
The House of Prima Part 1

Today a child was born in the delivery room of the house of Prima; the Singularities child. The Singularity, himself, had left his chambers, a rare occasion, to receive the child as well as its mother. 

The Singularity glanced down at one of the midwives who had been sent to bring him to the delivery room. From behind his obsidian mask, he studied the woman. 

She had pale ashen skin, an apparent characteristic of all lower status followers of Prima. Compared to the Singularities pristine abyssal black skin, the midwife was definitely the lesser loved. She wore a traditional gown for the woman of Prima. It was a rather simple, yet elegant dress, that was apparently designed by the first Singularity himself. It was, of course, a black dress that ran all the way down until almost touching the floor. She also wore a dark purple sash around her waist which identified her as a married woman. 

She occasionally took glances back at the Singularity as they walked.

She looks…nervous. He thought. Has something happened? 

Worried anticipation suddenly struck his mind. The Singularity scowled, worry? When was the last time I have ever been worried, Prima's sake…

He shook his head and let the intrusive emotions dissipate. I'm blessed by the Prima itself. How could anything wrong ever happen?

They continued to walk down the hallways lit by black torches with black flames which defy all logic. The corinthian pillars holding the ceiling were black, carpets, black, stones, black, paintings, shades of black. Everything and anything was black within the House of Prima. A demonstration of their devotion to Prima.

As they arrived at their destination, the midwife stepped aside as they reached the door of the delivery room and gave the Singularity a deep bow. 

"The Lady and the newborn are waiting inside." 

The midwife hesitated for a second and then added, "and please do not give the Lady too much of a hard time, she is very exhausted from labor." 

The Singularity nodded, slightly questioning the meaning of her words in his mind, but decided to say nothing. Seeing his newborn child was more important, and he had the feeling he would get the answer to the condescending remarks of the midwife when he entered the room. 

The Singularity put his hand on the darkwood door, infusing some of his power, affirming he was of enough status to open. The door creaked revealing the room in front of him.

As he walked in, he spotted the mistress, Vera. She was resting looking down at the newborn that lay in her hands. 

She saw the Singularity approach her bedside and a grief-stricken expression formed on her face, her beautiful black eyes seemingly purple from tears.

"It's a girl, so her name is Ouva, as we decided." She said weakly. 

Vera moved the swath so that Ouva could be in view. The singularity looked down at the newborn, finally understanding Vera's reaction.

Under his mask, his face ignited with subtle emotion, shallow light reflecting into his pitch black eyes. Ouva stared up at him, abnormally calm even after coming into existence. She had porcelain skin marbled black and eyes like pools of sanguine blood.