
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Akai Ken And An Amalgamation

Still Akai POV

I approach the door and bust it open. Inside was a family of 4 all dead on the floor, on had her head bitten off. Blood everywhere and above them, an amalgamation of different creatures. The only thing I can make out is that it has a head of a crow.


It lunges trying to maw me with its claws. I jump away from it just in time. I then summon my sword and get into a stance. We stare at each other for a moment before I decide to charge it. I close in on it and just as I attempt to cut off its arm my instincts go haywire and I notice it's beak about to pierce my spine. I spin and barely avoid becoming a cripple. It's other arm then comes back to claw my head off. Seeing this in a split second cut it's claw off. The thing immediately regenerated it's arm and continued the momentum I widen my eyes in surprise and it hits my head and sending me out the door.

"Pah!" I spit out blood and wipe it from my mouth.

With a crazed smile I Change my stance to a much more aggressive one, release a bunch of bloodlust and dash back in there. 'This thing can regen almost instantly… looks like I'll just have to end this in one shot.' As I near it i channel all of my energy into one swing upwards causing a red beam to arise and exterminate the thing. The only thing of it left behind was a black tag that read

'Test 0007 : unstable'

As I read that I get disappointed that I had to use my full strength to exterminate one being. I pray for the dead body's and flee the scene before the police show up.

Kuro POV


"Oh your back la- what the hell happened to you?" I ask a bleeding Akai

"I'll tell you later. For now I'd like to be healed." Akai says.

I throw Akai a bottle of Phoenix tears. He catches it he opens it and chugs it. Fully healed Akai explained what happened and gave me the tag he found.

"So let me get this straight, after you left school you went to a vending machine to get a drink. But it wouldn't come out so you punched it out. Then you tried to read the map to get back, get lost and made your way to a sketchy house radiating malice. You then went in and proceeded to kill an amalgamation with trouble. And then you came back here…"




I go to my room to sleep.

He also goes to his room to sleep.

Akai POV

I wake up today to the sun beaming into my eyes. I get up and wash myself then proceed to the kitchen only to be greeted with the smell of bacon.

I see Kuro making breakfast.



We then ate our breakfast in silence and I set off to school while reading a book about how to become a god it's titled quantum physics in magic. It's quite useful for me I'm currently reading up on amplified light magic and how it's like light magic but much denser and it has the consistency of water. The best part is that other magic doesn't affect it.

Just like that I arrive at the school gates. I hear a lot of whispering and gossip which I some how never noticed the first round.

"ooh look it's the new kid, I heard he was a real player." G1

"Really I hope he's single." G2

"Wow looks like we got competition boys" b1

"He's still not as good looking as the prince." G3

'What the hell are these people saying I hope they aren't all like this.' I think as I speed up a bit more.

When I make it to my classroom I go to my seat and look at my phone for a bit until class starts. Class is as usual boring but afte calculus I began to sense my surroundings only to find so many devils in this school. 'Maan why there gotta be so many devils in this school. Last time I had any supernatural species in my school I burned the place down screaming purge the heresy. It's the whole reason I'm excommunicated from the church.'

Shaking that thought away the day continued as usual but when school ended I noticed the vending machine from before… as the sensible person I am I go over and order coffee.



"PIECE A SHIT GIMME MY GOD DAMN DRINK!!!" I yell while kicking the vending machine over and over again.

After successfully getting my drink and abusing the new trash can I decide to go check out the church because y know the literal beacon of energy coming out from it.

Going to the church was a short walk but an interesting considering the wild Issei and two others are also heading there too. I follow in silence eavesdropping on there conversation. 'Saving a girl from fallen angels?… Asia is the girl… they gonna kill somebody… don't mind if I do.'

When they got there they were hiding in the bushes and I was in the bush behind them.

The little white haired loli then said "stealth is useless they know we're here we should just go in."

I then walk up and say " Yeah I agree but we should enter with caution I sense over 50 crusaders in there."

"Ye- wait who the hell are you."

I chuckle "I'm Akai Ken and im here to help!"

I summon my red one handed claymore and immediately send a red slice through the building. The crusaders all rush out weapons in hand although there 50 have decreased to 10.

"Go in I'll take these guys on you got no time to waste!" I yell while I rush towards the crusaders. The last ten are actually fallen angel. The trio snapped out of there shock and ran in while saying there respective thank you. The last ten were quite strong but I blitzed through them with relative ease. When I walk in the blond is fighting some maniac and the other two are down a set of stairs.

"Need help?" The maniac notices me

"OH FUCK I DID NOT SIGN UP TO FIGHT YOU" The maniac then smoke bombs and runs away.

"No." Says the now relaxing blond.

"So why did you help us? And who are you?" Says the once again tense blond.

"Well I wouldn't say I helped you I just intervened a little. Also I already told you my name what's yours and the two others." I reply

"I am kiba yuuto the knight of rias gremory. The two downstairs are koneko the rook and issei the pawn." Kiba quickly covers his mouth as he doesn't know why he said that. While I have a smug smile on my face as I blurr out of his vision / ran back to Kuros house.