
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Church Duo

Akai POV

I am once again in class just sitting there and listening to the teacher. Until I sense 2 holy swords on there way here. This was an annoying reminder of my old mission before I was excommunicated. Now that I think about it don't I still have 1 of them… nah probably not.

Then class ended and I headed to where the 2 holy sword users were at, which just so happened to be the orc.

When walking there I take a look at my book, red and gold. The previous owner wrote some techniques in a code. I have only deciphered 2 and they have already proven useful. First a slash of red energy and second a burst of flames created by a swirl of the blade.

When I get there I open the door to see Kiba challenging the duo.

Akai: "… Hello"


Akai: "Well that's not very nice. Anyways I'm here to see why the church duo is here."

Akeno: "Well they were here to make sure we aren't working with fallen angels to steal the Excaliburs."

I turn to the church duo.

Akai: "… Are you dumb? You should be focusing on the fallen not flagging everything that moves as a suspect."

Blue: "Shut it you devil you don't know what we are doing!"

Akai: "You really are stupid. First I'm not a devil second I do know what your doing, an extensive amount actually. I think I might even know more than you, you dollar store earth chan."

Dollar store earth chan begins to speak but is cut off by a chestnut haired girl.

Chestnut: "Then can you please tell us any information you know please."

Akai: "Hmm well i know the location of almost all Excaliburs and also the people keeping them. Almost all of them are kept by kokabiel with the exception of you 2 myself and Dave from accounting."

Chestnut: "Wait who has an Excalibur?!"

Akai: "Dave from accounting."

Chestnut: "Where do we find him?"

Akai: "Dunno he moves around a lot very hard to track last I saw him he was living underneath a bridge but that was a couple months ago."

Chestnut: "Thank you for the information kind sir. Oh yeah we forgot to introduce ourselves. Ahem I am irina and this is xenovia."

Kiba: "Can we fight now."

Xenovia: "Are we just going to gloss over the fact he has an Excalib-"

Akai: "Yeah okay you guys can fight but don't go too hard ya might destroy something."

Then we all move outside completely ignoring xenovias attempts at getting people to notice my slip up. Xenovia then gives up with a sigh and gets into position for battle taking out her sword.

A battle ensues where the lewd church duo gets absolutely destroyed by the other side.

Akai: "I have never been more disappointed. You 2 were supposed to be holy sword users? I don't believe it."

Xenovia: "HYAAA"

She goes in for a swing of her blade. I bring out my claymore and slash up with one hand cutting the blade in half.


Akai: "oh what a surprise another fake."

Kiba: "What do you mean fake?! That was a holy sword you moron it's an Excalibur!!"

Akai: "fake means fake dumbass if it was an actual Excalibur it wouldn't have snapped so easily… right? Righ?"

Xenovia: "…eh? EHHH?!?!!?!"

I start sweating and laugh awkwardly before proceeding to run the fuck out of there to avoid there wrath.

The next day.

Kuro POV

I was walking to go get food for lunch when I see 2 church hobos begging for money. I look at them squint and try to remember if I've seen or heard of them anywhere else before.


"I will be sending over 2 people from the church to retrieve the Excaliburs. It would be nice if you could help them out. Don't worry I've already told them about you."

Kuro: "… ok"

"Wait what was that pause your not gonna for-"

Beeep beeep beep

Flashback end

Nah must be my imagination. Michael definitely wouldn't send 2 hobo girls to get the Excaliburs… right? On second thought maybe he would. As I look back I see them turn towards me, there eyes widen in recognition.

'Pain' that is my one thought as I realise I can no longer turn back.

Kuro: "Hello you 2 I assume Michael sent you?"

Xenovia / Irina: "Yes sir!"

Kuro: "Sigh alright follow me than."

I walk in the direction of my friend café.

Irina: "Sir may I inquire where we shall be heading? Will it be your base of operations?!"

Kuro: "No we're going to get lunch at a friend's cafe."

We arrive seeing that as usual it is empty with a single blonde cleaning a glass with his eyes closed.

We sit down and order something. During the wait it is pure silence as I analyse there skills the food comes and they eat it.

Kuro: "So I can give you a lead but that's about it."

They nod paying very close attention. Kuro slides a paper towards them.

Kuro: "These are the locations of every Excalibur. The red circle indicates where they will end up in 2 days. Be ready."

I then get up and leave to go for my first day of work in the sweet shop.