
The House of Prima Part 2

Long ago, before the empire, before civilization itself, a pale man wandered the moon of Kabaa. 

He was alone, scared, with no way to defend himself from the beasts that lurked, as he was mundane, a castaway shunned because of his condition. 

He continued to wander, day in, day out, scavenging for food, slowly losing his motivation to move on, move forward, to keep on living. 

After a week of not being able to find any food, he was at his end. It was night, not a star in the sky, even if he opened his eyes there was only black, no reflection of light from any source. 

Finally giving out, he sank down to the ground and looked up, and prayed, "Please, oh, please, God, anyone, anything, I beg of you, show me a path forward."

Weak tears collected in his eyes and rolled down crevasses on his windswept face. 

"Was my only sin to be born mundane? Something I was unable to control? Unloved since birth? What would be the point of living?" 

Suddenly a crack formed in the sky splitting the clouds open, revealing the stars as well as a magnificent being of abyssal black floating in the air. 

The supernal being slowly floated down towards the man, looking down at him. Now visible to the man, the beings body was illuminated by a brilliant halo of silver, its body a pitch black, even its sclera.

The man looked up in awe at the being, nonplussed by the sudden intrusion. 

He brought himself to his feet with the little strength he had left and begged, "Oh great One of the night, hast thou received my call? Will you relieve me of my suffering?"

The being stopped descending in front of the man and spoke, "Little one, I have watched your suffering. Your endurance is commendable, even in the most dire of circumstances."

"Oh thank you, great One!" The man prostrated hearing the praises of his efforts from the inconceivable being. 

The being was amused, "While watching this struggle, I have decided to bestow my powers unto you. I believe that you are worthy of holding my strength. I, Prima, hereby name you my Singularity, the first inheritor of my powers."

With that, Prima reached its lengthy arm out and a dark energy started flowing from it to the man.

With every passing moment, the man could feel his vigor return, better than he had ever felt in all his years of life. As more and more energy entered his body, he saw his skin start to become darker and darker until he became as dark as the being in front of him. Frightened, he asked, "Oh great One named Prima, I feel reborn! But what is this happening to my body?"

"You have now become a part of me through my powers. This darkness overtaking your body is a demonstration of that. You and your offspring will now carry this trait. But please be cautioned, only one person can carry this power you hold at a time, therefore it must be passed on by generation." 

"Thank you, Prima, how could I ever repay your kindness?"

"Create a House in my name. Create a place for people like you, who have nowhere to go; create a place of darkness in this world so full of light. The others are the true sinners for casting you aside, but do not hate them, for they are only blinded by their incompetence, as they are not able to see the power of the dark."

After giving their command, the Prima began to return from where it came from, and the man, now standing reborn, called back, "Once I establish this House, will we meet again?"

The Prima glanced over its shoulder and gave the man a slight smile, yet continued to ascend into the night.

"And so that is the story of how the first Singularity met Prima. The end." 

The Singularity closed the book on his lap and looked down at Ovua laying on the ground in front of him, using her arms to prop her face up to look at him, looking rather bored. 

"Do you understand now? How deeply indebted we are to Prima? He is the reason we are here, why we exist, why you exist." 

Ouva frowned, "I guess, but why did Prima just leave like that? What ever happened to the Prima after?" 

"How are we able to understand the motives of such a being?"

Ouva rolled onto her back, stretching, then stifling a yawn,"He could have left him some food…"

Ouva could tell that the Singularity was giving her a frown from under his mask, "You know Singularities do not need to eat, I told you this before."

"Oh… Right, but I see you eating all the time?"

"Just because I don't need to eat doesnt mean I don't like it. Plus, it motivates the staff to know that I eat their food."

"So you are manipulating them."

The Singularity sighed. If only you used that brain of yours to learn, rather than rattle off witty remarks.

Attempting to change the subject, Singularity remembered, "Your 10th birthday is coming up soon, how are your rehearsals with Lady Ind going?" 

Ouva groaned, ruffling her hands through her long silver hair, "That old hag, I can't take it! Father, please can I have a different tutor, I can't stand her. Her voice is like gravel, it makes me want to cut off my ears!"

"Cutting off your ears will not rid you of your hearing, little one." 

Ouva groaned some more and stomped her foot, "You get the point! Please, I will do anything!" 

She realized as soon as she said that, she had made a mistake.

"Anything, you say?" Ouva could picture the mischievous smile that was forming under the Singularities mask.

Resigning herself to her future fate, she was annoyed at her increasing ability to read her fathers intentions through the mask.

Oh boy here we go…