
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The news and the party

So it has been one day since the sashimi hunt and the incident has spread throughout the web in supernatural and human society.

Humans have regarded it as the Mountain bomber incident and are trying to find evidence while supernaturals have suspected a massive fight between to ultimate class beings.

Only one major character knows about the truth and she is currently in her office.

Yasaka POV

I was sorting through my new paperwork when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" I say


"Yasaka sama I have come to give you reports from all the yokai about the incident within the mountains." The yokai says while I nod

"Well the yokai outside of the mountain all reported seeing a terrifying abomination of sort wondering into the forest with a massive bag. The yokai inside of the mountain have varying stories from rampaging beast to cold blooded killer. Only one stands out saying he was just a nice traveler but that yokai is now missing." I sweat drop as she says the last one.

'Well at least I know where the last one is…' I think. I then lean back and say "Send our stealthiest yokai to monitor him. It would be an actual catastrophe if he were to plot against us…"

'This might be a mistake.'

Later that week

Knock knock

"Come in"

"Yasaka sama the yokai we sent to monitor the monster was found immediately…"

"What did he do?"

"… that's the thing… our monitor told us he was given some alcohol and told to go back…"


"Sigh we lost didn't we" I say feeling gloomy

Kuro POV

The yokai earlier today said that they were the stealthiest yokai… what are they teaching these days he was in plain sight. Moving on the ayakashi in the area are spreading rumours about how I'm a gourmet chef who will cook them up and eat them… which isn't wrong but I only hunt big cows, big sheep, serpents, kudan and mermaids… ok that might be a lot but they taste good and have special effects. Cows and sheep just taste good. Serpents give strength. Kudan makes me pick the future after I die and mermaids give me immortality…

I think I'm starting to see why yokai fear me.


I'm going on my walk one night and it starts to snow… 'Ah I suppose it is time for a new year… wait it's summer… hmmm it appears to be coming from that warehouse over there." I start walking to the ware house

When I get to the warehouse I see the Gremory peerage bashing away at a pin cushion of ice.

"Oi what are you doing." I yell. They turn towards me.

"We're defeating a stray but it's ice is too strong." Rias yells back

"Ok good luck with that." I say while walking away. 'What a weird group looks like the oldest ones are going to become third years in a few months.'

A few months later

So I am currently at a gathering in the underworld. Why? To celebrate New Years. Yay. Now I'm not the most sociable person in the room but I'm also definitely not the least. 'I think I'll talk to all the maou and some other during this party.' And that's why I'm here at this party. It has just begun and I am already on alcohol.

"Yoo Kuro-chan long time no see." Says the ever so annoying voice of Serafall Leviathan.

"Ah yeah long time no see Serafall…" I say hiding my dismay incredibly well. 'Eh when did she decide to call me that…'


So Sirzechs has called me to the underworld and when I asked why he said it's a secret. This means he's either trying to get me to cover his work for him or it's actually something important. My method of travel is the train as I'm not very strong in the magic department. On the train I fall asleep cus I'm tired and I just got up. When I was awoken I was met with the surprisingly beautiful underworld. Strolling along is honestly quite nice.

When I got to the meeting place (Which was a nice restaurant.) Grafiya welcomed me.

" Why hello Sakanagi san we have been expecting you. Please follow me." She says calmly. I nod and follow.

"Today you will be introduced to all the maou over a nice dinner." She breaks the silence.

"I see…" I reply…

'There were more than one maou? Then why the hell is Sirzechs complaining so much.' I think as we near the booth.

When we arrived I gaze at all the maou judging them. 'One sleeping lump, one overjoyed magical girl wannabe, one scientist who hasn't been out of the lab in days and an excited tomato… what an interesting group.' After one second of awkward silence and judging stare, Sirzechs pipes up.

"Hello Kuro kun you must know why I have called you here." I nod

"Well it is to introduce you to my colleagues. Fellow maou meet Kuro Sakanagi. Kuro kun meet the maou." He happily preached.


"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Ajuka Beelzebub the creator of the evil pieces." Ajuka speaks kindly.

"Nice to meet you! I'm the maou Serafall Leviathan! But you can call me Levia tan." Serafall practically yells whiles striking a strange pose.

"Hello I'm Kuro Sakanagi. I'm not that special but it's nice to meet you too." I say innocently.

I lean over to Sirzechs and whisper "Are you sure they're the right people."

He sweatdrops "yep there's no replacing them."

Flashback end*

So here I am making small talk with the strongest devils.

"Yes it is quite pleasant to meet again Sakanagi san I hope you've been well." Ajuka speaks

"Yes I have been well Ajuka." I reply

"Aye my man Kuro it's been a while hasn't it?" Sirzechs says

'It's been a week and that was because you were running from paper work. I guess I should make him suffer a little…' I think

"Yeah man it good to see you again. How's the paperwork treating you." As I say that he freezes and starts sweating. A cold aura coming from behind him.

Grafiya appears taking him away while he begs for mercy. After that everything went back to normal and we moved on.

While talking to the maou you realise a few things one of them being they are just plain fun to be around. If they weren't so scary the devils in the area would have long come and try to befriend them. Another thing is that they all hate paper work like to an amount that they could attack heaven for. But who knows what kind of crap can cause another war.

Other than that nothing else was important so I mingled around with a few people. Specifically the people that were brave enough to talk to me. One such being Seekvaira Agares who is a very strict person who can see the potential of befriending this person.

"Why hello there sir may I ask for your name?" Seekvaira says in a polite tone.

I look down at them and respond "Isn't it courtesy to say your name before asking for another's."

"Ah yes how could I forget. My name is Seekvaira Agares, heiress of the Agares clan."

"I see. I am Kuro Sakanagi, you may call me what you like."

"So Sakanagi san if I could inquire why do you exude such an unfriendly air."

That's how our small talk begun we covered many topics and in the end I have agreed to help her control magic a bit better.

'I need sleep.' I think when I got back home. I open my room door and immediately flip into bed. Dropping into sleep immediately.