
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Meeting Devils and problems at the shop

Akai POV

The next day I get up feeling excited. Why because I want to see the devils's reaction to a random helping hand.

"Your looking jolly this morning. Why?" Asks the cat. I still don't know it's name but I do know that it is pure evil.

"Ah I'm just wondering how devils will react to a helping hand from me." I respond not phased by his grin. It chuckles at my remark and I just walk to the door grabbing a croissant on the way.

On my way to school I pick up on the chapter I left off on : Hard light - radiation, honestly this might be the best form of light magic. It's compact, high speed and radiates unknown particles much like mana but slightly different. I say it's the best not because of its strength or speed but because of its uses one of which is an explosion that burns everything inside of it. How you do it is you get any container preferably a bullet sized one and compact as much hard light into it. Then when you want to activate it throw them once they make contact with anything the explode causing mass damage.

'Funny how I find myself in the classroom just after some reading.'

After sitting down for three classes I was starting to think the devils forgot me until.

"Akai Ken please follow me, president wants to meet you." Says a sweet and alluring voice. I look up to see a black haired woman. I nod slightly and walk up.

"Let's go."

In the hall people start whispering.

"So, where are you taking me…" I ask after a while of silent.

"We are heading to the old school building to talk."



"We are here let's head in." She says with the same smile. It's unnerving.

We walk in and I see the trio and the princess of ruin herself rias gremory.

"Take a seat." Rias says with a kind smile. I comply and take a seat on the couch across her.

"So do you know why we brought you here?" Rias asks

"Kinda but let's hear you says it." I reply

"Well you are here because I would like to thank you for helping my servants in battle." As she says this everyone bows a little.

"Now with that out of the way I would like to offer you a position as a devil if not please come with us to the familiar forest so that we may show you why you should become a devil." She says with desperate eyes.

'What a desperate lady it's not like she getting married off to some douch bag… right?' I think "Sorry but I will have to refuse the offer of becoming a devil… but I will go to the forest if it makes you feel better." I reply hesitantly before attempting to leave.

"Hey if you don't mind me asking are you perhaps from the church in Italy." Asks Asia sheepishly.

"Yeah? why do you asks." I reply. She immediately goes pale and bows.

"Please don't harm us I promise we didn't do anything!" She basically shouts. Everyone looks at her in confusion. I merely wave my hand back at them nonchalantly.

"Don't worry about it my exorcist days are done." Everyone widens there eyes in surprise.

Akeno then turns away from the closed door and looked at Asia. "Why did you seem so scared it was like you knew him."

Asia shyly replies "I-I don't know him I just know that he was the second strongest exorcist a couple years ago and his title was the Red Sword Of Justice." Everyone pales slightly at this.

Rias had one thought and it was 'I just invited an ex exorcist to get a familiar … Let's just hope they don't try to kill us.'

3rd POV

Meanwhile at the shop.

"Yawn what is up with this town recently more amalgamations showing up and some as strong as ultimate class beings." Kuro expressed his more than pessimistic view on this town.

A cat looks down on Kuro from their shelf. "Honestly this town has something wrong with it it's like a magnet for disaster."

'Hmmm I think another amalgamation just showed up… but this, this one is a little different. It's fast… it's under us.' Kuro thinks as he gets up from his chair and sets a barrier.

Just as it's set the area becomes completely dark and something busts out of the ground. The creature upon its arrival saw a gloved fist flying at its head.



Silence but it definitely isn't over as more and more of the dark creatures rise from the ground. Kuros head starts to ache a little as blood falls.

'Hmm it appears these creatures inflict the damage done onto the user. Annoying but not hard to deal with.' Just as Kuro thinks this the creatures start glowing and jump at him at him. Kuro jumps to avoid the first and second when they collided and explosion that took off Kuros legs happened causing a chain reaction to happen as all of them jump as Kuro was still in the air.



Kuro falls to the ground charred and bloody. Into a massive crater.

Kuro then instantly regenerates. He then casts a spell to return his body and clothes to a state where they were clean. Then Kuro takes his phone out of his pocket to make a call.



"Hello. Sirzechs Lucifer here how can I help you." Says an energetic voice.

"Oh sorry to bother you I was wondering if you could send somebody to repair the road in kuoh outside my shop. It's a little messed up." Kuro said with a deadpan staring into the searing crater.

"Ah yeah sure I'll send someone."

"Alright thanks."

End call.

Kuro plays flappy bird for 10 minutes.

"Hello sir I am Hermes and I have arrived to mend the road- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT." A woman with dreadlocks arrives.

"That's the road." Kuro deadpans

"Y know what I'm not gonna question it." She walks to the crater slides down it and places a sticker.

Hermes then sprints back and a magic circle appears on the sticker and the hole fills up with cement.

"Thank you for your hard work." Kuro says before throwing her 5 000 000 yen.

"And thank you generous sir for the money." Hermes says before disappearing in a magic circle.

"Sigh another boring day…" Kuro says lowering the barrier and walking back into the shop. Kuro then sat on his chair and disappeared. Leaving behind a fake he made.

Where he arrived was a dimension devoid of anything and in the middle a white shrine. Kuro appeared in an all black suit. As Kuro walks towards it little white ripples are made across the darkness. As Kuro makes it to the steps he walks up them and opens the door to the shrine. Inside a woman with white hair in entirely white kimono is seen sitting by a table drinking tea. Kuro takes a seat across from her. He then smiles at the lady in white the lady smiles back. As they sit here no sound is made no sound is heard. After they both finish there drink a chessboard appears. They both make moves and win and lose they are both happy. Though after 15 hours of this they both get up wave goodbye and disappear into black and white stones within the dimension.

Kuro then appears in his shop with a once again emotionless face in his regular outfit and a white tattoo that fades away immediately. The time outside has changed by three hours. 'I suppose I'll close the shop and head home'.

After closing shop and going home makes dinner for everyone eats his and goes to sleep.