
Becoming a disciple (Pt 2)

Two days after agreeing to become a disciple of Elder Nickolas, Ayumi and I were outside with our parents waiting for him to arrive. Ayumi and I were going to live at Elder Nickolas's manor alongside his other disciples. We could still live at our house but living at his house would save travel time allowing us to learn magic faster.

"Look here he comes," Ayumi said as a carriage neared our house. When the carriage reached our house Ayumi and I said our goodbyes and hopped in as we began our trip to the other side of town. The town we lived in wasn't big, but it wasn't small either, it would take twenty minutes to walk from one side of the town to the other. Half of the town was also built inside a large natural cave.

During the whole trip Elder Nickolas was telling us about everything from what we would learn to room arrangements. At first, he had us in two separate rooms but we denied and asked for one shared room.


"Here we are," Elder Nick said as we pulled up to a large house that seemed to be built into the wall of the cave. Outside the front of the house stood five other kids, three felilians, one human, and a dragonkin the same race as Elder Nickolas. "Alright, you two, ready to meet your peers." Both Ayumi and I looked at each other and the gave a nod. "Ok, let's hop out then."

When the carriage came to a stop all of us hopped out and stood in front of the five kids. "Everyone meet your new peers, Addison and Ayumi, would you be so kind as to introduce yourselves to them," Elder Nickolas said to the five kids in front of us.

After looking at each other then the eldest of the kids the dragonkin stepped forward and spoke, "Hello my name is Yusuf."

"I'm Adam," the human said as he stepped forward and introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Sana," one of the felilians, and the only girl in the group said as she stepped forward and introduced herself. She had a tail that was orange in color with two rings representing a learning skill, "and these two are my brothers Maxwell and Lucaus, they are kind of shy," Sana said as she pointed at the two behind her. All three of them were around the same age most likely triplets which were also common in the felilian race. The two that Sana introduced had pure orange tails representing a Mage-tail.

"Where is Eri and Yasin," Elder Nickolas asked after everyone was introduced.

"Mr. Yasin is trying to drag Ms. Eri out of the library, she refuses to leave until she deciphers that scroll," Yusuf responded.

Looking at Elder Nickolas he has a look that said 'not again'. Glancing at the other kids I concluded that this wasn't the first time Ms. Eri had done something like this.

"Perhaps I can help," I said. The moment the words left my mouth everyone looked at me with hope and confusion written on there face as if asking me 'please' and 'how'.

"Addison, right," Yusuf said, " this is a very old scr.."

"Sure, follow me," Elder Nickolas said surprising everyone as he started walking towards the library with everyone following behind him.


"I told you not until I'm finished," as we got to the library's entrance we heard a woman shouting.

"Eri calm down," Elder Nickolas said as he entered, "here hand the scroll over, I might be able to help."

"Ok but it is confusing," The woman known as Eri said as she handed the scroll over. After Elder Nickolas looked over the scroll for a minute she continued on, " I think that it might be a lost primal magic language."

"You might be right about that," Elder Nick said as he glanced at the scroll one last time before handing it to me, "here Addie you mind translating this for me."

"Ok," I responded with a cheerful smile as Eri opened her mouth to protest but was stopped by Elder Nickolas.

Minutes passed by as Eri, Elder Nickolas, the rest of the disciples, and a young man who I'm guessing is Yasin, were watching me stare at the scroll. Eventually, I looked up and started explaining what I had learned, but everyone started looking at me with confused faces.

"Addie, you're stuck again," Ayumi said and then turned to the rest and explained, "whenever Addie learns a new language she speaks in that language until she wills herself to stop."

"Thank you for telling them MiMi," I said after switching back to the common Tongue, which was basically Middle English from Earth, " but as to what I was saying earlier is that the scroll has a collection of five spells known as Atreus's Domain. The first spell is Atreus Castle, it allows for the caster to teleport land into the sky forming floating islands that can move. The second spell is named Atreus shift, it allows the caster to teleport any object to a location of their choice. The third is Atreus carriage, and allows the caster to transport themselves or someone to a location of their choice. The fourth spell is Atreus restore, basically, it undoes the first three spell's effects. And the fifth spell is Atreus void, it creates a void realm to store objects."

"How did you do that," Eri said as she stared at me in shock.

"Oh that's right, I forgot to introduce you to her," Elder Nick said as he moved behind Ayumi and I gesturing at Ayumi saying, "this is Ayumi Neowms," he then gestured to me and continued, " and this is her sister Addison Neowms, but you might know her by a better name."

"And what name might that be," Yasin said sarcastically.

"The Gods Translator," Elder Nick said to everyone's surprise.

"I get that she can translate languages easily, but I don't get why did you take her as a disciple, does she even poses an affinity for magic," Eri said as she looked at me with a critical gaze, "I can't read any mana fluctuation from her."

"Yes I'm sure," Elder Nick said before saying in Serious tone, "girls, you don't have to hide them anymore."

Ayumi and I looked at Elder Nick in shock then at each other, after looking at each other we nodded in agreement. Ayumi went first as she lowered her second tail which was black with a silver tip and two silver rings.

"An aura skill, quite useful," Eri praised as she then looked at me with a curious gaze trying to figure out what made me special. But she didn't have to wait that long as everyone's eyes widened when they saw a pure silver tail reveal itself from below the hem of my dress.

"A MAGE-TAIL!!" Everyone said in shock.

"Yes she has a mage-tail but it is dormant," Elder Nick said before continuing in a serious tone, "not a word of this leaves this room understood." After hearing Elder Nick's tone everyone nodded, "good, Oh! I forgot to ask at your house, how many languages do you know now?"

"Eighteen," I responded.

"What?" Everyone shouted when they heard my answer and Ayumi let out a sigh.

'Haha time to mess with them a bit' I thought to myself. Clasping the scroll in both hands behind my back, I tilted my head slightly to the side while adoring a confused look and said, " is that a lot?" In an innocent voice causing the two oldest disciples, Adam and Yusuf to blush and glance away. After all eighteen languages was a lot for a four year old kid.

"Oh what am I going to do with you?" Elder Nick said as if he was getting older with each word.

Ignoring everyone I read over the scroll once more, " Uhm there's more that I missed."

"What? what's it say," Eri said in excitement.

Ignoring Eri I started to read, " to the person who translates this scroll, say my name Atreus, and if you are the one chosen by destiny the scroll will..give...you....my.....will," as I got to the end I started to slow down, like I was falling a sleep and then stopped moving entirely.

"Addie? Is everything alright," Elder Nickolas said as he put his hands on my shoulders and shook me slightly the get my attention. Despite that I was unresponsive until my skin started to smoke on both of my forearm while I started screaming out in pain. "Addie!"

Sorry it took so long but I managed to get some free time because of the quarantine. I will try to upload a few more chapters soon

Dreamsearcreators' thoughts