
The Honoured One

Between heaven and earth only he is the honoured one. Follow Sid as he becomes the honoured one and travels through worlds just because he can. This MC will have the Essence of the Honoured One and travel through the Multiverse.

Daoistz1VV3s · Anime & Comics
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Another Time Skip

- 8 years later - 

- Location: Revolutionary Headquarters: Baltigo -

"Dragon-san!! Dragon-san!!"

"What is it?", a gruff voice asked.

"Ginny she ... SHE'S BEEN CAPTURED!!!"

"What?! Ginny's been captured?!!"

"The enemy took us by surprise ... please forgive us!!"

"That ...", Dragon frowned and clenched his jaw hard. That wasn't supposed to happen, it was supposed to be a secret. So then how?

"What was that? ... Ginny ...", a grown Bartholomew Kuma said. He couldn't believe it but his worst fears had come to pass. Ginny had been captured and he wasn't there to help her. 

"Yes, sir ... it seems she caught the eye of a Celestial Dragon!!", the voice from the Den Den Mushi said, "they took her on a government ship ... because the Celestial Dragon wanted to make her his bride!! The enemy took us by surprise!! Please forgive us...!! We're so sorry."

Dragon and Kuma as well clenched their fists. This was the worst-case scenario. Captured in any form was already bad, but being captured alive might be the worst thing. 

"Tsk ... there is nothing we can do then!! Poor Ginny!", someone said but Dragon shook his head. He had an idea. A daring idea but an idea nonetheless. 

"There is still a way.", he says.

"And what would that be?", Kuma asks eager to hear anything. He was grasping for straws right now. His life had just ended when he heard this news, he would take anything. 

"There might be someone that could help us. That's if he is willing.", he says.


"'Tathagata' is what he calls himself. He has been known under the Alias 'Spiky Tooth' Sid."

"WHAAAT?! The crazy devil that killed three Celestial Dragos and then fought Sengoku and Garp at the same time? How do you even know him?"

"I know it from Father. When I brought him Luffy, he said that he would be safe. I later found out that Sid lived on Mt. Colubo and wanted to invite him to our cause.", Drago reminisced.

"And ... what did he say?"

"He only smiled at me and ... patted my head. And then he said that I'll do good and not to worry."

"What? What a strange man he is. I guess that was a no then."

"Not necessarily. He never said no. He only said that I'll be fine. I believe he knows more than he lets on. It can't hurt to try at least.", Dragon says and goes to grab a Den Den Mushi.


- Meanwhile on Mt. Colubo -

"So you're telling me that there is finally another boy that is a bit your junior and instead of becoming friends with him, you spit on him and run away? I'm not sure whether Rogue would like it if I tell her that. She raised you better Ace.", I say to the 10-year-old boy. 

"Wh-wha-t do you m-mean? Please don't tell mom.", Ace begs on his knees with tears in his eyes. As soon as I mentioned his mother he became an obedient puppy. 

"Haha, you know I never tell her anything. Although she has a knack for knowing certain things without me saying it. I wonder ... could she be a female Buddh- Hahaha no that's ridiculous ... right?"

"What are you saying, Sid? You spaced out again."

"Ah, sorry bout that Ace."

"You always think so much. Sometimes I find you boring."

"Hahaha, is that so? Didn't I tell you already, Ace? The mind is everything. What you think ... you become."

"... huh? I don't get it."

"It means that no matter what if you are truly and utterly convinced and you have a strong enough will, you will be able to move mountains, and do all sorts of wonderous things that might seem impossible."

"And how does that help me with that small twerp?"

"Why did you spit on him?"

"Well because ... I mean ... I ... he seemed like problems and trouble. Didn't you say that I should walk away from people that threaten my peace?", he said cheekily.

"You little rascal. Now don't go twisting my words, Ace. Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them. I see that some of what I told you seems to have stuck. That is good."

"Yeah yeah, what use do I have for such advice? Couldn't you have taught me how to fight instead?"

"Hm? I clearly remember instructing you almost every day on how to grow stronger. Physical strength isn't everything Ace. The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. As long as you take something of what I tell you to heart, I'm already happy."

"Why do you say it like that?", Ace asks me.

"Because I will be leaving in a few days."

"WHAT?!! Why? And why didn't you tell me?!!", Ace screamed. I let him vent his frustration for a while and when he started to cry, I put my hand on his head to calm him down. I have become very proficient in calming people down and lifting the spirits of those who are broken and sad. 

"This is not the last time we will see each other Ace. You will grow stronger, make friends and gain experiences. I will watch your progress and in a few years I will return."

"But ... I don't want you to go."

"I understand that Ace. Tell me, do you want to become a pirate?"


"Then you will understand what I mean. If I tell you now, not to become a Pirate and instead become a marine will you do it?"


"See, it is hard to answer this. And for good reason. I wouldn't want you to give up on your dream and freedom. And for the same reason, I will have to leave. But as I told you, I will return and we will eat something again. How about it?", I ask him.

"... ok."

"Come, let's meet this Luffy. From the sound of it, he seems like a likeable guy. Just like you."

"Hey! I'm not cute!"

"Hahaha, while I didn't say that, I have to agree that is indeed the case."

"Don't say that!!"



I didn't leave Ace until he met with Luffy again. I saw the small 6-year-old boy and his spirit and had to laugh then and there. What a coincidence that this boy would be here at this time and then as the grandson of Garp. I found that hilarious and knew that this would become the next brother to Ace, just like Sabo had become. 

I watched their relationship slowly bloom and take shape when Luffy was captured. When Ace came running to me, I wasn't there anymore. I watched the thing from above and saw that he decided to listen to my words and went to save Luffy together with Sabo. 

I watched as Sabo saved Luffy and was about to run away when Ace decided to stay and continue to fight Porchemy. And then Sabo dropped Luffy and helped Ace fight as well. I wouldn't have to worry about these three. They'd go far, that's for sure. If what I have seen is anything to go by, then that's for certain.

*Puru Puru Puru*

I take the Den Den Mushi, which I had been expecting all day.


"Is this 'Tathagata' Sid?", a deep voice says and I smile. It was time that they changed my nickname. 

"Why yes it is. Does this deep voice happen to have the honour of belonging to Garp's boy?"

"... yes. I'm calling because -"

"One of your Captain's has been captured. Ginny."

"... Yes. Will you help us?"

"I will. Tell Kuma not to worry. I'll see him later.", I say and hang up. It is time for me to leave this place. I want to stretch my legs again. And this is the perfect way to show the world that Gautama Siddharta hasn't died just yet.


Saying goodbye to Ace and Sabo was hard. 

"I will return Ace. And when I do, I want to see all of your growth, alright?", I say to the boys. 

"Promise?", Ace asked me and I nodded with a smile. 

"Remember Ace, never trust a friend who is silent about your flaws. See you boys in a few years ... oh and check the news reports tomorrow.", I say and then finally leave.


I appear above Mary Geoise and spread my Haki. I can feel instantly where Ginny is located and enter the place. Of course, I knock first, I'm not a savage. 

"Is somebody home?"

*Knock Knock*


The door is just so frail that it broke when I knocked. I shrug and walk through the palace that is this Celestial Dragon's home. Immediately there are guards that try to stop me.

"HALT!! This is the home of Saint-"


"How dare you-"


"Die fiend!"


"His Holiness will-"

*Boom Boom*

"Don't you dare wake up the young master from his copul-"

*Boom Boom Boom Boom*

Those that say the dumbest things get hit more than the others. It doesn't take long and I am confronted by Cipher Pol. Twenty masked individuals surround me. 

"'Spiky Tooth' Sid, surrender now and you won't suffer that much when we kill you!"


I don't care what they say and just wait for them to attack me while continuing my way towards Ginny. I can tell that the astronaut was about to do the unspeakable to her but my 'visit' stopped that and he seems angry right now. I guess I cockblocked him and now he's angry. Good, I hope that he comes towards me.

The CP attacked when they saw that I just continued walking. I didn't care about them and just unleashed some of my Haoshoku no Haki. I had to make sure that I didn't kill any slaves as that would be bad. My Haoshoku permeated from me and flattened EVERYTHING in a radius of 100 meters. all of the CPs died on the spot and I just continued my walk through the now-destroyed part of this house. 

There were some powerful presences on the way here. I didn't care though. It has been far too long since I fought someone. However, that isn't true entirely. There was this incident in Wano where Oden surprisingly won against Kaido ... can you imagine that? He must have really gotten strong. 

I reached the bedroom where I felt Ginny and kicked the door. 



"S-Sid?!?!", I heard a voice and looked at the woman on the bed, chained and without clothes. I would have gotten angry if this was me before. Instead, I got sad when I saw this. Someone would pay today. 

"Ginny, so this is where you were. Kuma is worried about you, I think we should leave now. What do you think?", I say as I go to her and free her. I handed her some clothes and she just hugged me with tears in her eyes. 

"Sid ... *sob sob*"

We just were like that for a moment and I could feel the strong presences coming closer. So I decided to end this reunion fast and took another step. 


Instantly we appeared on Baltigo. 

"Wha?! Ginny?!!!", when everyone saw us appear there they were surprised. Dragon approached me and wanted to talk to me, but I stopped him. 

"Not yet, Dragon. I still need to borrow someone for a while. Excuse me.", I say and appear before Kuma. 

"Yo Kuma, long time no see. Well, no time for talk, we'll do it later.", I say and then take another step. We appear at the same place where I was before. 

"Wha ... where are we?"

"We're in Mary Geoise. Now your job is to free as many slaves as you can while I hold these old foggiest off. Can you do that?", I ask and he nods with a focused look. 

"Good then get going."


You might ask yourself, why didn't I take more people with me? Why would I do that? Kuma was enough to save many slaves and I am enough to confront the entire World Government. 

The fight that day would go into the history books as the man who went to Mary Geoise and fought the gods. Nobody knows the result of the confrontation that day, but the fact is that no one saw 'Tathagata' AKA 'Spiky Tooth' Sid after that again.

Where could he be?