but before they could respond he continued, "she also has one of the best language skills that I have ever seen, in fact, if I'm not mistaken she can learn any language just by hearing a few words, that is the skill of her second tail."

Now you must be wondering why Elder Nick said that it was the skill of my tail, well that is because the race I was born into (the felilians) poses inborn skills, and the number of tails equals the number of skills. Although having two tails was not unheard of it was still rare just like having three tails, but three tails are so rare it's practically a legend.

"What about her first tail?" my father asked with curiosity.

"It's a mage-tail, and a very powerful one at that." He said with a bit of jealousy, "but for some reason it's dormant but it should awaken when she gets older."

"What is a mage-tail," my father asked when he saw the joyful look on my mother's face.

"It means she will be able to use magic easier than other people and her spells will be more powerful as well," Elder Nick explained to my father. "To be honest, it would be my honor to have her as my disciple, once she gets older that is." Elder Nick said

"We will let her decide that herself when she is older," my mother said with a hint of joy in her voice

"As you wish, but remember the sooner the better, well I'm off now enjoy the rest of your day," Elder Nick said as he left taking one last look at me before closing the door.

And just like that my first day passed with one thing on my mind, 'I need to learn magic.' After that day nothing eventful happened for a few years other than my twin sister Ayumi waking up and growing a second tail just like I did. Ayumi also possessed a mage-tail but her second tail brought with it a skill that allowed her to see a persons' intent towards another. 'Could she have also been reincarnated like me,' I thought to myself 'well that's a matter for another day.' And like that my new life in this new world began.