
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Rating game and New job old friend.

3rd POV


"Hello Sirzechs." Kuro said in a monotone voice.

"Hey bud, I got good news. The rating game is today after noon and your invited!" Sirzechs exclaimed happily.

"… An exact time and place would be nice you know."

"2:30 in the underworld spectate area. Okay bye now!"

Beep beep*

'That's in… 5 minutes.'


Kuro lazily put on a black coat reaching to his shins and left the shop to his clone. Kuro then walked into the café where Walter is and entered a portal located in room 3.

Just as he exited the portal he was greeted by Sirzechs himself.

"Just in time as usual." Sirzechs speaks

"No point in being early…yawn~" Kuro mumbled making Sirzechs laugh a bit.

"Well let us make our way to the spectating area or else we will be late and we can't have that." Sirzechs replied.

The walk to the viewing area was filled with silence. As the both got to there seats the game began.

"By the way do you think they will win… judging by when I last saw them I think we might have to have issei crash the wedding."

"Hmmm then your in for a surprise. Ten days was enough to get them up to the top of high class devils in terms of strength."

Sirzechs sweat drops thinking he's joking and focuses back onto the now beginning game.

As the teleported there they immediately got into different positions. For the people viewing it was silent from rias's side while the other side is on the move closing in.

"What are they doing they'll lose if this goes on." Sirzechs spouts in worry.

"Don't worry you'll see something in…3…2…1."

Then in a blink of an eye an attack of pure destruction and light drilled through the ground leaving only a scorching wasteland behind. The sound was deafening and honestly quite disturbing. 1 second was all it took to hear the pained screams from the other side.



"How the hell did you train them?"

"Multiple traumatic incidents featuring, heat seeking leeches, hail storms that drain magic, lances raining from the sky, explosion hidden in certain areas of the air, golems and almost certain death over and over again…"



"I think I need a nap."

The next day

Kuro POV

'Today the shop was replaced. I don't know how or why but my shop is now replaced with some trashy off brand Wendy's called wendeez. No matter how I look at it it seems I may have to find a new job'

And so I was off looking for a new job perhaps something more exciting.

First I went to a bar which honestly didn't suit me it just smelled like booze and everyone in there was a piece of shit trying to get payed.

Then I visited this lab where it turned out they were experimenting on kids… so now there is no lab only burning shrapnel.

After that disaster I found a fancy desert cafe with only 2 employees and a steady stream of customers. It looked pretty good so I applied.

They then brought me to an interview room. Where a lady in a suit greeted me. She had white hair tied in a bun at the back, and red eyes. Kuro immediately recognised them as their old assistant in the mafia.

"So hello there I'm your interviewer. Let's get started. What makes you think that you are fit for the job."

"Well I can make a variety of sweets and deserts."

"What is the best thing you've made."


At that she looks up pauses a little.

"It's gonna be great to work with you again Kuro-chan your hired."

"Yeah it'll be nice to work with you again. Pandemonika."

"Oh please call me Monika while at work the other girl doesn't know about the past."

"Sure sure when do I start."

"Whenever I call you in and no need for exchanging contacts I still have your number."

"Mkay if you need help just give me a call. Cya"

The very next day not even a bit of rest and a church duo arrive in town.