
Chapter 9

She was standing there blankly looking at me. Such an adorable little girl. Whenever I am around her I just happen to smile . I walked to her then flicked her head to bring her back to sense.

" Ah..ouch"

" Take care."

He turned then started to walk towards the entrance.

" I will not go and you can't make me!" He just waved at her and soon rode off in his luxurious cars.

" And then?" Xia was almost popping out of the phone out of curiosity.

" Then what? I couldn't say anything. I just stood there."

" Shiyi why didn't you just say no? Don't tell me that you are afraid."

" I don't know I am very tired and I am going to sleep bye." I cut the call then flopped on the bed under my soft blanket. I can't help thinking about him. Such an asshole! He is all over my head and my mind. I checked my laptop , I did quite some research. He surely is a very big shot. But I never felt that sort of fear around him. He doesn't really resemble all those rumors I have heard. But still I get cold feet even with his voice. How can I possibly think of a life with him!? But unfortunately I owe him a dinner and because I ran away I owe him more than that now. So I'm going to finish this tomorrow when I meet him. Someone like him will not be by my side forever. Overtime he is going to forget me and the things that are attracting him towards me will also fade away. So it's better not getting my hopes up.

Oh shoot! Did he really come to pick me up!? And what a creepy smile my parents are giving me.

" Bye kiddo. Have a great time." My mom was almost tearing up like I wasn't going on a date but I am leaving forever." My little girl has grown up."

" Mom I'm only going out for a while. I will return by evening stop being so dramatic."

" How is your day going miss Lan?" He opened the door for me , such a gentleman he is. " It depends on what you plan to do. Why did you come to pick me up you could've sent the driver."

" Last time I did that and you ran away. I don't want to take that risk again ." He likes to tease me. We set out to our destination. * Phone vibrating *

" Hey Jiashen. What's up?" I was talking over phone with Jiashen . I wonder why when I took his name that guy became very annoyed. He is way scarier than before. He kept looking at me and monitoring our conversation though he wasn't able to hear anything from Jiashen's side .

" Hmm..I don't think so. Don't worry I'll take care....yes absolutely...yeah I'm sure I'm fine...okay then see you..and don't forget to get checked up and don't yell at your clients. * Laughs* okay bye."

She was laughing over a phone call with someone. But why do I feel like someone's stabbing my back. She laughed! What can be so amusing that she is laughing so frequently. Also she is showing that guy so much concern! She never once told me to take care. She is so cold to me and so sweet to others. How can any girl ignore such a handsome guy like me and talk to another one over a call!?

* Cuts the call*

" Who was it? You seem happy."

" Oh it was a friend." Yeah sure enough a friend with ill intentions! Towards my girl!

" So where are we going?"

" Have patience. I'm sure you will be thrilled."

He winked at me!! He w i n k e d at me! He surely is planning to do something. What if he has some weird type of things. This road looks so empty. And there's a forest attached to it! Is he going to feed me to the wild beast! Oh God I again tress passed in the lion's den. These days I keep frequently doing this. I wonder why my luck has given up on me.

" Don't think wild I'm not going to eat you." What!? Eat me!? Is he a vampire or a Dracula!? I knew I shouldn't have come.

" Wha..what are your intentions Mr Ruan!?"

" Don't worry I have very good intentions. Specially for you." That's it...mom dad I love you..this is the end of Lan Shiyi.