
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Another one

So a few months pass and my life has gotten back to normal. Steady stream of customers, nice weather and friendly roommates but it is incredibly boring and bland so the occasional walk is nice… That's why I'm here at the park at night where it is quie-


'Why can't I have good things…' I think while walking to the familiar yet different screech of a stray.

Just as I peer around the corner I see the new governor Rias Gremory a first year at Kuoh academy and also sister of Sirzechs… oh her team is losing I should help.

Rias POV

We're losing to this low class stray devil if we I can even call it that. It's a complete monster and none of our attacks work all we do is annoy it.


"KIBA" I scream as the strays jaws inch closer… it stops an overwhelming pressure comes in. The stray screech's in fear and dismay as it slowly gets torn apart piece by piece by a man with gold eyes and an indifferent face. "Huh… so it doesn't regenerate… how sad." The man says in a monotone voice that sends shivers down my spine. 'How strong is he' are my thoughts. He turns to me. I flinch "You can all go now the body will melt." He then walks back to where he came and his presence disappears…

"Ummm what do we do now Buchou" I hear from Akeno "We will go back to recover and then we will investigate him."

Kuro POV

I remember when Sirzechs visited me to talk about how his quote on quote adorable little sister has become the governor of this town


I was sitting in my shop watching an anime on my phone until.

Jingle jingle

Ah a custo- "oh Sirzechs it's good to see you how have you been bud." I speak in a bland tone

"It's been great, Kuro and it's about to get better." Ah he's got that look on his face…

"My adorable little sister has become governor of this little town!" That's why he's got that look…

"oh? That's nice to hear but you wouldn't just cut straight to the point normally. So what's it about." I stare at him as he starts sweating.

"Ah well you see buddy old pal I have a favour to ask." He sweats more

"Go on" I stare into his soul.

"Well she, as much as I hate to say it is incredibly weak so I need you to protect her" He looks at the floor.

"Ok.." He looks up

"Rea-!!" He visibly brightens up

"But.. you owe me another favour" He immediately deflates.

"Cmon man don't you have enough favours I can't possibly get even with." He attempts to win my pity.

"Not enough"

"Fine" He says as I write down how he owes me 420 favours now.

After that we made some small talk. He complained about his job and I talk about how kuoh is doing.

Flashback end*

How nice of a time. Now what to do with the arise of over mutations of the stray devils I could hunt the source down but that's too much work… I could have Sirzechs do it but that's an annoyance as well. "Sigh" I'll sleep on it.

The next day

I awake once more still tired but awake none the less. I open my eyes and there it is, Ophis staring at me. "food"

So I do my routine get to the kitchen and make pancakes this time I put blueberries on top because eating the same food gets bland. Eating breakfast was nice the atmosphere of the place was very peaceful.

After finishing I say goodbye to my roommates and leave. 'Didn't Ophis say something about having to go back to her group for a few months…huh I'll check on them the second month' that's my last thought before I get to my shop. When I get in there I go behind the counter and sit on my chair listening to the wind blow, the chimes of glass on glass and the distinct sound of a footsteps approaching me…