

Iris Bloodmoon, she wanted nothing more than to feel free, to feel normal…but she wasn’t normal, far from it. She was the last white wolf left of her kind, and soon to be Luna of her pack, she has expectations she’s expected to reach, but what happens when a hunter is thrown into the mix? —————— Xander Cooper- werewolf hunter. With a long, mysterious and…complicated background, he knows it’s not ethical, but then again, since when has that stopped anyone?

Nonexistent911 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter eighteen

"so where are you and Xander going on your date tonight?" I heard Kris say while going through my closet looking for an outfit for me tonight.

It was already Friday meaning my date was tonight, these last three days have been awesome, Xander has been really sweet he walks me to class everyday, and Tiffany has been away with her family for unknown reasons so I haven't had had to worry about her at all which is amazing, unfortunately she gets back tonight so fuck me.

"I don't know, he said it's a surprise and I'll find out when we get there" I said with a shrug.

"fuck him, how am I supposed to pick out your outfit if I don't even know what type of scenery you'll be in" she huffed and I giggled

"Kris how about I ask him if it's indoors or outdoors, will that help?" I said and she smiled

"yes ma'am it will" she said turning her attention back to my closet, I pulled my phone out to text Xander.

me: Hey I have a question

Xander: I've already told you kitten I'm not telling you where we're going

me: I wasn't even going to ask that!

Xander: okay then what were you going to ask?

me: I was going to ask wether we would be indoors or outdoors

Xander: If I tell you you'll know where we're going

me: ugh fine

I put my phone down and walked over to where Kris was standing.

"what'd he say?" she asked taking her attention from my closet

"he wouldn't tell me, said it would be obvious" I sighed and she groaned.

"oh my goddess, of course" she huffed and I laughed

"well we have to hurry up and pick something because it's six-thirty and he's going to be here in an hour and a half, so you hurry up and take a shower while I get your outfit and other shit ready" she sighed and I nodded rushing out my door and down the hall towards the bathroom.

I was just about to reach the bathroom door when I saw Mackenzie walk out and she looked at me and her eyes widened and I smiled at her.

"glad to see you out of the infirmary" I said sweetly and she eyed me

"you were also glad to put me there" she spat and I looked at her as I started walking towards the bathroom door where she was standing with her watching my every move, I kept walking slowly until I was right next to her.

"you wouldn't like to have a repeat would you?" I asked lowly and she jumped a little

"no" she said meekly and I smirked

"then watch your tone" I said with a smile and walked into the bathroom to take my shower before my date.


After my shower I went into my room to see that Kris had picked out an outfit and had makeup and hair products ready, It was already seven so I only had an hour to get dressed and make myself look put together.

"there you are, put your hair up in your towel and get dressed, hurry" she said and I did just that, put my towel in my hair and put on a cute light blue lace thong with my matching bra. I looked at the outfit she had laid out on the bed for me it was a cute short white dress with a light blue denim jacket, I grabbed my white converse to put with it.

after getting dressed I sat down in front of the vanity mirror while Kris blow dried and put loose girls in my hair, that itself all together took half an hour meaning I only had thirty minutes before Xander would be here.

Kris then starting working on my makeup, she finished within twenty minutes and I could see why, it was a very nice simple look, I'd never been big about wearing makeup so I'm really glad she didn't go overboard with the look, I spent the next ten minutes talking to Kris about life, I feel like we have been so preoccupied with our lives that we haven't spent much time together like we used to.

"so what about you Kris? find your mate yet?" I asked and she sighed

"no" she said softly and sat on the bed next to me.

"I'm sure you'll find him, I mean hey, I turn eighteen next month and I just found my mate" I said and she nodded

"Yeah I guess, but I was honestly really looking forward to going to the human school because a part of me was hoping he would be there, I just don't want to be alone anymore Iris" she sighed while hugging herself and I gave her a sympathetic look.

"I'm here Kris" I said patting her back and she smiled weakly at me.

"It's not the same, I want someone to love me, I want someone to make love to me as cheesy as it sounds, and besides you have Xander now you won't need my company anymore because you'll have his." she said and I finally understood how she was feeling, I'm always the one to vent to her about my problems, but never does she vent about hers and that makes me feel awful.

"Kris wether I have Xander or not I will always need your company, you're my little sister and yeah things may be different now but no matter what I'll always make time for you" I said sweetly and she hugged me right as the doorbell rang.

"looks like that's your cue, go get him you sexy tiger, and I'm just checking but you shaved everything correct?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and my eyes widened as I blushed.

"not that it's any of your business, but yes I did" I said softly and she grinned as I rolled my eyes

"well have fun and remember when you come back that the walls here are not sound proof" she laughed and I smacked her before I ran out of the room and ran downstairs to see Mackenzie talking to Xander, fucking hell.

"Well hello Xander I see you've met Mackenzie" I said and she eyed me up and down while he chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"yeah I did" he said and I smiled sweetly at her

"so what were you guys talking about?" I asked and she smirked

"I was just telling him about how I used to be in gymnastics" she said while she rubbed his arm and my wolf pushed to take over.

"oh nice that's why you're good at opening up your legs" I said and she glared at me while Xander coughed to cover up a laugh.

"how funny, anyways Xander it was really nice meeting you, maybe we can talk over dinner or something like that" she said tracing his arm and I couldn't even believe she would do this in front of me right now, I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt pulling her towards me and Xander's eyes went wide as did hers.

"let go of me" she spat and I tightened my grip on her shirt

"don't touch him, he's mine" I growled out, Athena was starting to push through, she didn't like the fact that not only was she touching our mate but she was trying to seduce him as well.

"I don't see your name on him" she said sarcastically and I smirked as I leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"no but you do see my name on you though" I spoke lowly and she gulped as her face paled and I moved away from her.

"be grateful all I did was grab you, wouldn't want to rip your stitches open" I spoke as I grabbed Xander's hand and walked out the front door and towards his rover.

"who is that? and what the fuck just happened?" he asked once we were in his car and I shifted awkwardly.

"That was Mackenzie, and you just witnessed me being my true self" I said and he eyed me.

"you growled" he said and I looked at him and laughed.

"uh yeah it's just a sound I make, I don't know why" I said and he nodded in understanding.

"that was kinda hot not gonna lie" he said and I blushed.

"thank you I just get jealous easy, especially with her" I said with a snarl at the end and he chuckled.

"frankly I get even more jealous than that, you wouldn't want to see that" he said and I smirked

"I don't know seeing my guy get jealous is kind of hot" I said and he grinned at me

"your guy?" he said and I blushed

"not yet but soon" I said and he smiled at me while we continued to drive to wherever it was we were going.


We soon arrived at a beautiful lit up carnival and I smiled like a little kid on Christmas , but the one ride I couldn't get my eyes off was the big Farris wheel that sat in the center of the fair grounds, it was absolutely beautiful.

"wow Xander, it looks like so much fun let's go" I squealed while jumping out the rover with him following behind me.

"we have to save the Farris wheel for last" I smirked and he smiled

"of course kitten" he said grabbing my hand and leading me to the carnival.

"oh let's go on the Rollercoaster" I said jumping up and down and he laughed.

"you're just like a kid" he smirked and I smiled

"everyones got a kid in them, even you, or you wouldn't have taken me here" I said and he smiled before dragging me to the rollercoaster, the whole time we were on it I was laughing and screaming, every time I screamed he looked at me to make sure I was okay.

"that was amazing" I said once we got off and he nodded in agreement.

"let's get food and ice cream" he said and I smiled

"don't forget the cotton candy" I said as we held hands and we started walking to the food stand that wasn't far from us, it soon was our turn at the stand.

"hello you two what can I get ya?" the older man behind the stand said

"hi, I'd like one slice of pepperoni pizza with a side of fries and a chocolate ice cream cone, what would you like Iris?" Xander said and thank god I knew what I wanted because I hate being put on the spot.

"uh yes I'd like a cheese burger with no onions and a side of fries with a vanilla ice cream cone, and one stick of blue cotton candy please" I said, the man behind the stand told us the price which Xander ended up paying much to my dismay.

we got our food and went and sat at a table not far from the food stand, after we quickly devoured our food talking about random stuff about each other, like our favorite color and shit like that, we went on a couple more rides and did some games, we did the ring toss and I of course lost terribly because I have zero hand eye coordination, Xander on the other hand got all the ring on the back row so he got to pick a big prize, he decided to get a gigantic panda and looked at me.

"this is yours kitten" he said and I smiled taking the panda from him and hugging it to my body.

"thank you, he's adorable" I said and he laughed

"I thought you'd like that one" he said taking my free hand and leading me to the Farris wheel. 

"what should we name him?" I asked and he looked down at the panda in my arms

"what about Rambo?" he said and I smiled.

"perfect" I said as we arrived at the Farris wheel, we handed the ride conductor our tickets then climbed into the red cart that was snug making us squeeze together, but in a comfortable way, the ride started going.

"you know I didn't tell you how beautiful you look tonight" he said quietly since there really was no need to talk loudly.

"thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" I said sarcastically and he chuckled making me clench my legs.

"you have different sides to you" he said and I cocked an eyebrow

"and how's that" I smirked and he laughed

"you seemed shy, when we first met, then you seemed like a party animal with Devon, and then overall you're really nice and sweet but, like what I saw at your house, you have a scary 'I'm gonna kill you' vibe" he said and I blushed.

"heh, yeah I'm a little all over the place" I said and he laughed lightly

"yes but it's cute" he said and I smiled

"the view is absolutely beautiful" I said once we were at the top of the Farris wheel.

"yeah it is" he said and I looked over at him to see him looking at me and I gulped nervously as he leaned in slightly shifting in the small confined space.

"Iris" he spoke in a hushed tone and my breath caught in my throat as his minty breath fanned my face.

"Xander" I said just as quiet and his eyes kept flicking from my eyes to my mouth.

"I want to kiss you so bad" he whispered right in front of my lips

"what's stopping you?" I asked and the corner of his mouth lifted for a second.

"nothing" he said before he lightly pressed his lips to mine in a light delicate kiss, tingles shot through my body as his soft plump lips touched mine making me shiver.

He gently grabbed my head as my hands ran up the back of his curly hair gripping it softly, he deepened the kiss slightly pulling me forward abruptly making me gasp and he took that opportunity  to slide his tongue into my mouth and I moaned softly making him squeeze me tighter.

"alright kids times to go" the ride conductor said and me and Xander broke apart quickly and climbed off with me blushing and him smirking.

"that was embarassing" I said once we were far enough away, walking back towards the car and he laughed.

"that was funny" he said and I glared at him.

"they just saw us making out in a Farris wheel cart" I said and he smirked.

"let them see" he said unlocking the car and I blushed.


once we got back to my house he walked me up the steps to the front door and we looked at each other.

"I had a lot of fun tonight" he said and I smiled

"me too, hopefully we can do it again?" I said and it came out more of a question.

"yes, and many more times after that" he said and I smiled as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"good night Kitten" he said before bending down and placing a soft feather like kiss on my lips before pulling away and starting to walk away.

"good night Xander" I said barely audible so that he couldn't hear me but he looked back and smiled and my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, how'd he hear me?


Once in the house I walked up to my room and took a quick shower before changing into pajamas and getting comfortable in my bed, and although I fell asleep with a smile on my face I had one thought let in my head.

How was he able to hear me????