
The immortal Shop keeper… in dxd

I don’t own anything except Mc Also I may not have a very steady way of writing. Some chapters may be longer than others but bare with me I am but a younglin at writing. Also English isn’t my first language. :) ——————————————————- An immortal man dealing with the troubles that come with his power just trying to enjoy life and try to manage his alchemy / alcoholism albeit badly but he’ll get there… probably Also he lives in kuoh to be close to the plot. -Enjoy

The_Big_Fire · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Stealing Chicken Tears and the A new roommate

Kuro make it to the underworld during the night. He walks through the back alleys to avoid being sensed by anyone just incase his trait is broken. As He walks through the darkness he feels the area is empty like they evacuated.

The more Kuro travels the more he hears, first some clanging, shouting and screaming and then he got closer and sensed the energy's one was a devil, about high class in terms of power and the other is an … abomination of mismatched energy's. 'Disgusting' he thinks to himself as he edged closer to get a better look.

What Kuro sees is a devil with black hair dodging and sometimes getting hits on a red bull with a dragon tale.

The bull roars as it charges and the devil. The devil jumped covered his arm in silver and punched down onto the bull. After getting hit the bulls head goes down and it's tail headed towards the devil successfully stabbing the devils gut.


The devil pukes blood and falls to the ground. The bull getting back up ready's a finishing move but before it could the devil jumped back holding his wound. The bull looks over before roaring and once again charging. The devil closes his eyes and awaits an impact.



Kuro appears with his arm regenerating and a puddle in front of him.

The devil with fear in his eyes asks "W-who are you?" Kuro looks back and the devil flinches.

Kuro throws the man a bottle. "Drink this it'll help with the wound you have there." He says before walking into the shadows and disappearing.

As Kuro was walking away he thinks. 'Why was that thing in the underworld don't they have better security then this… why was that kid there. He's supposed to be dead… reincarnated probably.' With those thought he nears the phenex house hold.

He then puts on a mask and jumps inside.

Once in, he strolled around and dew to his trait of being completely normalised unless someone is actively looking for a difference he was able to walk past many maids and butlers. Some even said hello and Kuro says hello back because it'll break the effect if he doesn't.

While he walks around searching for the room they keep the phenex tears he found a large corridor with 20 doors. The first door led to a laundry room. The second door was a training room with all sorts of equipment. The third door was a dining hall with people eating inside which he quietly left. After that door he went to the seventh door because he had a feeling.

Low and behold the Phoenix tears were there. 'Wait this is too easy I haven't seen any guards by the door.'



As a figure wearing all red with gold eyes and red hair emerged he took out a sword and cut off Kuro's head resulting in blood splattering everywhere.

"Heh fool didn't see it coming!" Says the man not noticing the slowly arising Kuro with a regenerated head. The man then turns around just in time to see a black gloved fist flying towards his face. Kuro then casts aura of silence just before red hit the ground.

Jumping up from his position on the ground red opened his eyes only to be greeted by another fist but unlike the first he cut through the fist with his sword.

At this moment he knew he fucked up. 'SHIT' Red thought with a grin as he gets hit with another fist to the face sending him flying.

This alerted the guards as Kuro ran back into the room grabbed all the bottles and got the fuck out of there.

When he was out he ran into the alleys of the underworld. When he was in the clear he makes a left and red was there catching his breath.

Red looks up and says

"Wait!!! We're out of the fight now… what's your name I'd like to know the name of the first person who beat me."

Kuro looks at him blandly

"Kuro Sakanagi…"

Red then replies in a tone of a sword saint.

"I am Akai Ken master of the blade!"

Kuro with the same bland look started to turn away.

Akai seeing the fleeing Kuro runs up and says "Kuro san i know we just met but I would really appreciate it if you would be so kind to help me choose a place in Kuoh. As I am on a mission to collect the stolen Excalibur pieces."

Kuro sighs and says

"What is a human doing sneaking around in a devil house hold? Answer me that and I'll consider taking you in." Akai sweats

"Well you see someone spread a rumour that a teleportation circle in the shape of a star could take you to heaven but it was a lie… so I fell for the lie and ended up in the castle roof." He said truthfully

"… sigh follow me."

With that Kuro and Akai left the underworld both with Phoenix tears. When walking back to the overworld we made it to my house. During the trip Akai kept asking me about the surroundings and what to expect. I told him the basics and who to avoid.

"Akai your in the guest room pay your rent by next month and don't bother me if I'm sleeping. Now, if you need something ask the Naoki the ghost I'll be in my room." Kuro says in a tired tone

"Yes sir, see you in the morning." Akai says excitedly walking to his room.

'What the hell did he bring in?' Thinks a certain trickster.