
The Immortal Wife

Having outlived yet another wife, Jim is a lonely widower. When new neighbors arrive, he shunts aside his solitude to rejoin the world he protects, and has protected for several thousand years. He rediscovers old talents and skills, using them to bring pleasure to himself and others along the way.

Ayuba_Minkailu · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 5

The next morning, I was out front when I caught Charles climbing into his car, dressed for work.

"Thanks, Charles." He started at my sudden call and spun around.

"I ... Thanks for coming." Charles' brows furrowed and lips pursed before adding. "The girls really appreciated your company. They were getting bored, and I saw you talking with them."

My heart skipped a beat. Had he seen what was actually going on with his daughter and her friend? When a smile slid across his face, my chest thumped once more.

"Also, thanks for saving them and Mandy from that, uh, killer snake." His hands gripped the wheel as he chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't have time to thank you at the party. I was just so busy."

"No problem. Not that big a deal. From the screams, I thought they were getting mauled by a lion."

Charles chuckled again. "They are both a bit high-strung."

Several weeks passed, with me taunting Mandy and apparently Susan as well, before the next big neighborhood event. This time, it was mine. It was the anniversary of ... Well, it had been a long time since I had first joined the Organization. While we didn't often celebrate such things, it was summer, and I had a pool ... Let's say it was a damned good excuse to get the teams and their families together for some good old-fashioned fun.

And, of course, I invited Charles and Mandy. But Charles paled, shuffling his feet when I told him about it. Tremors shook his dangling fingers when I explained who would be there.

"Look Charles." Though I smiled, he still shook, and I continued. "These are some of the best folks you will ever meet. Trust me. You're safe. They're cool and it'll be a good time."

"Okay," he replied after gazing deep into my hopefully warm eyes. At least the shaking stopped, and he added. "I'll talk to Mandy and we'll see."

"Fair enough. Come over if you want." After turning away, I faced him once more and grinned, before saying. "Or, at least tell me if we get too rowdy."

On the day of the party, the sun beat down from a cloudless, picture-perfect blue sky. My buddies had arrived early in the morning with their grills and smokers, which were scattered about the back deck, pouring out mouth-watering aromas of grilling food. As always, the talented cooks had brewed up an incredibly tasty multi-cultural mélange of seasoned munchies.

After the others arrived with more supplies, we began swapping lies and joking in and around the pool. While we laughed and lied, the clink of beer bottles and wine glasses added to a similarly mixed cacophony of musical genres sweeping from outdoor speakers.

In a blur, the day flew by, with more people arriving as the food kept on coming. At last, though, as the sun's final rays slid away over the trees, the party began to break up and the guys tore down their grills. While a few remaining guests continued to party around me, with a much louder yawn than I expected, I settled into one of three open seats in the hot tub. The other seats held an amorous couple and a guy talking with several others on the deck.

Just then, my old buddy Gary and his wife Lucy arrived. As soon as I waved and called out, my eyes swept every inch of Lucy's hard-body, concealed only by a sheer thigh-length cover-up.

Always gleaming, her mocha-colored skin was a sharp contrast to Gary's deep ebony. As usual, she grinned back and Gary smiled, both at my wave and the obvious ogling I was giving Lucy. While they veered towards me, he squeezed her tighter, and she giggled. Beer stuck in my throat when Lucy dropped her cover up to reveal a tiny black string bikini, which revealed most of her ample firm bosom and her shapely form.

"I told you he would appreciate it," Lucy said, catching my look and nudging Gary in the ribs.

Gary chuckled. "Appreciate it?" He clambered in opposite me before adding. "He just wants to fuck the shit out of what's inside it. Ain't that right, sir?"

"Now, I'd be a bald-faced liar if I didn't say yes to that," I replied, extending my hand to help Lucy into the tub. After crumpling into my arms, she gripped me in a warm embrace, driving her lips onto mine and thrusting her hungry tongue deep into my throat.

"She's missed you something awful, sir."

As her hands slid dove under the water, I pulled away from Lucy's lips long enough to reply. "Quit it with the 'sir' crap. I'm retired and your wife is groping the shit out of me. Again."

While he shook with laughter, Gary stretched out; his bright white teeth flashing in the fast-dimming light. And I wasn't lying. As soon as Lucy landed on me, her hands had stripped away my trunks so she could run both hands along my swelling rod. Not to be outdone, I reached over and untied her bikini bottom, yanked it from under her and tossed it over to Gary, who caught it with a chuckle.

As we kissed, Lucy, rising to let me sink my fingers into her, unleashed a deep moan into my mouth. While her tight walls clamped tight on my pressing fingers, I skimmed my other hand under the silky top and stripped the ridiculously small triangles from her firm, voluptuous globes.

"There, that's how I like my slutty wives, Gary," I said after prying my lips from his wife's. "Naked and horny. You fuck her recently?"

Gary laughed and shook his head.

"Well, that explains why she is crushing my fingers. Poor little pussy. All lonely."

Moans poured from Lucy as she sucked on my neck, sending tremors through me. Bucking on my hand, clamping my digits, she thrust her tit into my palm. When I twisted her protruding thick nipple, Lucy ground her body against me, forcing my fingers deeper into her slippery tightness while her soft hands stroked me ever faster.

At the sound of sharp laughter, I glanced away from the writhing goddess to check on the party. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Charles and Mandy, in a conservative one-piece swim suit, stepping from their house. Just as I was going to tell him about my neighbors, Gary stared at his phone and cursed out loud.

"Hey, s ... Jim. Sorry, man. But we gotta go. Lucy, sweetie..."

As she chewed and sucked on my shoulder, her hot breath puffing across my back, his wife was so close. After all Lucy had done for me over the years, especially since Debbie, at least she should get something from this party. With a tight smile, I smashed my palm over her nub and rubbed with all my might. While clamping her teeth into my skin, Lucy screamed, seized up, and then slapped against me, moaning into my skin.

When Gary, face drawn, tossed her swimsuit to her, Lucy released my now throbbing and painfully swollen manhood and pulled away. For a second, I thought about just ramming into her, but Gary stepped from the tub. When you had to go, you had to go—erection or not. While I was still sucking in oxygen, she grinned and swept the hair back from her well-sculpted face.

"Sorry, big Jim." Lucy's soft dark brown eyes gleamed at me. "My husband owns my ass."

Gary chuckled while Lucy placed her bottom back on and adjusted her top.

"It's..." Gary nodded at me. "Well, you know."

"Yeh. I do." With a nod back at him, I skimmed my fingertips along the warm, smooth skin of his wife's bare leg. "Be safe. I'll fuck your wife next time."

With another deep guffaw, Gary smiled while Lucy whimpered at my questing fingers and pouted, before lunging forward to plunge her tongue deep into my mouth. After that final deep kiss left me breathless, with a wink, she bounced from the tub into her husband's arms before they headed away.

As other curses rang out, more team members looked up from their phones and dashed over to say goodbye. Just as they grabbed their stuff and disappeared, Charles and Mandy approached.

"Hi, Charles." I waved as I smiled at the thin man in his baggy trunks before nodding to his wife. "Mandy. Glad you could make it. Uh. There may be some food still around."

"Thanks, Jim," Charles said, before clambering into the tub. "But we ate already. I, uh..."

"Charles didn't want to come," Mandy said with a quick grin before climbing in beside her husband.

"She made me." His eyes sweeping the remaining guests, Charles emitted a nervous chuckle.

Before he could react, Mandy slipped past her husband to sit where Lucy had been; next to me. She had moved so quickly it left Charles lurching, a puzzled expression flashing across his face before he shrugged and settled into the opposite chair. All I could do was hold in a moan when, no sooner had she sat down, than she pressed her silken leg against mine.

Mandy was playing. While I still didn't know why, truthfully I didn't much wonder about it either.

"Well, happy to see you," I said, handing each a beer. "So, how's things?"

And that was all it took. Soon Charles was deep into a long detailed explanation of his latest business challenges, while I clenched my jaw each time his wife's soft thigh nudged against me. As her husband droned on between ever longer swigs of beer, Mandy smiled and nodded; her leg grazing mine.

When a pair of guys stepped into the tub, looking for a free seat, I decided to up the stakes. With a grunt, I raised Mandy's little frame onto my lap to free up a seat for them. One guy slipped and splashed down, which covered her sharp inhale when Mandy's round butt dropped along my aching mast. Up until then, the swirling waters had hidden that Lucy had left me naked. While Charles had gasped when I picked up his wife, Mandy only sat, staring at him, sipping her beer, and pushing into me. After a shrug, he continued talking.

And did Charles ever keep on talking. All I did was listen, nod, and hand him more beer, while beneath the jetting waves, his wife's firm buttocks slid along my bare rod, throbbing and full, since being abandoned by Lucy. Each time Charles looked away, Mandy thrust back into me. Like daughter, like mother.

As he talked and drank, my thighs spread Mandy's legs under the bubbling waters. A whimper slipped into her bottle as she slid her ass tighter against me. When Charles tilted his head back to drain his bottle, I dropped my hand to run my outstretched fingers along her soft, warm outstretched thighs. Just as he lurched to snatch another beer, I cupped her taut swimsuit crotch; Mandy sent a long sigh into her shaking bottle.

By the time her husband turned back to us, I was slowly squeezing Mandy's heat. Firm, her hand was atop mine, pressing my fingers into her. Either he didn't care or didn't notice, but either way, Mandy said nothing as she sucked on her lips or gnawed on the glass-rimmed bottle.

By the time I pulled my hand from her to retrieve another beer, Charles had already put down several and now a half glass of wine was fast disappearing. After downing the ice-cold beer as his wife stroked me with her cheeks, I sank my hand once more beneath the water.

This time, I pushed the odds further, plunging my fingers into Mandy's swimsuit. Though her legs coasted apart, Charles didn't notice and kept talking, his speech ever more slurred, while his blinking slowed. Below her fluffy tuft, his shuddering wife's outer folds were soft and warm under my grazing fingertips.

When I poked my index finger into her slick seam, Mandy inhaled sharply, covering it up with a quick cough. Rather than shove into her, I relished her squirming little frame. Pressing along her cleft, I nudged the very tip of my finger inside, then withdrew to trace the slippery line before repeating another slow dive.

As her body quivered, Mandy settled against my chest, entrapping my pulsing rod. While I toyed with the little woman and her husband droned on between yawns, her eyelids fluttered closed. Soon, she looked for all the world like she had fallen asleep atop me, but her gates tensed and released each time my finger traced her opening.

As Charles' talking became more erratic, the last guys tore down their grills and filtered past to say their good byes. Yet, even when the guys in the hot tub departed, Mandy remained planted on my lap. Already tilting to one side, Charles didn't question it. Instead he kept mumbling, his words becoming incoherent. When he jolted and turned to stare at the loud bang of a grill cover slamming shut, I yanked Mandy's swimsuit crotch to the side, baring her entire cleft. As she hid a yelp in her beer bottle and thrust herself into me, I eased my fingers into her tight cave as she "slept."

It wasn't long before only the three of us were left in the dim light. With an immense yawn, Charles pried his fluttering eyes open and wobbled upwards. He looked around, then gulped the rest of his wine before staggering from the tub. All the while, his wife "slept" on me while I gently pumped her clenching insides. As I grinned up at him, he licked wine from his lips, looked at Mandy, then at me, then back at her. His brow furrowed, and, after missing it the first time with his trembling fingers, he stroked his chin.

"Jim ... I, uh, gotta head out tomorrow for a meeting." He stopped to belt out another body-twisting yawn, shaking his slender frame before adding. "Gonna get some sleep."

"Hey, man." After running my free hand up as if to raise his wife, I added. "How about I help you home?"

"No. No, you stay where you are." Charles waved me back. "Mandy is asleep. Just ... Uh, well ... I know you'll take care of her."

"I will." And I was. Her pussy had clamped tight on my fingers as soon as I had tried to lift her.

"Okay ... Well, uh ... Um, good night, Jim."

"Good night, Charles."

And with that, he staggered back to his house, leaving Mandy's slippery core compressing my hand. Until Charles disappeared inside and their lights went out, I kept rubbing my fingertips against the inner walls of his "sleeping" wife. But then I sank my fingers deeper, pumping her so hard that the hot tub's water sloshed against the walls. When I pressed into her sharp nib, Mandy's blue eyes flew open, her body tensed as her convulsing pussy clenched my digits. After leaning to the side, she bit down on my bicep to stifle a scream while she shuddered and bucked on my palm.

"Tonight, I am done teasing." I said, before peeling her swimsuit off and tossing it to the ground. I added. "I'm going to fuck you, naughty little tease."

Only hungry whimpers slipped from her as, back to me, I lifted her warm, shaking, naked frame. When I positioned her over my aching pole, she quivered in anticipation. As soon as I nudged her swollen, steamy outer lips apart with my helmet, a low hungry primal groan slid from Mandy.

"What do you want, little tease?"

"You ... You." Her glistening lips pulsing around my bulbous tip, Mandy's head lolled from side to side

"Me or this?" I asked, sliding my head along her cleft.

"Tha—that." Her eyes met mine. "And you—Jim."

"You've dreamed about this for a long time, haven't you?"

Mandy nodded.

"I can't hear you."

Mandy licked her lips and panted. "Yes ... Yes, I have been dreaming about it..."

At first, when I pushed my tip into her constricted inner gate, Mandy's entire body became taut, but then shivers exploded across her.

"What?" I asked, bouncing her only on my bulb.

After Mandy swept her wavy hair from her face, she looked down over her shoulder at me, eyebrow raised.

"What have you been dreaming about?" While I grinned up at her, I loosened my grip to let her slide down a millimeter. Her eyes widened and her tongue flicked across her open lips.

"You ... Your ... Manhood." A moan slid out as I raised her by a millimeter.

"My manhood?" I chuckled. "You mean my iron-hard, pussy-splitting cock!"

With that, I yanked her down onto me as far as she could sink, pushing apart her spasming inner walls and shoving her tight lips inwards across my ridges. Like mother, like daughter—she was so fucking tight. And hot. So blazing hot. All the way down, her sleek pussy squeezed and released my driving flesh. I had moved so fast, her mouth flew open but no sound came out as, wide-eyed, she stared at me.

Wedged tight, she was only partially impaled; her distended inner walls clamped my rod. As a groan slid from her, Mandy swayed in my hands, but I held her in place.

"Is my cock as good as you had dreamed?"

Instead of answering, she at first nodded, but then, seeing my glare, muttered. "Y—yes."

"Yes, what?" As I twisted her body, her fingers crushed my thighs. While sucking in air, she leaned forward, her back heaving as my shaft spun inside the little hottie.

"Your cock ... Is ... As ... Oh..." Her reply tapered off into a long low growl when I lifted her and then tugged her down once more.

Her growl ended in a quick burst of rapid breathing while convulsions raced through her. With short, slow thrusts, I corkscrewed my way deeper into Mandy's shaking little frame. When her torso tilted further forward, I let her drift down until her hands could grip the tub's wooden side. Now standing behind her, I was still shallow thrusting while rolling my hips to swirl around in her tightness. While working myself ever deeper, her slippery pussy clenched me; her pulsations sending shudders along my shaft and across my jangling nerves.

With a warbling, then muffled scream, Mandy lurched forward to collapse on her elbows while wave after crashing wave of muscular contortions wracked her body. My fingers deep in the squirming flesh of her shaking pelvis, I used the undulations to plunge deeper, splitting her legs further apart. At long last, my thick root finally wedged between her shuddering firm buttocks.

Gods, she was tight, and I wanted her. More than any woman I had taken in years.

With a roar, I grasped a handful of raven black hair and yanked her little body upwards to slap against my chest. As she yelped in surprise, her empty hands clawing at the air, I lifted her dangling legs, pressed them on her chest and thrust upwards into her.

Pinned against my front, Mandy could do nothing but cry out each time I drove her upwards before thrusting her squirming frame back down. Her whole body torqued in my grasp as I continued to pound her until, at last, my balls spun and my knees trembled. After growling into her ear, I lowered the screaming little woman until she hung over the side of the tub. Once again grasping both hips, I glided my full length in great driving thrusts while she rocked under the merciless assault.

It had been so long. Her slippery, velvet cave, clenching me, was so tight. Mandy's wide eyes in the windows. Her tight frame in her swimsuits. The pumping arms as she watched me fuck her daughter. As Susan had sucked me dry. All those images poured into me as I pulverized Mandy. My Mandy. Now.

With a snarl, I sank my fingers deep into her hips, pinning Mandy's writhing ass flat against my pelvis; my rod flexed within her. Shivers ran through me as, toes curling and muscles spasming, I bucked against her warm cheeks. When the long moan of relief flew from my lips, Mandy slammed back into me. My first blast jetted into her. Each time a warm spurt coated her insides, she cried out.

It wasn't long before, wet back blasts splashed out around my root to dribble, then pour, down my emptying balls. At that point, Mandy, whimpering, crumpled to hang head-first outside the tub; her head lolled under a mop of raven black strands, shiny trails of saliva slid from her open lips as she swayed.

Still slapping against her spasming inside walls, my cock continued to pump, but I yanked it out, launching the last few spurts up into the open night air. Each time a thick, white strand splatted down atop her bowed form, she yipped. After squeezing the last of the pearlescent fluid onto her upturned quivering buttocks, I stepped back.

At last I had fucked the little tease—my neighbor's wife. Years, decades, centuries prior, I would have felt remorse. Guilt, even. But by then, in my hot tub, staring at the glistening, cum-coated back, heaving and still emitting hungry moans ... No, by then all I wanted was whatever she wanted. And she had made that very clear. From the first day she had seen me. Just like her daughter.

As those thoughts slipped through me, I glided my open hands along Mandy's quivering legs until she gathered enough strength to raise herself. After helping her from the water, she wavered, buck naked, white fluid sliding down her inner thighs; one white-knuckled fist clenched the tub rim. While gasping for air, she glanced from me, to my house, and then over at her dark home.

When I retrieved our swimsuits and phones, I pulled her in close to wrap her shivering frame in a large towel. After a slow exhale, she flashed one last look over her shoulder at her house and crumpled into my arms with a whimper. She said nothing as I led her inside and took her into my shower.

No sooner had I run my soapy palms over her shaking curves, than, twisting in my fingers, Mandy was once again moaning, her nails clawing my back and shoulders. By the time I had finished toweling her dry, she was gnawing on my shoulder and panting, but her eyelids drooped. Just as a yawn slid from her lips, I took her into the bedroom and slipped her between the sheets, before taking my own shower.

Wrapped in a tight ball, Mandy was fast asleep when I returned. With a smile, I crept into bed and pulled her back into my chest to cocoon her within my legs and arms. As I nuzzled her neck, several whimpers slid from her and she thrust herself into me before dozing off once more.

At an unusual sensation, it was still dark when I awakened. Having straddled my rejuvenated shaft in her sleep, the warmth and moistness of Mandy's bisected outer lips glided along me. While remaining motionless I let the little tease ride my slick rod until, stifling whimpers, she shuddered in my arms. Soon Mandy stopped moving, except for steady rhythmic breathing. After her, I fell asleep once more.

Exhausted, the sunlight woke me just as the annoying buzz of a telephone began; it wasn't mine. Who? Oh, that warm little body. Wetness. With a grunt, Mandy lurched her warm fleshy curtains from my again slick shaft to snatch at her phone. Following her as she rolled, I nuzzled into her soft, dark hair to settle my lips against her neck while she lay on her stomach and answered the call. Charles' muffled voice sounded on the other end.

"Yes dear. I'm fine. No, I was too tired. I slept down here on the couch. Jim?" Her free hand wrapped around to caress my flank as I rode atop her. "I, uh ... I think he is upstairs. I dunno." "Oh..."

As soon as I lifted her buttocks, her voice trailed off into a whimper. So wet already, in one long thrust I was able glide my cock deep into her velvety core. The clenching pulsations of her swollen flesh sent tremors through me as I pierced her tightness.

"Oh, sorry." She spread her knees wider as I grasped her upturned hips. "No, I just sat up too quickly. I'm a bit..." Her pussy clamped tight, sending a gasp from me, when I lurched forward, sinking into her clenching insides. " ... Hung ... Hungover."

"No ... No ... I'll be fine. You go on. I'll get back and..." As she held the phone out and hissed through her clenched teeth, rocking my pelvis, I surged deeper into her. In the morning light, her pussy lips, dragging along my ridges, were bright red and shimmering. "Uh ... Oh ... Oh ... My—my head!"

When I added slow circular motions, she dropped her mouth to chew on the pillow as her husband droned on about something. She flailed at me with her other hand; I slowed but kept pumping her.

Glaring at me, face flushed, she swallowed then spoke again. "No, no. I'm okay. Just need to get some hydration going. Oh, dinner? Yes, that would be wonderful. Hey, hon...?"

Before she could continue, Mandy had to hold the phone out once more while she bit deep on the mattress. With longer and deeper thrusts, I was already using my thicker root to split her vice-like inner walls further apart. At her teeth-clenching glare, I grinned and slowed once more.

"Hey, hon." She spoke in a slow, careful tone, rocking back and forth as I rode her atop the creaking bed. She had to swallow before adding. "Could you invite Jim? Yeh. I kinda ruined his couch with my wet swimsuit and I feel bad."

"Oh god!" She shook, pinned to the mattress as I pushed her flat. "No ... No, I'm fine. Headache is killing me."

Though she slapped at me once more, I only smiled and held her impaled against my crinkled sheets.

"No, you need to be the one to invite him. I ... I, uh, wouldn't want him getting any ideas."

At that, with her pussy clamping my embedded cock, I almost burst into laughter, but I caught Charles chuckle on the other end.

"Okay, hon. I gotta ... I gotta get up. See you. Love you..."

Not waiting for his reply, she ended the call and flung her phone away. Cries ripped from her as she stretched her arms across the mattress, fists clenching the sheets, to brace herself. After dragging them free, I yanked her back onto her knees and pounded her, my pelvis slapping against her upturned buttocks. Every forceful thrust sent my heavy balls smacking under her, tapping against her sharp nub.

With hungry growls racing from her open lips, Mandy thrust herself back to meet me until we were in perfect synch, torsos slamming against each other as the creaking bed thumped into the wall. It had been quite a while since it had supported a good, rough fucking like this.

It wasn't long before her body twisted and she arched her back like an angry cat, screaming and releasing a rush of warm fluids along my jackhammering shaft. Her outstretched fingernails clenched my crumpled sheets as her shaking calves tapped upwards against my butt and thighs. But I wasn't done with my little tease—yet. Even as she tried to slump forward, I dug my fingers into her hips and pounded her as scream after scream burst from her open lips.

Until my body made the decision for me. Now, as she blasted spit into my sheets, I was done with my shuddering little tease.

When every one of my muscles tensed, my flesh ballooned inside her, unleashing the first of several long ball-draining spurts deep into Mandy's quivering body. Oh, the relief was amazing. She milked me as I groaned with sheer delight. Once again, she cried out whenever I flooded her until, even as I still pumped, I collapsed onto her, smashing her shaking body into the mattress. With my final vigorous thrusts, my balls finally finished emptying themselves. As I dragged my lips along her silken, tight neck, nibbling and sucking on her super-heated smooth flesh, she whimpered and panted.

"I like your pussy," I said into her ear when, at last, my shaft began the long slow retraction from her.

Mandy chuckled under her breath. "It likes you, too."

As I caressed her shaking arms, I laughed.

"I won't leave him you know," she said after a long swallow and sweeping her hair from her face.

"I never thought you would."

"This ... I mean—"

"I want you, Mandy." After cutting her off, I added. "Just like this. Naked and under me for as long as we can do this. I knew that when I first set eyes on you the day you arrived."

With a moan, she dropped forward. "I'd like ... Uh, like that, Jim." As she shuddered, her insides clamped along my retreating shaft. "I've never ... I mean ... Uh, not even ... Other than Charles."

Once more buried under the pile of raven hair, she smacked her lips.

"Well, let's see where this takes us, okay," I said before running my hands along her flanks; my roaming fingertips sent goosebumps across her skin.

After lifting her head once more, Mandy nodded as I swept the hair from her flushed face. Her eyes were watery. A long mournful whimper left her when my deflated head, slick with both our juices, plopped free of her.

While Mandy lay on my bed, heaving and twitching whenever an aftershock wracked her, I clambered off to wash. After helping her to her feet, she slipped into her damp swimsuit and I guided her to the rear door. But, just as she was about to step out, she spun, lurched upwards onto her tippy toes and slammed her open lips against my mouth. While her tongue plunged deep to find and toy with mine, my arms gripped her tight. Hungry, desperate once more, as our lips ground together, muffled moans fled from both of us.

At long last, I pulled away and lowered her. Chest heaving, Mandy stared up at me, flicking her tongue around her open shiny lips.

We didn't need words.

She was mine, and I was hers. For whatever this would be.

After a final sidelong glance at me, she stumbled home.

It had been a very long time since I'd seen that look, that hungry look, in a woman's eyes.