
Chapter 8

She kept still at her place while continuously looking at me like a pervert. I love her this side as well. She's even annoyed with other girls drooling over me. That's the kind of possessiveness that I love about her also feel for her. I walked to her and stood in front of her. She flinched then held her breath for a while .

" Breathe Shiyi , you can gaze me as much as you want later ." I laughed at her silliness then wisperd in her ears. She took a step back, " w what are you doing here?"

" You forgot your phone. I came to return that." She immediately snatched the phone from my hand ," thank you for this trouble Mr Ruan." She turned to leave .

" Are you going to show your gratitude like this?"

" What gratitude? "

" I travelled half way across the city to return your phone and just a thank you? How about you have some coffee with me. "

She smiled hesitantly then unwillingly agreed .

It has been half an hour but he still hasn't finished his coffee. My legs won't stop shaking because of nervousness. Is he angry? Or is he here because I ran away ? What am I going to do!? God save me.

" Are you okay?"

" Yes?"

" You keep shaking your legs and you get alarmed whenever I say anything. I wonder if you are always like this?" No I'm not always like this but I have recently become like this ! Because of you!

" Haha...you are funny Mr Ruan , you like to crack jokes."

" I am not jocking nor was I jocking when I asked you to marry me."

I almost chocked . "What!?" I can't believe this guy! He still is stuck with that matter. I wonder what he will do if I refuse again? Is he that sort of a weirdo guy..like the ones in the movies with blindfolds and other..no no no he seems fine right. I mean he has a incredible handsome face and a reputation he isn't some sort of a maniac.

" Shiyi I know I'm very good looking but right now we really need to focus on the conversation, later I will stand in front of you for an hour so that you can feast your eyes on me." Such a narcissist.

" I am not gazing you Mr Ruan! Stop flattering yourself"

" You called me by my name at our first meeting and then you suddenly became very formal as if I am your boss." Well duh! I didn't know that you are 'the Ruan' . The name that can make the whole country tremble.

"I'm afraid I can't marry you Mr Ruan."

Her expressions are quite confusing, she gets alarmed at my single call then suddenly becomes very strong. Though she has very clear eyes but I still can't get through her. It's very intimidating. I knew that someday soon she would be aware of my fame and rumors. But I didn't expect her to be petrified.

" Mr Ruan.."

" Please call me Liyan, it's very embarrassing that you called me by my name on the first day then you suddenly be like this."

*Deep inhales* " Liyan I don't think that we are suitable for each other , I mean I am not suitable for you. So I don't think we should..."

" Who said that you are not suitable for me? Apart from the fact that you are 5"6 and I am 6"3 , you completely suitable for me." She was looking at me stunned at my reply. Gosh what is this about this little bunny that I find myself Soo much attracted to her.

" You ...you don't understand..we barely even know each other. And I..I actually.."

" That problem can be solved. Let's go out on a date . Then you can know more about me." She flinched as if I asked her to sleep with me right away.

" A..a date? "

" Yes a date. Don't be so scared Shiyi. I didn't ask you to sleep with me right away. You can take your time."

" You ..you better not spout any nonsense Liyan! Stop flattering yourself!"

He got up his seat then leaned on her , she backed up and hit her back completely on the seat. She gasped and stopped breathing for a while. Her eyes widened with his domineering gesture.

"Let's meet for a date tomorrow, I accept this as your apology for running away. And..don't ever run away Shiyi. Rest assured that I am a good guy, just give this a little time and effort. Think about it."

He took his coat then checked his phone . Mian Gu his manager who was sitting at a far came to him then they both were talking about something. Shiyi got up her seat and fixed her stethoscope and her uniform.

" I will wait for hearing from you miss Shiyi. See you tomorrow then."

He has such a possessive attitude that made Shiyi short of words to reply instead she just stood there blankly.