
The Honoured One

Between heaven and earth only he is the honoured one. Follow Sid as he becomes the honoured one and travels through worlds just because he can. This MC will have the Essence of the Honoured One and travel through the Multiverse.

Daoistz1VV3s · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Ass whopping

I stand there and sense that Garp has, to my surprise, begun to wake up again. He is quite a powerful man. I guess I can't always be right. It is true though that I didn't really hit him with any of my strength but only his own. And Garp wouldn't be the man he is if he couldn't handle his own strength. I guess I caught him off guard. But while he is down, I can sense that someone else or multiple people are coming. 

"Well Sengoku, what a surprise to see you here. Were you in the area, or did you come here just for me?", I say and smile at the man. I can see that he is fully serious right now. He knows that someone who can deal with Garp that way is dangerous. Funny enough, that they didn't really think of me as a threat before. My bounty was nothing special, I think it was a few hundred million. But my lack of merits caused them to have a wrong impression of me. Well, that will change after today. 

"Spiky Tooth, Sid. You were hiding your strength well. You are to be killed immediately, as are the orders of the World Government. You will die here today.", Sengoku says.

"Eh, we'll see about that. Do you think the CP agents will do anything for you? They will just get in your way and stop you from using your full power. But maybe you can use this as an excuse to kill them and blame it all on me?", I taunt him. I know that almost no one in the Marines likes that Cipher Pol.


I can see him react to that slightly. I see that he truly wanted to hide them and have them attack me in a moment of weakness. But that won't happen. I have grown seriously powerful. I wonder whether there is anyone that can match me right now. This might sound extremely arrogant but it is basic math and use of my Kenbunshoku.

When I was 10 years old, I was as strong as Sunbell, from the Roger Pirates. That was also the time I first discovered the advanced uses of Busoshoku no Haki a few months prior. Now using basic math, I continued to train and when I reached 11 years of age, my strength doubled again. I say 11 because I will say that I was about 10 and a half years old when I was as strong as Sunbell. So since I was training during those 6 months, my strength doubled. Even if I was still as strong as Sunbell when I reached 11 years of age, my strength would then be double that of the Fish-Man. 

That alone would make me the third or fourth most powerful man on the Oro Jackson. I of course continued to train, both physically and with my Haki during the next 6 months. So if we say that I was still not as strong as Scopper Gaban, I was stronger than him after I reached 11.5 years of age. And even if we highball Rayleigh, imagine an 11.5-year-old who is stronger than the third-strongest member of the Roger Pirates. 

After continuing to train, I was definitely as strong as Rayleigh when I reached 13 years old. Why do I say this with such conviction? Because the strength that gets doubled is always my current strength. So if I train and grow stronger naturally, the strength that will get doubled is not simply a x4 from one year ago. The increase is very substantial and my power doubles in all of my aspects, not just physical strength. 

Even though I only sparred a few times with Rgoer and Rayleigh over the years and defeated a few pirates and marines here and there, I could tell that after reaching 15 years of age, I was officially on Roger's level with Haki who was stronger than his. My Haohsoku no Haki could pressure his when I first unlocked it. I felt like my output could go higher and higher with no limit in sight and all I would need, was practice. 

I didn't really train my physical body that much anymore because it wasn't possible. Except for diving deep into the ocean and fighting Sea Kings, there was no amount of training that would be useful physically. But I continued with my meditation. My Haki increased and I found out that meditation and training my Haki counted as training, so my strength continued to double every 6 months. So if we highball Roger's strength and say that I was about as strong as him when I was 15.5 years old, then I am now, after 1.5 years which is equal to 3 times the double increase, at least 8 times as strong as Roger at his peak. 

So what happened to Garp, might be anticlimactic but not really surprising. 


Sengoku used Haki. He is one of the very few Marines who possesses Haoshoku no Haki. I can respect him for that. Because it tells me that his conviction for justice is truly strong. But I wonder whether he will stay in the Marines if he sees what's going on up there. He will be the next Fleet Admiral and when that happens, he will see the things. He already saw it as an Admiral, but when he becomes Fleet Admiral, he will have to work very closely with the 5 Elders and that will show him just how deep the corruption runs. 

Sengoku used Soru to attack me. I blocked him and attacked him as well. My fist was imbued with my own Haki and showed him just how refined mine truly was. I had spent years on this after all. He was nowhere near my level. My fist was dodged by him and he tried to attack again. He used all of the Navy's 6 styles to try and beat me, but it was no use. 

No matter how good his Tekkai was, one Internal destruction Busoshoku fist from me and he'd vomit his organs. Kami-e was just as useless because I was faster than him and my future sight was more advanced than his. Geppo wasn't needed since we were fighting on the ground. That left the good man with Rankyaku, Shigan and Soru. I didn't give him enough time to use Rokuogan. 

I dodged a few of his attacks and then grabbed his hand. I pulled using my strength and imbued Busoshoku and Haoshoku into my fist. Sengoku lost his balance and knew that he would not be able to dodge this. Using his quick thinking, he used Haki as well as Tekkai in tandem, spending massive amounts of stamina to block my attack. However, that wouldn't be enough. 

My fist impacted his thorax and expelled all of the air in his lungs. Not only that, his lungs as well as heart were damaged due to my Busoshoku and Haoshoku no Haki. He was lucky that he used all he had to defend right there. I wasn't trying to kill him, he wasn't a bad man, but he was here and fought against me. I wouldn't allow him to just leave without wounds telling about our encounter. 


The CP agents thought that this was the best time as any to attack. They were wrong. A Tiger Zoan attacked me from behind. I dodged by moving my body to the side and letting him rush past me. As he did so, I showed just how serious I was. I brought my right hand up and as he was right in front of me, I impaled him through the chest. 

"Cough ...", the man coughed blood and looked at me surprised. He wouldn't get any sympathy from me. Why didn't the CP didn't get any sympathy from me? Because of what happened next. The others used this chance when I was 'using' my hand for something else and attacked me. They used Rankyaku and Shigan as well as their various Devil Fruits to attack me and didn't even care about their comrade. 

Their attacks just went through him. None of the attacks reached me, since I was already gone from there. I stood to the side and looked at the scene before me. I shook my head in contempt when I picked something up with my Kenbunshoku. It seemed that both the Admiral and the Vice-Admiral were back on their feet and they were more serious than before. 


"Galaxy Impact!"

I turned around and instantly punched forward with my strength, using both Busoshoku and Haoshoku. Mine and Garps fist clashed but they didn't meet in the middle. Both of us using infusion right now. Black and red lighting, made of pure spirit clashed and caused the sky to split and all of the clouds to be pushed away. The shockwave permeated the surroundings and caused the ground to be unearthed and damaged. 

I was the only one smiling right now. Garp was far too serious to enjoy this clash. I guess you only can take so much disrespect. He understood that this wasn't my full power. He could sense it during our clash. But that didn't matter to me, I was enjoying myself and that was all that mattered right now. I had to take advantage of the fact that Garp, Sengoku, Whitebeard and more were in their prime right now. If I wanted some fun fights, this was the time to do it. 

I was pulled out of my musings when I felt another attack approach from behind me. I heard 

"Shōgekiha!", Sengoku screamed.

A giant, living, golden ... wait a minute ... thing that had the shape of Sengoku stood there and launched a golden shockwave at me. While still keeping Garp in the same position, I used my left hand which was free right now to use it like a hammer and punch the incoming golden shockwave. I looked like Whitebeard right now when he punched the air and made cracks all over the place. I could sense that Sengoku gained an extreme boost in strength to match the increased size.

My smile widened when the CP decided to attack as well. This was turning out to be a real treat today. But something was bothering me. Not the fact that there were even more Marines coming, or that I was fighting both Garp and Sengoku at the same time ... no it was the shape that Sengoku took. I believe he is supposed to represent ... a golden Buddha. That felt like an affront for some reason. 

Here he was, this man, a dog to the World Government and he used this form. Someone thought he or she could capture the essence of Buddha ... in a Devil Fruit!! That didn't sit right with me. 


With a thought, I increased my Haki by a substantial amount. This caused my fist to finally meet Garps and caused him to lose the exchange and get shot backwards. It also caused the shockwave from Sengoku to disperse and all of the attacks from the CP to not do any damage whatsoever. 

In the next moment, I was in front of Sengoku and delivered a particularly nasty upper cut knocking the man out. I flashed towards my staff and spun it around, smashing it into each of the CP's heads and painting the battlefield red. 

I looked at where Garp was trying to stand back up, all beaten and bloody. 

"Tell them, that should they do something to this island, I will tell the entire world about what I know. Tell them that.", after saying this, I left. I did what I wanted and now it was time to leave. It was a good day all in all. What should I do next?


There seems to be a misconception. The MC is not yet Buddha. He still has to go through several enlightenment. He hasn't gotten rid of his bad emotions and everything else that is needed. So him acting rather violently right now, does still fit his character. 

He is not a saint, he is the honoured one.