
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Moki - A smug terrorist and the plot begins

I wake up once more to the sunlight shining in my eyes. 'Why must the sun be so bright…' I think as I get up. Doing my routine I continue replaying the events of the party in my head, considering what to teach Seekvaira and have come to the conclusion of messing with the concept of distance. 'Wouldn't it be funny to teach them a skill my friend used. What did he call it again?' I questioned in my head while finishing up.

When I get to the living room I see Naoki with a knife and Moki who has evolved into a cat with 3 tails.

"You dare switch shows while I was watching it?! How dare you!!!" Naoki says angered. 'Did he get more talkative?'

"Nyeheheh make me peasant" Moki taunts with a smug face. Moki then faded through the floor. 'He's definitely going to become a terrorist.'

Naoki sighs defeated once more and floats to his chair. I then walk to the kitchen to make my breakfast. Making it was easy just toast and butter and honey it's honestly good.

After eating breakfast I go into my shop open it up and sit down preparing for another boring day. 'Today is another day of internal monologue… I bet I could start a nice podcast if I just hop in a discord call with different people.' That's exactly what I did. Started streaming on Devitube with 15 viewers talking about the secrets of magic and how to make a better system. All of this would of course help all supernatural factions who had access to devitube but what's the fun in improving there society.

Just like that the day was over as soon as it started and I have to close up shop. As the begins to dip behind the mountain I contemplate if god was really dead. Wouldn't it have been smarter for it to be a ploy. For an omnipotent being he sure was stupid.


"sup" Moki appears

"Yo" I reply "Let's go get some food." I continue as I close the shop.

"Can we get the souls of the innocent?"

"Nah I'm feeling steak tonight."

"K but next time I'm choosing…" As Moki says this we start to head back in silence.

'Ah I forgot to tell him what I did today.'


"Oh yeah" He says over dinner.


"Today I messed with people in a big building." He says out of the blue

"Was it the one in the middle of town that looks way too big?" I ask curious

"yep that's the one."

"What did you do?" I ask once more albeit hesitantly.



So after fazing into the floor Moki decided that it was time for evil. Being evil is quite hard when your a cat but with the powers of a yokai cats are the worst. For example long range pushing things off tables and creating a cult that worships him. Moki although wants to do his evil at a big place with lots of people. That's why he is now heading to the biggest building in town Kuoh academy.

When he was about twenty meters close he showed himself as a normal calico cat. First he walks the main path lots of people walking close to pat him telling him how he's adorable. 'Pathetic humans you dare touch your new ruler.' "Aww he's meowing." A girl says. Moki flees the scene and runs into the school and leaps onto its fence.

Observing the school he debated what to do. 'Considering most people here are worthless I will spare them the too harmful things… I will pick a human who is hated by the people and humiliate him.' He decided.

Moki then spent the next 15 minutes or so scouting out the place while invisible. He went to the main building some classrooms and even some parts of teachers lounge. 'Why is the human school so bland. So grey there's nothing of interest he- ho? Ddraigs new host.' Moki thinks as an evil grin spreads across his face. "Nyehehehe now this will be fun!"

Issei Hyoudou is currently minding his business lying down on the grass with his friends when one of his friends suggested they go peep on the girls in the kendo club. Issei agrees and began to head there when he suddenly had the urge to go to the forest he doesn't know why but he follows his instincts.

When he gets into the forest he hears a branch rustle he turns and sees a cat with a massive grin that should be impossible.

"Hey kid do ya believe in the supernatural!" The cat says suddenly.

"AHHH WHAT THE FUCK." Issei flinches as he backs away looking in every direction.

Issei begins to run away but everywhere he looks the cat appears. Until he's out of the forest where he looks back and it's gone. He sighs in relief.

"AHHH ISSEI RUN" His glasses friend yells running from girls with bats.

They run back into the forest until the reach a house. Issei looks up to see a red headed girl. Rias Gremory.

Moki appears on the window but only to issei.

'It's that cat again… am I seeing things.' As issei ponders about Moki his two friends break him from his trance.

"Oh that is rias gremory a beautiful red haired girl her sizes are-" one of his friends start. Issei once again hears a voice in his mind. [Listen up boy] Issei stays quiet on the outside and starts panicking on the inside. 'It's the cat again why me?!?!' [So later today your going to be asked out by a really beautiful woman.] 'He say what!? LETS GO-' [Dont trust them they are a fallen angel that is disobeying… also there's a pedophile ghost that's spy's on you I'd be careful what you watch] At Mokis last sentence issei sweats.

Moki then disappears.

Flashback ends*

Kuro POV

I look at Moki with an are you kidding me look.

"Why use future sight for a pervert… is he like a main character or something?" I say in a joking tone.

"No… it's just funny to see someone panic about something that will happen. Plot has its ways." Moki says in an all knowing tone.

'Does he know something that I don't… nah he's just a yokai' I sweatdrop.