
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Training to defeat a chicken

Akai POV

'Another day of school… great.' I think walking to school.

A few classes pass and it's now lunchtime. I go to the roof and take a seat on a chair that I brought up here. As I sit here I think of what I should do with the future.

'The future aye? I mean the original plan was to just, get hired by the church to kill some devils. But now is different. I have to think about consequences because if I don't they're gonna track me down eventually. And then… then…I die I suppose. I mean I could join a peerage of a devil or something… NO! No I shouldn't think that. I have to look at this logically… logically.'

"ahhhhh this shit is too confusing I'll just live as long as I can!" I say with a new resolution.

Just then I a spike in magic power came from the old building. The magic signature is familiar but I just can't seem to remember who it was. So out of curiosity I walked at a fast pace to the window of the orc and stare in.

"Stop this Sirzechs has expected you to decline so you may decide with a rating game. You have ten days to prepare." A voluptuous gray haired woman speaks.

"Hah even with ten days you can't defeat me. I shall leave and remember rias your mine." In a flame the douchebag leaves.

"Ohhh I remember him he's that devil that I drop kicked trying to get out of the phenex manor." I accidentally say outloud.

The Gray haired maid turns to the window and opens it. "What might you be doing here boy."

"Ah ha ha. Well you see miss I-I was just passing by." I nervously say.

I turn around.


Grafiya grabbed my head. And a cold chill emanated from her steel grip

"No why don't you stay for some tea?" She says.

"Ahh that sounds wonderful." I strain my smile and look for an opportunity to escape the strongest queen.

"Let go of my subordinate Grafiya." A voice comes from behind her.


Kuro POV

I was sitting in my shop eating a bag of creampoff enjoying my life until I get a call from Sirzechs.

"Good morning Kuro! I'm gonna need you to train my sister as she is about to get Marr off to a piece of shit!"

"First of all It is currently noon and second what's in it for me."

"I will give you a 90% discount card for unlimited time at any desert shop owned by devils!"

"Say no more"


I start sprinting to the orc which honestly is just too fast to be perceived. When I get there i see Akai getting held by the head by Grafiya.

I loom over her. "Let go of my subordinate Grafiya"

3rd POV

Grafiya lets go and turns around. "Why may you be here Sakanagi san?"

"Well i got a call from Sirzechs asking me to train Rias and her peerage. Starting in an hour that is."

"I see them I shall be off" Grafiya leaves in a teleportation circle.

Akai stands awkwardly and asks "So do I … like do anything?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah sure you can train the other swordsman." Kuro answers leaving the others to sweat a little by his carefree nature.

"Alright, listen up. In an hours time all of you come to this address. You will need 8 days worth of food." Kuro explains.

Rias' peerage immediately leave to prepare while Kuro and Akai walk to the address. On there way the 2 start a conversation to pass the time.

"So what's the deal with them, are they going to war or something?" Akai asks out of the blue.

"Kinda it's more of a sparing match to decide a marriage. And because of that marriage I am tasked with training them so they win."

"That's uncharacteristically kind of you… what kind of training are they gonna get?"

"Y know, the usual magic, strength and power training. Oh and the additional torture training."

"Aye?! That's kinda messed up. It's gotta be a really strong opponent."

"No… it's Riser Phenex not really what I would call strong but definitely resistant he's got a strong regeneration ability."

After that they both fall into silence and arrive at a cafe where they walked in and were greeted by a blonde man with eyes that look closed in a waiter outfit looking more like a bartender.

"Hello Kuro what will it be today?" Says the blonde in a charismatic tone that screamed arrogant.

"Just the usual Walter and we may need to use room seven after a few more arrive." Kuro replies.

"Mkay expresso comin right up."

Akai takes a seat next to Kuro and waits.


The door opens and income a rias and her peerage.

"Oh rush hour isn't for an hour I'm not prepared yet." Walter jokes.

Rias and her peerage are all very confused as they expected a training ground of sorts.

"Ah Rias we've been waiting come."

Kuro says walking towards a back room.

Rias and her peerage still confused look to Akai who just shrugged and followed Kuro. The rest also follow, arriving at a corridor where they proceeded to go left.

"Alright are you all ready?"

They nod.

Kuro opened the door and walked in. As everyone walked in one by one they see a frozen wasteland of bones and hear a loud roar.

"Welcome to the Ice serpents den. For ten days you will be training here. For today all you need to do is make sure not to freeze to death. Bye."

Kuro disappears and leaves them to themselves.

For the next 5 hours they tried to find anything to warm up with but it was all for nigh as they decided to use Akenos fire magic. This of course was a temporary solution but it worked. Akai also went with this idea but he had a feeling it wasn't just as simple as survive. He was right.

As soon as they got a working fire 7 massive armoured leeches appeared and tried to swallow the heat source. All of the were batted away by the swordsmen and issei as he immediately called on his sacred gear. But the leeches did not back down, as the peerage got used to there patterns the leeches switched it up a bit and sped up throwing the flow out the window.

This continued until they exterminated all of the leeches but by then night had fallen. During this darkness they each took shifts in keeping watch.

Day 2

Kuro shows up during breakfast with an oversized boar on his shoulder. Everyone is tired and worried.

"G morning today we will train dodging starting~… now!"

Everyone alert now, jump out of the way of a fire ball from the pit and look to see Kuro gone.

Akai knows his que and slash's at everyone red beams flying everywhere. Akai goes after Kiba a series of movement so fast that nobody can see them until Kiba gets his ribs slashed. But he gets up again and continues.

All the others are too busy to be distracted as lances rain from the sky's everyone is injured but keep going to avoid death.

Asia sad and unable to do anything try's to heal but fail. This happened over and over again until she finally managed long range healing.

This process of damage and heal happened over and over again until night falls where Kuro shows up once again to gift them a small hut to sleep in.

They were so thankful yet so very confused how a hut appeared instantly.

Before Kuro could disappear rias asked a question. "Why are you doing this and who are you, really?"

Kuro turned his head and deadpans making rias very uncomfortable before answering. "I'm doing this for a 90% off voucher and who I am? Well let's just say I'm the debt collector."

Then Kuro disappears leaving an incredibly worried rias.

8 Days pass

During these 8 days Kuro has made them train to almost death many times. For this second last day he has prepared something special.

"Haha im surprised you actually made it this far."

Kuros voice echos disturbing everyone greatly. The snow and sky turning black. As the darkness reaches everyone they see things.

Rias is alone in darkness and then another rias standing there covered in blood the dead bodies of everyone she's ever loved around the other rias.

Then the rias look up and sends a PoD at Rias killing them instantly. Rias then wakes up to see the same thing every time the other rias mocks her. Rias dies and then lives going through this for more than a thousand times before breaking into frenzy and killing the other rias with a new serge of energy and a new way to use her PoD.

Rias then Awakes to see everyone else unconscious.

"You did good." Kuro says.

"What did you do!"

"Oh I just made you a bit stronger everyone else is going through the same thing. You actually had it a lot easier than some of the others. But uhhh some of them might need therapy." He points to a sad Asia "that's what happens if they can't kill the other one. But don't worry I'll treat you all later."

The next day

"Alright everyone I can sense that you want to let out a little stress so we are going to see how far you've come!" Kuro says with a proud smile.

"Hai!" Says a now newly motivated everyone. 'How in the 9 rings of hell did that happen I could've sworn that I broke them a little.'

"Alright if you want to do that come at me with everything you got!"

Then like they have prepared for this moment they all completely let loose hell onto him.

Rias let loose a fast spinning PoD

Akeno rained demonic thunder spears

Kiba unleashed a black energy slash

Koneko just punched really hard with senjutsu

And then issei went balance breaker and boosted 20 times before firing a ray of death.

Asia healed fatigue.

"That does feel a lot better but do you think we killed him?" Kiba asks

"Ara ara I think he will be just fine." Akeno said

The dust then clears revealing a bloody mangled burning corpse. Everyone looks horrified but just as they were about to do anything the corpse started piecing itself back together in a quite disgusting way making fleshy cracking sounds.

"10/10 you will definitely defeat riser if you rush him immediately but as promised I will treat you all."

He says walking to a door and opening it.

Everyone piles out of the door and into the cafe/bar.

"Welcome back I have prepared a feast for all of you I hope it's to your liking!" Walter says.

Everyone is stunned and joyfully begin to eat as they haven't eaten in 3 days.

The place was filled with chatter and laughter. After finishing.

"So Kuro san I would like to thank you for all that you have done for us truly thank you!" Rias says.

"Ah no need to thank me. But I'll toast to that" Kuro raises his glass.