
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Akai Ken and Maps

The next day Kuro wakes up and heads to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast. 'Oh I forgot I that I brought this guy in.' Akai then turns and sees Kuro.

"Good morning Kuro kun I have a few questions I was hoping you could answer-"

Kuro nods while boiling the kettle.

"Ok so 1: why did you bring me in?"

Kuro replied "Because you answered my question and your like me… Gold eyes ."

Akai then says "This leads to my second question. I noticed how you also have golden eyes and they glowed briefly when you punched me. So I'd like to ask what do the golden eyes do."

Akai suddenly becomes serious as Kuro the says "Our eyes have the ability to grant special abilities based on alternate versions of you. For example you have the best swordsmanship I have seen in a long time meaning you and all your other selves have the same ability…"

Akai then asks "ok thank you but I have one last question : What is your ability."



"I can't say but from my understanding my strength has been augmented to a large level."

Akai POV

This guy is crazy strong I really want to fight but I need my body to hunt for the Excaliburs. Oh shit I should go I have to go someplace called kuoh academy … it starts in 15 minutes.

"Alright Kuro kun take care I will return later I need to go to school."

"K have fun… "

As I am walking towards the school based on my map I notice that I am lost. I look up from my map on the phone to see a boy with dragon power and a blond talking… isn't she the excommunicated girl? I mean I can't say much since I'm excommunicated until I redeem myself but jeez ain't she in a sorry state. I should say hello.

I walk up to them and inserted myself into their conversation flawlessly. "Good morning can I ask which direction Kuoh academy is? I'm new in town and you have the same uniform I was wondering if you could guide me."

The boy jumps and says "yeah you can follow me after I escort this girl to the church nearby. You wanna come with."

The blond who was silent in thought was thinking. 'Hmm I feel like I have seen him before. Was it perhaps in Italy.'

"Asia Chan come on let's get you to the church. Oh I'm Issei Hyoudou what's your name?"

"I'm Akai Ken! Now let's go."

As we were walking we talked about various things. We passed some houses and made our way to church. When we got there though I have to be honest how could they call this place church it's an absolute shithole that should be burned. But when saying goodbye to Asia Issei looked like he was having a real bad headache. When we asked him what's wrong he said it's fine and we should get to school.

On the way to school I noticed that a clone of the cat in Kuro sans house was in Isseis shadow. I as the absolute chad I am ignored it completely and got to school. This is when I and Issei split. I walked to the student council to get my schedule when I noticed how all of the student council were devils. I knocked on the door to the student council and opened it.

Sona POV

When I was sitting at my desk reading through files I noticed one labeled new student. In it read :

Name : Akai Ken

Age : 17

Third year

Academic skills are above average. Physical skills are far better than anything we've seen, is doing better than some of the worlds best athletes. President of NNN academy's kendo club

Side note : Rebels on a regular basis and shows abnormal reflex and sight.

This is one of the most outrageous profiles I have ever seen. If he was so good why did he transfer here. I'm not sure but whatever the reason we need to keep a close watch. 'At least he has smarts' I think to myself as I study he profile a bit more… 'wait, that's today!!!'

Knock knock

"Enter." I say hoping he isn't as bad as his profile.

The door opens and in comes a boy with red hair and gold eyes.

"Hello there student council I would like to receive my schedule please." Says the boy.

"Ah-hello we have been expecting you. Come I'll give you a schedule. It's right … here. Take it and before classes start would you mind a game of chess?" I say out of habit from playing with Rias

"Sure we got time to burn." He replied (2 minutes)

And now we are playing chess. So far he has been doing pretty well for a human. If I do this it should be check… ho? Smart move setting up traps.

On the other hand Akai was thinking about what to have from the vending machines and unknowingly setting traps.

By this part of the game it was a stalemate and lunchtime.

" Haaa that was the best game I have had in a while would you like to play again sometime?"

"Definitely Sona chan… the end of lunch has come I should probably head to my next class." Akai says while exiting the room.

'Wait did he just say it was the end of lunch?'


Akai POV

After that incredibly long game of chess I get to my next class and walk in. The teacher looks at me. I wave and say "Im the new student" he told me to stand outside and come in when he tells me to.

"Alright class today we have a new student-" the door opens I walk in. "Please introduce yourself."

"Hello I am Akai Ken. I like Kendo and dislike maps. I hope we get along."

"Any questions for young Ken."

Many hands raised. I point to them.

"Why do you dislike maps?" "Hard to read."

"Are you planning to join the kendo club? If so are you a perv?" "1 no I won't join kendo club because I have better ways to practice. And 2 no I'm not why ask are there like ton of perverts in this school?" Everyone looks a little shaken by my words but now have no questions so I take my seat and class went on without a hitch.

After school I take extra long to go back because the Sakanagi house is loud and because my purchased drink wouldn't come out of the machine. During my long walk I get lost because of this fucking map and decide decide to pick a road and follow it. I did end up seeing a house that had malice radiating from it.

I slowly approached it.