
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The visit and Sashimi

As the footsteps approach I look at them and say "Welcome I assume your not here for alcohol."

The woman is tall has black hair tied in a ponytail and is dressed in the female kuoh academy uniform.

"Ah no. I'm here to talk to your reasons for helping us back there." She replies with a nervous smile.

"Wait… did Sirzechs not tell you about me?" I ask


"sigh Ok listen the I am Kuro Sakanagi and have been living here for quite the time. Sirzechs tasked me to help the new governor when they or anyone close to them is about to die."

"Ah well I thank you on behalf of me and my peers." She thanks truthfully while turning to leave

"Oh yeah don't report that to your master. Tell them I was just a friendly bystander and the next time you owe me a favour." I state just as bland as usually.

She turns "may I ask why?"

"Just incase she gets annoying…"

"I understand." And then she leaves awkwardly.

Akeno POV

'That guy was terrifying! I felt like I was going to get crushed under that pressure! He's a monster a complete mismatch of different yokai! The only good thing is that he's on our side.'

When I get to the clubhouse I see Rias and the rest of the peerage there already. I walk in sit down and sigh

"What's wrong Akeno you seem tired?" Kiba voices his concerns

"Remember that guy you sent me to investigate." They all nod all attention on Akeno.

"Well he was actually just a bystander that decided to help out." I say trying to stay on his good side

"Really. Akeno do you think it's a good time to joke?" Rias complains.

"Rias that's what he told me and I don't think we should cross him considering if I had stayed any longer I might have passed out from the sheer amount of pressure. It felt like his eyes were staring into my soul." I explained.

"Ok I'll believe you but I'll talk to brother about such a dangerous individual." Rias says seriously.

Kuro POV

I am now walking to a train station after closing down shop. Where I'm going? Well it's to Kyoto to hunt evil spirits that have stepped out of line ever since I left. Why so sudden? Well I suspect this new type of stray is the byproduct of the Naberius clans experiment. The experiment was from a side branch that was mixing magic with yokai.

The other reason I'm here is because I got a craving for serpent meat. I don't know why but I'm hungry so I'm going to get it… oh I got here faster than anticipated.

So now I am in the mountains where yokai frequent. As soon as a yokai saw me they stopped and ran as fast as they could screaming monster. 'Oi you serious aren't you the monster here" I think while continuing my hike.

As I'm ascending the mountain many yokai see me and run away but one will be coming with me.

"OI SNAKE STOP RUNNING AND BECOME MY DINNER" I yell chasing my future dinner

"NOO YOU'LL EAT ME , SAAAVE MEEEEE" yells my soon to be dinner. A few minutes pass before we encounter more and more yokai until I'm basically running after a crowd…


"HAH GOT YOU, FUTURE SASHIMI" I say I cave it's skull in. "Oh, you guys are fine this snake here ate a couple of children it's for the best." I say look at the now tied up snake. I put the snake in my bag and start walking down the mountain.

"Mip" I hear from below me. Look down to see a little white yokai made of mochi. 'It's so cute I should bring it with me. "Mip" it climbs onto the collar of my jacket and falls asleep. "You shall be named Maki." As I say that it mips happily.

As I am walking back I am spotted by Yasaka…

She nervously smiles and waves after seeing what's on my back. I wave back and continue walking.

Yasaka POV

I was out on a walk to enjoy the scenery when a whole lot of yokai come tumbling out of the forest. "What is wrong little ones?" I ask kindly "They look at me and say "Yasaka sama please you must save us a monster is rampant in the fore-"


More yokai run from the forest and I finally start to act rushing towards the scene.

When I get there I see a … norma- no he's far from that. I see an absolute monster putting a massive gold serpent into his bag. I stay silent. 'AH a little yokai I have to intervene- eh? There getting along? I'll trail him to see more.' And so I do just as he's about to exit he looks at me. 'AH act natural he won't notice. Right' I wave robotically he sweat drops and waves back walking out of the forest.

"That's enough action for today. That was so scary." I shiver just thinking about what he is gives me shivers.

Kuro POV

As soon as I got home lil Moki rolled into the air and wondered around deciding that the most comfortable place to sleep was my bean bag.

Later Naoki had tried to pat Moki but it refused by kicking him in the face. I laughed at his bad attempt at befriending Moki.

The next night

Tis time for me to make my famous dish. Serpent Sashimi with sauce. The pros about this dish is that it heals and gives a massive boost in intimidation. The cons being it normally tastes so bad that it would cause corrosion to your insides. 'Normally' that is, but with I being a great chef have made it so well that it only poisons you slightly and it tastes amazing.

With the dish done the aroma wafts through the air the mix of salt, spice and poison are in perfect harmony. Time to dig in.

After eating I go to sleep.

When I wake up I feel different as is normal after eating Serpent Sashimi. So I waltzed my way to the mirror and took a good look at myself. My eyes a bland gold and my features more defined and I grew half an inch meaning I'm now 6 foot.

'Nice' I think after doing my routine.