
The House of Prima Part 3

"Ouva, wait! Please have some sympathy for your elder, I cannot keep up if you walk at that pace!" 

Ouva was being chased, ever so slowly by Ind, her tutor, down the main hallway of the Singularity's chambers. She completely ignored the poor lady's request and continued down the hallway to where she believed the Singularity was residing.

Recently, the Singularity, her father, had been rather withdrawn, she rarely saw him at all. He was the only person she felt comfortable talking with, everyone else felt like they were talking up to her like she was some god, and it made her uncomfortable. She needed to do something besides take lessons non-stop, something that would release all this negative energy residing within her.

The more lessons she takes, as well, the more she questions the reason for taking them in the first place, she has never applied any theory. Therefore, Ouva decided to go and ask the Singularity for a way to do so.

Ouva reached the Singularities chambers, and without knocking, forced herself through the door. Well, forced is rather incorrect, more like she knew that the Singularity would let her open the door. If he really wanted to, she could push and shove at it all day and nothing would have happened.

When she entered the room she saw him sitting at his desk reading something she assumed to be a report. 

Without looking up from his paper, the singularity asked, "Ah… It has been a while little one, what is it you need?"

Little one? He still calls me that yet I am 16 years old, practically an adult.

She sighed, "Father, I'm bored."

The Singularity scoffed, "Bored? How could that be possible? If so, why did you come to me with your boredom?"

Ouva prepared herself and recited what she had planned to say to him, "Father, I have become bored from monotony. I train and take lessons as you requested of me every day. Recently I have become restless, I need to do something to release this energy. I want to demonstrate practically that all this learning was not for naught."

Still, the Singularity, without looking up from what he was doing, responded, "I see, I guess that is reasonable." 

The Singularity then rested his palm on his chin, seeming in thought. 

"Actually, I have the perfect idea. In one Corrinthan month, we will be receiving some guests from the Empire, correspondents from House Vallus and House Natucea. Maybe you can help receive them." 

Ouva was shocked. Visitors? When was the last time we had visitors? Not to mention from Vallus and Natucea, the Emperor's fanatics, no less.

"House Vallus and House Natucea?"

"Yes, I heard they are also bringing some children around your age as well, it might be a good way to get rid of that boredom you have." 

"I guess…why are they coming here, I don't think we have ever had visitors before, especially of this caliber." Ouva was worried about the implication of these two houses. 

Is something happening?

The Singularity huffed under his mask and tapped his desk, "Ah, don't worry, it was before your time, but every few decades they come and check up on us, make us reaffirm our loyalty to the Emperor, satisfy their insecurities, etc. etc." 

Not too reassuring… 

Knowing the Singularity, knowing her father, Ouva knew something was up. Locking himself in his chambers for more than 4 months, refusing to set aside his work to converse, he was definitely on edge.

"Either way, you will learn more when they arrive. For now, start thinking of things to do for when the guests arrive." The Singularity then resumed looking at the reports in front of him, obviously queuing Ouva to go away.

Ouva sighed and walked out of the room knowing he didn't care if she was respectful or not.

When exiting the doorway to the chamber, the doors closed behind her. 

Ouva stood there feeling quite miffed.

Why does it feel like I walked into his trap? That damn schemer. 

She glanced at Ind standing adjacent to the doorway, and suddenly a great idea came to her.

Forcing herself to look serious face she reported to Ind, "Miss Ind we have very serious orders from the Singularity." 

Ind's face hardened, reflecting Ouva's expression, but with more sincerity, "What is it Young Miss?"

A smile crept up in Ouva's mind as she managed to keep her face straight.

"Well, you see…"