
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Familiar Forest and Kuros teachings

Akai 3rdPOV

So 2 days passed after the meeting with devils and the invite. Today is the day Akai made their way to familiar forest to get a pet after the cancellation yesterday.

After school Akai got a visit from Akeno saying that they are ready to go to the familiar forest. So Akai followed her to the old building where they saw everyone ready to go.

"Thanks for arriving Akai we will now need to head into the magic circle to get there. When we get there we will stick together…" Said Rias as we entered the magic circle.

Once we got on the circle everyone was enveloped in a bright light and appeared in the forest. Except Akai who got thrown somewhere else.

Akai opened his eyes after the light and what he saw was a single path leading to a shrine the area was full of red trees. The shrine however was an anomaly the Color was red but not quite giving off a feeling that it was watching his every move. Akai then looks down and sees himself not in the Kuoh academy uniform but a orange suit. And his sword on his belt was now glowing slightly

'This is familiar, I think I saw this place when I first got my gold eyes.' Akai thinks as he walks toward the shrine carelessly.

When he gets there he opens the door and sees a girl with pink hair and gold eyes in a black suit pink shirt and tie sitting in a delinquent pose drinking a bottle of ice tea.

"… Um hi?" The girl says unsure of what's happening.

"Hello there I'm Akai Ken from Japan what's your name!"

"Huh? Oh my name. Rosa Lancia, Italy… Alright you got teleported here right. Do you know why?" Rosa speaks.

"Hmm well I was going somewhere and then bam I was sent here." Akai replied

"Sigh that means we have less to work with. So all we know is that we were doing what we wanted to do right and then we just got thrown here. Sigh I think we're gonna be stuck here for a while." Rosa tiredly explained.

"Well why not use this time to learn more about each other as it'll pass the time. I'll start first. Do you know about the golden eyes…" Akai speaks optimistically.



"Your not trying to sell me on your religious beliefs right?" Rosa deadpans

"What?! God no who do you take me for!"

"Good now to answer your question no I don't know anything about the golden eyes and if your talking about the ones we have then I also don't know."Rosa answers

"So what are the golden eyes supposed to do and do you think it has something to do with how we got here?" Rosa asks curious.

"Well golden eyes are basically eyes that grant you amazing abilities, but of course that is a vast oversimplification. Now for the other question… I don't thi- oh I remember umm hmm it was something to do with reality stuff. Uhhh Kuro san told me. We're basically stuck here until we go kill the ruler than we become the ruler of this domain and we can leave. But right now I don't think the ruler wants us to leave so let's go murder a bitch!"

Akai said as he stand up and summoned his sword.

As Akai finished his explanation Rosa got up and walked with Akai out into the forest where they both saw a shadow speed pass with the sound of a gun. Akai and Rosa look at where it went and sprinted after it as Akai caught up to it he got a good look. Gun on its head and hands. It turns



The entire forest destroyed and Akai only dodged by a centimetre. Rosa showed up and then points at the gun thing and the thing slides to the side as an invisible force goes past. Rosa's eyes widen and in that instant the gun thing was at Rosas head with his gun head ready to fire.


Akai locked his sword with the gun devils arm and his eyes started to glow brighter and he starts to emit a red energy. Rosa takes this chance to send the gun thing flying.



Even though Rosa sent the thing flying Akai still held on and cut its arm off throwing it to the ground. Then without missing a beat Akai jumped and attempted another cut but…



Akai and Rosa left the <Red Domain>

Akai regained consciousness on the dirt ground with Kiba looking down at him.

"Cmon let's go we're getting familiars even though you came in 2 minutes late let's go"

Akai got up as if nothing happened and walked with them a little dazed though. 'Okay so I teleported than I got sent to a red forest where I met Rosa Lancia. We went to go kill the domain leader and we both got absolutely destroyed. Now apparently it's been 2 min and we are getting familiars. Hmm so 1 hour equals one minute here. Sigh I'm gonna have to train harder huh.' Akai thinks as he unknowingly gets lost.

"Hey wait where am I?" Akai says outloud.


As Akai wonders the forest nothing interesting happens a few weird animals but nothing out of the ordinary.

Meanwhile Rias and her peers are panicking as they try to find Akai while getting jumped by slimes.

Akai at this point encounters a snake that kinda resembles an electric cord.

"Hey there little buddy, ya wanna come with me and become my pet?" The snake looks him up and down before letting out a warm light. The snake then slithers up his arm before resembling a scarf. 'Wonderful a Color changing snake that emits heat, great for the winter I guess.' Akai thinks before calmly approaching the sound of screaming.

Kuro 3rd POV

Kuro is currently just on his way to teach Seekvaira magic from his previous lessons and evaluations Kuro has decided that Seekvaira is ready for black space training.

As Kuro arrived at the designated area he sees Seekvaira standing there as usual.

"Why hello there teacher what training shall we be doing today."

"Today is a simple survival exercise."

As Kuro uttered these word an area spreading from under him darkened and lost all colour.

Seekvaira, as soon as this area reached her felt an overload of emotions fear,sadness,shock but the most powerful being despair.

"Welcome to <dark space> an area representing all negative energy's all of which is in my control. Your main goal, survive for ten minutes" Kuro darkened the area blinding anything in the domain.


The floor beside Seekvaira exploded. "Learn to use your other senses or you'll die." Kuro says. Seekvaira hearing this try's to hear the next attack.


'Behind!!' She jump just out of the way of a potentially life ending skewer from Kuro.

This continues for another nine minutes until.




Seekvaira landed one hit with a skill she learnt by training with Kuro… a pure mana iron axe to cut Kuros arm off. (Which immediately regenerates)

After the training session Kuro headed back and Seekvaira went to lie down and think of why she's so weak. (even though she is a lot higher than high class devil but only a little before ultimate class.

Kuro now in his house and on the couch watching tv sees Akai walk in with a scarf/snake on his neck. They then proceeded to have small talk.

"So Kuro today was my first time going into my domain. And when I got there, a girl called Rosa Lancia was there."

"So you met your counterpart nice then what happened."

"Then we went to go hunt the ruler down like you said but umm we got killed immediately."

"Hmm tough luck boy. At least If You got a really strong ruler it means the boost your gonna get will be amazing. But just keep trying and training it took be about 7 try's and back then I could only handle 3 gods so I was pretty weak." Kuro says with a faint reminiscent smile.

After that they both went silent for a bit not awkward but comfortable.

'I feel like I'm gonna be dragged into training someone.'

Next time - Training to defeat a chicken