
The Immortal Wife

Having outlived yet another wife, Jim is a lonely widower. When new neighbors arrive, he shunts aside his solitude to rejoin the world he protects, and has protected for several thousand years. He rediscovers old talents and skills, using them to bring pleasure to himself and others along the way.

Ayuba_Minkailu · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

With just the faintest of breezes rustling the trees, it was another picture-perfect warm spring evening when I clambered from my truck. A small red sports car I did not recognize was parked in Mandy's driveway. After a shrug, I yawned and hefted my bag from the trunk. It had been a long, but fruitful trip. This time not dealing with the teams, but rather a long-delayed inspection tour of several properties.

At least owning hotels, if done correctly, was less transparent, and hence safer for me. Unlike the organization, where I had to periodically perform a "retirement" kabuki dance to keep government administration systems from noticing the length of my "career." Not only that, but the hotel business provided a much more stable source of income. As much as I had hated keeping it hidden from Debbie ... Well, given her quirks, it would not have been a good thing. Raising my eyebrow, my gaze drifted back to Mandy's. As a sigh slipped from me, I turned away. I didn't know her that well yet either.

Once unpacked, I shoved a quick dinner in the oven and popped outside for a late hot tub soak. At the sound of laughter, music playing, and high voices, I looked over to see Mandy, her daughter, and an auburn-haired, dark-tanned girl, all in bikinis. After slipping from my towel into the bubbling water, I was setting my headphones on my head when ear-piercing screams and high-pitched yells rang out.

Adrenaline sped through my system; screams always flung me into high gear. With one clawed hand, I snatched my towel before leaping from the tub, already scanning the area for threats. But all I saw was Mandy's shapely derriere disappearing inside while the two girls dashed from their pool, pointing over their shoulders at the sloshing waves.

"Snake! Snake!"

Clutching the towel around my waist with one hand, I raced past them and grabbed their pool strainer from the wall bracket behind their loungers. At speed, I could move pretty fast for a human, and both stopped in their tracks as I zipped towards the pool. Wide-eyed and gasping for air, the two girls shot into motion and dashed to their lounge chairs. Heart pounding in my chest, I lurched to a halt at the pool's edge.

As I struggled to hold in a laugh, I stared at the killer beast wriggling along the surface; a small black water snake, not only harmless but also clearly far more scared of us. Still chuckling under my breath, I almost lost my balance while leaning in to snatch it with the nylon mesh basket. Grin plastered on my face, I scooped the poor thing up, grasped it behind the head and marched to the woods.

About halfway there, the warm breeze around my pelvis told me the towel had fallen away by the pool when I had become unbalanced. Out in the middle of the backyard, there was nothing to do about it. So, with a shrug, I kept walking; giving them an eyeful as I tromped to the edge of the tree line to toss the snake into the brush. After turning around, I headed back. Both young women were back on their loungers, at first shaking under their towels. But their shakes dissipated once their eyes locked onto my swinging pole. Fixated, the pair nervously looked up at me or gazed at my crotch all the way back to the pool deck.

Without a word, I leaned over Susan's lounger, my rod hovering beside her shoulder and upper arm, to replace the mesh basket. When I glanced inside the house, I locked eyes with Mandy, whose wide eyes and open mouth told me she had also seen my display. Her skin turned bright red and open lips flapped when I flashed a broad smile at her before straightening up.

"Go on! You said you wanted to!" The auburn-haired girl said in a low, nervous voice.

"Huh? What?" Susan turned to her, before, after a loud gulp, looking up at me, her eyes unblinking.

"Come on, Susan." The other girl chewed on her lower lip while flicking her twinkling eyes between me and Susan. "You were the one who said he looked delicious."

"Did not." But Susan's eyes were locked on my rod, dangling along her arm and still glistening with water from the hot tub.

"Did she really say that?" I asked, letting my grin widen.

The other girl slowly nodded, an impish smile sliding across her lips.

"Would you like a little taste, Susan?" As I leaned in, my shaft rolled over her warm shoulder. "I won't tell."

After sucking on her lips, Susan emitted a nervous giggle when my cock pulsed atop her damp towel. Though she didn't answer, she didn't flinch away either. When I reached over and wrapped my hand around her wrist, she let me raise her dangling long fingers to my rod. As soon as her soft, hot digits touched my skin, she wrapped them around me. Mouth already dropping open, her eyes flicked up at me, then over to her now wide-eyed friend.

"I ... I can feel his pulse!"

Before I could say or do anything else, Susan slipped her other silky hand over and together lifted my weighty shaft. My heart raced, and the yard blurred at the sight of these two beautiful coeds staring at my now lurching and swelling cock. With a gulp, I flashed my gaze inside where Mandy still watched. From the kitchen, she couldn't see what was happening. However, the enormous grin on my face and her daughter's head's proximity to my crotch spoke volumes. As her glistening little tongue swept over luscious full lips, Mandy, trembling behind the counter, glided her arm towards the center of her tight body, glistening with water droplets.

When Susan's hot, shallow breaths blasted furnace heat over my still-swelling head, a groan erupted from my lips and my eyes rolled back. One quick glance at the two girls showed their eyes fixated on my rising flesh, both sets of shiny lips parted as if both sought me. At her friend's loud swallow, I glanced at her, missing the sight of Susan's silken mouth gliding onto my tip. Oh, but the incredible moist warmth and the velvety swirling of her hot little tongue shook my frame. It had been a very long time.

"Wow..." With a sigh, shivers sliding through me, I dragged my fingertips through her hair and gazed down into her half-closed eyes. It had been so long. "That's so good. So good."

With a long moan that sent magical vibrations through me, Susan tilted her head, turned on her vacuum pump of a mouth and noisily sucked my still growing rod. All the while, her silky smooth tongue swept and nudged my long-forlorn nerves. As her hands pumped faster, the gleam in her eyes became brighter, focused, hungry ... When she stared up at me over my glistening shaft, bobbing and slurping, our eyes met; she hadn't just watched me today.

No, she'd been one of those shadows behind the curtains.

At the thought of her watching, along with her mother, shudders raced through me. When a long moan from her tight mouth sent vibrations along my trapped flesh, the minx added long twists to her bobbing. Shivers flew up my already tingling spine; I would not last long.

Inside the kitchen, Mandy now clawed at the counter with one white-knuckled hand while her other arm was pumping between her legs. After locking my gaze on her gorgeous blue eyes, I stroked her daughter's sucking mouth with the same rhythm. Susan moved her hot wet mouth and gripped me tighter with her stroking fingers, adjusting to my rhythmic thrusts. Chaotic tremors of long-forgotten pleasure wracked my shaking body as my toes scrabbled at the concrete deck. Her fingers cupping and kneading the deep ache in my rolling balls, Susan moaned again and I flung my head back to groan into the evening sky.

When, gasping for air, I looked inside once more, Mandy's head had fallen forward, but bounced up at the sound of my grunt. After surging forward, I drove deeper into her daughter's twisting, slurping lips. Mandy stared, mouth wide, little tongue flickering along her shiny lips and the veins in her forehead pulsing; she also was close.

After winking at her mother's taut little frame bouncing against the surface, I rotated my hips and thrust, mashing my swollen bulb into the back of Susan's throat. Inside, as her outstretched nails clawed at the counter top, Mandy cried out, shuddering and bucking against the kitchen counter while here eyes remained locked on me.

It was too much.

My fingers clenched her daughter's head as my cock spasmed, flinging an enormous blast into Susan's already gulping mouth. As she sucked and twisted her head, she gagged and coughed, trying to keep up with each spurt flooding her mouth, but it was a losing battle. More and more of my white cum slid, then poured, from her sucking mouth to land in pearlescent globs atop her heaving bikini top. Meanwhile, her friend had driven her hands deep into both their bottoms and, one after another, they bounded upwards, twisting their tanned, glistening pelvises in the air.

When she screamed, Susan's head flew backward and my final jets spurted upwards to slap wetly down across them both. Until she could catch her breath enough to wrap her lips back around me, Susan tugged and squeezed my draining rod. After letting the thick gleaming strands slide down over her upturned face, her eyes glinted at me as she leaned forward to suck me dry. While gasping under her daughter's immense pressure, I looked inside; Mandy was splayed across the counter, clawed hand twitching on the wood as her torso heaved with each racing breath.

After her daughter squeezed and sucked the last of my essence, she slipped me free to dangle once more, now slick with her saliva. With a grin, she scooped some errant cum off herself and swallowed it.

"Wow, Jim. You are tasty." After running her tongue over her white-streaked shiny lips, Susan's eyes twinkled. Behind her, flushed, her friend gasped, pausing from licking her own fingers. Susan added with a wink. "Very tasty."

"Glad you like it." With a grin, I caught my breath and swept some loose strands of blowing hair from her sticky face. "Plenty more where that came from." After flashing a glance inside, where Mandy lay panting under a pile of disarrayed dark hair, I added. "Hey, I better get out of here before your mother comes back out."

After another wink, I retrieved my towel and sauntered home as the pair of young women dove into the pool. Back in the hot tub, I replaced my headphones, lay back, and closed my eyes. When it was time to get dinner from the oven, I lifted myself up to the sound of the three women talking and laughing like nothing had happened. As I chuckled, I headed inside.

My towel over my shoulder.

Not much point in wearing it anymore.