
The Immortal Wife

Having outlived yet another wife, Jim is a lonely widower. When new neighbors arrive, he shunts aside his solitude to rejoin the world he protects, and has protected for several thousand years. He rediscovers old talents and skills, using them to bring pleasure to himself and others along the way.

Ayuba_Minkailu · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 4

Several weeks later, Charles was grumbling because they had tapped him to host a company get-together. When I suggested something simple, perhaps an outdoor event since the weather was so nice, Charles leaped at the chance, deciding on a pool party and BBQ. Well, actually I had convinced him that he had decided on it.

"Would you like to come?" Charles glanced at his house before adding. "It'd be nice to have somebody Mandy knows around. She, uh—"

"She still not getting out much?" I finished his thought.

After nodding, Charles looked up at me and I chuckled. "Sure thing, Charles. I have a rule: never turn down free food."

As such, the following week, I wandered next door. The aroma of cooking meat had me salivating as my grin broadened. While I didn't know the others, I enjoyed impressing his office workers colleagues with my most definitely not-an-office-worker physique, battered and scarred as it was. All in all, I had fun lying about the places I had never seen. While also taking care to not disclose any of the places I actually had been.

After a while, I found an excuse to slide into the pool and soon drifted to the far end. While leaning back against the wall in the deep water, I let a smile cross my face; Mandy moved around in her natural environment. Charles was wrong; she appeared happy and attentive as a party host, ensuring no guest wanted for anything. Earlier, she was even cordial to me, although she couldn't look at me very long. In a loose flower-print sundress, she glided around, offering food and drinks while her husband schmoozed his bosses. The typical work "fun" environment.

Then I noticed a translucent plastic raft floating from a large crowd of noisy party-goers in the shallows. A nervous grin on her face, Susan was pushing her auburn-haired friend towards me. In a tiny black bikini and on her stomach atop the vibrant pink raft, the other girl's round, tanned buttocks glistened in the late afternoon sunlight.

"Who's your friend?" I said, as Susan pushed her closer.

"Desi." Susan bit down on her lower lip and Desi jolted, her eyelashes fluttering as her tongue flicked out.

It was then that I saw, while she clung to the raft, kicking them closer, Susan's hand was under her friend's hips. Close friends with benefits.

"Well, nice to meet you, Desi." I grinned as Desi's neck tightened.

"Uh ... Oh, um ... Nice to meet you ... Oh, fuck..." Her eyes flicked to Susan's grinning face. "Come on Susie, not right here."

A chuckle slipped from Susan as she turned, bumping her tight behind into my crotch. Holding in a groan, I clenched my fingers on the concrete and let her press into my swelling flesh.

"Careful ... Susie." As I smiled at Desi's open-mouthed face, I pushed into Susan's firm butt. "That's loaded again."

Instead of moving away, a tremor slid through Susan. Just then her friend arched upwards, staring at her. Susan's arm moved faster under Desi while, with her other hand, Susan swept the hair from her own face to look at me. Meanwhile, Desi had turned to me, her eyes unfocused while she struggled for air. As Desi ran her tongue over her lips, the wet sloshing under her sped up as Susan's fingers pumped under her swimsuit. Susan's eyes bored into mine; silent, she drove herself against me.

Between Desi's intense arousal and Susan's aggressive grinding, my cock lurched upwards against Susan's warm body. "Keep that up and I'm going to have to fuck you, little girl."

"Good." Susan replied, keeping her gaze on me. As I held back a gasp, she pushed into me once more. I'd thought her a tease, like her mother, but...

A groan slipped from us both when I tugged my trunks down, releasing my pulsing stiff rod into the chilly water. As it slid along her hot, slick back, shivers broke out across Susan.

"Please, Jim. Desi's such a ... I need it."

When I raked my outstretched fingertips up her ribs to drag across her chest, she arched upwards. A moan slid from her parted lips before she dropped her head to the raft. Yeh, she needed it. Once I drove my fingers under her top and mashed my palms into the silky heat of her perky globes, she shoved herself back into me; desperate moans tore free of her panting mouth.

"Yep, I'd say you need it."

All Susan did was nod and rub against me, but Desi gulped, her eyes on my groping hands. When I winked at her, she jolted and swallowed.

While staring at Desi's widening eyes, I slipped Susan's bottoms off before catching them with my foot, bringing them up and splatting them atop the raft. After spreading her legs, Susan leaned on Desi's arm to gaze at me, wide-eyed and gleaming lips parted, while I ran my swollen head through her soft, warm petals. Her eyes enlarged, then flew open when I pierced her, shoving her spasming hot flesh aside as I plunged into her. My god, she was tight. Each thick ridge pushed her vice-like inner gates inwards before gouging the warm velvety interior.

"God! It's so big, Desi..." Susan's fingernails sank deep into Desi's arm as she moaned before adding. "You were right. I am so fucking full."

Still only partially impaled, Susan cried out into her friend's arm while she bucked against me, her stretching inner walls undulating, squeezing and flailing my still sinking shaft. Unwilling to drive any further inside until she settled, I gritted my teeth and waited, clasping her shaking hips.

"That was just a teaser, little one." My hands clenched tight against her attempts to push her shuddering body back into me.

At my words, Susan turned back to face me then stared at the space still between us. "More? Oh, God..."

As she chewed her lips, her eyelids fluttered open when I sank my fingers deep into her pelvis and corkscrewed her little body towards me.

"Oh, fuck...!" Desi jammed her fingers into Susan's mouth to muffle the sudden scream that ended Susan's words.

White-rimmed, Susan's eyes stared back at me as she gnawed on Desi's fingers. With each slow torquing motion, I twisted Susan while surging my pelvis forward, distending her clenching warm flesh.

After ripping her mouth free, she gazed at me. "Oh God, Jim! How much more?"

Rather than answer, I grasped her free hand to place it on her stomach. Susan's eyes became saucers when her fingers pressed into the throbbing mass gliding ever upwards into her belly. At my grin, her eyes fluttered, and, with a moan of resignation, she dropped her head to her friend's arm. After leaving her outstretched clenching fingers on her stomach, I again gripped her hips and twisted deeper, wedging her slippery tightness apart.

Intense spasming silken flesh rippled over my pole when Susan exploded, screaming into Desi's fingers, blowing saliva bubbles out in a small cloud along the translucent raft. As I continued to plunge into her contracting walls, Susan lurched backwards, then raced along my shaft, each thrust taking more of me.

"That's it, fuck me nice, Susan." As her waves of pleasure pummeled my cock, I gripped her shaking hips and looked at the crowd. "Show big ole' Jim what that tight little pussy can do."

Charles was locked in conversations with some people while others, as the party wound down, prepared to depart. Nobody had taken notice of us, except Mandy. Oh, she had definitely spotted us. Mandy stood behind their portable wooden wet bar; her wide blue eyes locked on us. With me behind her bucking daughter and her trembling friend, she knew what was happening. When I smiled, she reddened and sucked on her lips. One of her arms was pumping downwards behind the counter.

"Does your mother know you watch me, Susie?" When Susan trembled, screamed into her friend's arm once more, and seized up, I tightened my grip to slow her stroking.

Susan tensed, though she rolled to stare at me, but wide-mouthed and panting, she couldn't speak. Instead, she just shook her head before collapsing onto the sloshing raft. For a while, I held her still as her shuddering vibrations massaged my shaft.

No sooner did I thrust once more than she cried out; tremors ripping her from side to side. With such a tight fit, her stretched rim was being forced inwards; my rod's prominent ridges drew her nub into direct contact with me. It was far too much for the poor girl to take, and at last, after one final massive series of intense muscular convulsions, Susan crumpled to the raft, gasping for air.

"Not bad for a rookie." With a sigh, I released my grip on Susan's shaking hips and grinned at Desi's open-mouthed stare. "Come back when you want to try again." After raking Susan's arching back under my fingertips, I pulled free of her still clenching inner walls.

"You can try too, if you feel lucky." When I winked at her, Desi only swallowed, her eyes wide, flicking between her panting friend and me.

Once I paddled further from them, a wide grin on my face, I raised my trunks over my knees as I stared at the wreckage I had left behind. Again. It felt good. Though I was still full, it had been such a long time since I'd simply been able to play.

Bottomless and with her legs splayed out, Susan floated half-on the raft, drifting on the now breeze-driven water. Atop the pink plastic, her eyes wide, Desi stared into the clear water at my still engorged mast and gulped. Silently, she raised her gaze to my smiling face; a tremor raced through her and her lower jaw trembled. When I chuckled, her teeth clenched.

After pulling up my swim trunks, I glanced at Mandy, still behind the bar, eyes gleaming, her lips parted, baring her clenched teeth. At my playful wink, a shudder ripped through her and the one hand on the bar became white-knuckled.

Without a word, I climbed from the pool and sauntered home; the sounds of the party slowly fading behind me. Still tenting the front of my trunks, my cock ached.

Oh well, you win some, you lose some. But oh, how much fun it was to play once more.