

Iris Bloodmoon, she wanted nothing more than to feel free, to feel normal…but she wasn’t normal, far from it. She was the last white wolf left of her kind, and soon to be Luna of her pack, she has expectations she’s expected to reach, but what happens when a hunter is thrown into the mix? —————— Xander Cooper- werewolf hunter. With a long, mysterious and…complicated background, he knows it’s not ethical, but then again, since when has that stopped anyone?

Nonexistent911 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter nineteen

I woke up and took a shower to try and wake myself up, I had a rough time sleeping last night, something just wasn't sitting right with me and I couldn't figure out what it was.

It's Saturday and Harpers pool party is today, I decided to invite Kris since I haven't seen her around much lately, I told her she could bring Kaylee if she wanted to and she said that she would ask her.

Kris was currently looking through my drawers to try and find a cute Bathing suite for me and her because I guess she didn't have one, something about doing squats and her ass got bigger so her bottoms don't fit.

"ugh you don't even have anything cute" she huffed giving up, It was currently nine is the morning and the little party doesn't start until eleven so we still had two hours before we had to be at Xander and Harpers.

"hey we got two hours how bout we have a little sister time and go shopping for some cute swim suites?" I suggested and her face lit up with a smile.

"oh my goddess, yes please" she squealed as she got up and ran down the stairs towards the door with me following behind her.

"can I drive?" she asked and I looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"no way, you suck at driving" I said climbing into the drivers seat and her in the passenger.

"oh come on, I've improved a lot actually, Kaylee's been teaching me" she said matter of factly.

"still, I'm older" I said and she huffed.

"so who's going to be there?" she asked once we got on the main road to the mall.

"It's gonna be me, Xander, Harper, Sophia, Quinn, Chase, Trinity, Jack and Tiffany" I said just letting it sink in that Tiffany is back from her little trip.

"okay well first we have to make you look hotter than little miss Tiffany, not that you aren't already way prettier than her, and your man is gonna be there, we want him to have to hide a boner, and want to rip your clothes off" she said and I blushed at the last part.

"okay, and what about you?" I asked and she smirked

"well I don't have anyone to impress but myself but I'm still gonna look bomb as fuck" she said and I giggled.

"so you will finally get to meet my friends, how do you feel?" I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know to be honest, I'm a little nervous because they are upperclassmen, but I'm a little curious on who this Chase guy is, his name intrigues me". she says and my head snaps to look at her quickly before looking back on the road.

"don't even think about it Kris, he's dating my friend Quinn" I said sternly and her face dropped dramatically before she hid it with a smile.

"oh okay, I didn't know, but has Jasper tried to fuck with your friends?" she asked and my face scrunched up.

"thank god no, he's seen all of them except Quinn and Trinity" I said and she nods, the rest of the ride is silent until we get to the mall.


We walk into the first store and instantly Kris isn't interested in anything in there, even though she barely looked around, we walk into another store and try on a couple of swim suites but none of them seem to catch Kris' eye and make her say 'that's the one' she's so picky with clothing I'd hate to see her looking for a wedding dress.

After walking through three mores stores Kris takes me into one last store and she starts picking bathing suites off the rack and handing me the ones for me to try on while she holds the one she's trying on.

I try on a cute little black two piece that was way to tight around my tits, she said it was too simple, I then try on a yellow one and she instantly shook her head no saying it made me look pink, I try on one last swim suite it's white and the top is off the shoulders, it has string between my breasts and connecting to the thong like bottoms, she nods her head enthusiastically.

"that's the one" she says and I shift uncomfortably

"it's a little revealing don't you think?" I ask and she waves me off

"non sense, there's no such thing" she says and I go back to change back into my clothes, Kris gets up to go try her swim suites on and I sit in the chair she was once sitting in.

Kris comes out in a green two piece and I shake my head in disagreement and she nods agreeing with me, green wasn't her color. She then comes out in a red two piece that looked good on her but didn't look like her style so I shook my head no, she then comes out in a cute pink two piece the bottoms were high waisted and the top was kept together by black string and she looked beautiful in it, I nodded my head and she smirked.

After she gets changed we buy our suites and leave the mall, I picked up Kaylee on the way and she was wearing her bathing suite under her clothes, so we decided to stop at the house real quick and do the same.


We soon arrived at Xanders and I knocked on the front door just for Devon to answer it and I looked him confusingly.

"oh Devon, I didn't know you were going to be here" I said and he smiled.

"yeah me neither but my dad's here for some business so I had to" he laughed and moved out of the way letting the three of us in.

"and they're all by the pool in case you were wondering" he said with a chuckle before he walked to the kitchen, to get a drink I assume.

We all walk towards the back where the pool is and I open the sliding back door to be engulfed in my mates smell, my eyes instantly meet his and he smiles at me, I tell the girls to go have a seat which Kaylee gladly does so, but Kris doesn't move, her eyes are glued to Chase cuddled up on one of the seats with Quinn.

"Iris, can I talk to you privately for a second?" she says and I nod as I lead her back inside and around the corner towards the bathroom.

"Kris, what's gotten into you?" I say but she looks as if she's seen a ghost

"It's him, the one with the shaved head" she whispers and I look at her confused.

"Chase?" I ask and she sighs in content.

"yes, Chase" she says dreamily and my eyebrows furrow

"what about him?" I ask and she bites her lip before answering

"He's my mate"