

Iris Bloodmoon, she wanted nothing more than to feel free, to feel normal…but she wasn’t normal, far from it. She was the last white wolf left of her kind, and soon to be Luna of her pack, she has expectations she’s expected to reach, but what happens when a hunter is thrown into the mix? —————— Xander Cooper- werewolf hunter. With a long, mysterious and…complicated background, he knows it’s not ethical, but then again, since when has that stopped anyone?

Nonexistent911 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter seventeen

I woke up that morning feeling pretty good about myself, my mate asked me out and he knows about Jasper so I don't have to worry about that, my family is okay with the fact that my mate is a hunter, of course there's the fact that I haven't told him I'm a werewolf but we'll get to that, eventually.

I took my shower and decided to get dressed for school, I was surprisingly happy to be going to a human school, I had some pretty cool friends and of course an amazing mate.

I changed into my grey crop top with black skinny jeans with rips in the knees, with my black boots and a dark green jacket.

I straightened my hair and ran down stairs to be met by my mom, she smiled at me sweetly and I returned it.

"well you seem to be in a good mood" my mom said after taking a sip of her morning coffee, frankly I think coffee is disgusting, I'd rather chug an energy drink.

"what makes you think that?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow

"hunny, I'm your mother, I notice these things" she said and I sighed taking a seat at the table next to her.

"ok so I may be in a better mood than usual" I said with a blush and she smirked at me.

"do tell more" she said while leaning on the table

"well, my mate asked me out on a date" I said meekly and she grinned

"oh this is wonderful, I can't wait to meet him" she said giddily and I smiled

"mom settle down" I laughed and she sighed while calming down.

"so this is the hunter correct?" she asked and I nodded my head in response.

"well, did you find any information about him and what he does?" she asked and I nodded.

"yes actually, and I think you might like this, he told me that he hates hunting just like the rest of our friends, he said they're all forced to because their families are involved" I said and she smiled.

"I'm glad it's not something they do as a choice, but now I think it would be best to find a way to meet his family and get to know them, maybe snoop around their house a bit, and it shouldn't be hard to meet the family since he asked you out, but promise if things get dangerous with his family you will back out, I don't want you getting hurt and I don't want you risking anything" she said.

"okay, I won't be risky, I promise" I said and just then Kris walked into the kitchen dressed extra as per usual, she wore a light pink elbow length sleeve shirt, with a green and white plaided mini skirt with white flats.

"oh hey sis, I hope you weren't waiting for me, Kaylee said she would give me a ride today" she said sweetly and I smiled at her.

"oh that's not a problem, I was just talking to mom" I said and she walked over to us, she walked over to mom first.

"bye momma" she said kissing moms cheek before walking over to me.

"by the way I was totally listening in on your conversation just now and you are so spilling the details later" she said when she leaned in to kiss my cheek.

"bye Iris" she said walking out the front door.

"well, that's my cue, I gotta get to school" I said standing up and heading to the front door.

"alright sweetie, have fun" she yelled out and I responded with a quick 'I will' before walking out of the house and to the black jeep before speeding off to school.


Once at school I got out of the truck and ran inside the building before I was late to first period, I had Chemistry first period and that was on the other side of the school, I quickly entered the classroom just as the bell was ringing, saved by the bell.

"Miss Bloodmoon?" the teacher asked and I nodded, I was then sat in the seat next to Devon, yay.

"howdy stranger" he whispered and I glanced at him

"hi" was all I said and he looked at me weirdly before turning his attention back to his notes.


I had gym next, and I had that class with Jack, Trinity, Chase, Harper and of course, Jasper.

after we all changed into our gym clothes we ran out of the locker room and stood in line while the gym teacher stood in front of all of us.

"alright kids listen up, in todays class we will be doing basketball, so I want everyone to get in line and start shooting, each person gets three shots to get it in, if you don't get the ball in within those three chance, go back to the line until you do get it in, if you do get it in, go stand by the other hoop that we aren't using, once everyone gets it in we'll play a game, understood?" He bellowed out.

"yes Mr. Card" we all said.

everyone was in line and me, Harper, Trinity, Jack and Chase went first with each of us getting it in the first throw, we all went and stood by the other hoop.

"that party was wild" Jack said randomly and Trinity smacked him

"ow babe, what was that for?" he asked while rubbing the back of his head.

"she probably doesn't wanna talk about it" she hissed at him and he pouted at her making her give in and kiss him real quick.

"either way watching you kick Jaspers ass was funny" Chase said and Trinity smacked him too, making him wince.

"What'd I just say" she said and Harper started laughing

"Trinity it's okay, me and Jasper fucked a couple times, it's done and over with, biggest regret of my life and that's that" I said with a shrug and everyone eyed each other.

"okay, if you say so" she responded and I smiled

"anyways, Iris there's gonna be a party on Saturday at my house and you're coming" she said in a final tone and I cringed

"you know what happened the last time I went to a party" I said and she sighed

"it's not really a party, it's just gonna be me, Xander, Chase, Quinn, Jack, Trinity and Sophia, and maybe Tiffany, but she has to come unfortunately because her parent and my parents are going to be in their office having a meeting" she said and I huffed.

"fine I'll come" I sighed and she squealed

"yayyy thank you" she said and hugged me and I hugged her back

"but if Tiffany starts shit I swear to god" I mumbled and she laughed.

"Trust me, if she does shit feel free to do as you please" she said.


I continued on with the rest of my day having homeroom then Chorus, and then English last period, I was outside talking to the gang when I felt someones arm around my shoulders, I looked up to see Xander giving me a lazy grin.

"sup Kitten" he said and I blushed 

"sup" I said meekly and Harper sat there with her mouth open.

"what the hell" Quinn said and Xander smirked while I blushed even more

"I'll get out of your hair Kitten, just wanted to tell you that I'll pick you up at seven on Friday, and don't ask what we're doing because it's a surprise" he said before walking away.

"explain" Trinity said and I turned crimson yet again.

"oh would you look at the time gotta go" I said quickly before speed walking to my Jeep.

"you're giving us all the details bitch, you aren't getting out of this one" Sophia yelled as I jumped into my car and started driving home.

I can't believe he did that so openly, in front of other people, our friends at that, no that I have a problem with it, in fact I love it, but this just proves that I don't have to worry about the one fear that's been weighing on my mind because.....

he isn't ashamed of me after all.