
The Unexpected

Hello, my name is Addison, I'm a university student majoring in physics, or I was until one night when hanging out with my friends.

"Hey Addison, dude move out of the way, " one of my friends said as he tackled me to the ground. About half a second later a car drove by right where I was standing

"Thanks, Zach that was close, " I said as I pulled him off the ground

"GUYS! IT WAS A POLICE CHASE!" my other friend Dominic shouted out in a hurry. Next thing a heard was the sound of someone breaking as hard as they could, and without a second thought, I grabbed Zach and turned my back to the sound right as I felt something solid hit my back. The last thing I remember was the feeling of my head going through a car windshield and then nothingness.

After about what felt like an eternity later I heard a strange voice calling out from the void, "Wake up your journey has yet to end," after that, it felt like I started falling and then I just stopped. Then I felt some movement under my body and immediately opened my eyes and squinted while waiting for them to adjust to the harsh light.

'What is this where am I' after my eyes adjust the sight that was before me was of a thatch roof like one of those medieval huts. I then spotted the reason for the movement I felt earlier, it was a pair of hands, hands as big as my head. Curiously, I dragged my eyes from the hands up a pair of arms to a rather modest rack, and then up a slender neck to view a beautiful face but I wasn't as entranced by her magnificence as I was by something else.

'Are those... cat ears?' you read right on top of this woman's head was a pair of black cat ears, and before you say that they're those headbands that make it look like you have cat ears they weren't, they were moving around to take in all the sounds around the room.

'That's it I died didn't I and now I've reincarnated in a new world haven't I, we'll at least I don't have to take that physics test anymore,' as I was thinking to myself the woman was raising me up and lowering her top to expose her breasts swollen with milk, she brought me closer and as my mouth was brought to her erected nipple and I immediately started sucking unconsciously

'What is this, it tastes like honey, ' I was brought back by the strange taste, after a while, I was laid back down in the crib and another child was picked up to feed, and once again I was stunned as the other child had a tail and cat ears. 'wait do I also have a tail as well' looking down I discovered two things, one yes I had a tail, it was pure silver, and second 'I'm a girl!!' my little friend I had grown use to between my legs was no longer there, 'why must this happen to me!!'

But before I can contemplate further I heard the door open and someone started speaking in an unknown language to the woman in front of me.

"Oh I forgot to impart a gift for you," the strange voice called out again, " this should help you out in your journey ahead," And just like that the strange voice left not to be heard from for quite some time. But I didn't care for that as something peculiar started to happen, as the two continued to talk I started to be able to understand the language they were using.

"How are they doing?" the man who walked in the door asked the woman who I guess is my mother in this life.

"There is still no change ye..." my mother started to say to the man I was also guessing was my father, but the moment she saw me her words came to an abrupt stop as what appeared to tears of joy started forming in her eyes, "her eyes are open."

"What?" My father asked my mother as he walked over and looked down at me with hope that quickly turned into joy.

Now you all must be thinking that this seems weird, well I Later found out my father in this life was a human summoned from another world, because of that me and my twin sister Ayumi were born without souls. The reason given for this was that because of our heritage of two worlds this world was not able to find suitable souls for are bodies before our birth, and I had been without a soul for a week while Ayumi was without a soul for two more days than myself.

Like the world hated me, it ripped me from my thoughts once more. When the voice left my head a small pressure started to build up at the back of my waist, eventually, in almost an instant the pressure built up to the point where I felt excruciating pain

"Whaaaa!!!" I cried out in pain the moment I felt the pressure skyrocket.

"What's wrong Addie are you laying on your tail in a bad way? Here come here, that should help" my father said as he picked me up and held me in his warm embrace, but the pain still continued.

"T-two?" My mother said in disbelief.

"What is it hon..." my father started to ask but stopped when he saw what she was looking at.

As I was screaming I didn't notice but if anyone else was in the room, they would have seen a second silver tail with a jet black tip growing out right next to the first one and not stop growing until it was as long as the first tail.

"Grrrraa" after the tail stop growing the pain faded and my stomach began to growl as my parents look at my new tail with disbelief.