
The hidden Secrets (Rwby fanfic)

Second chance at life what will happen? This is my first time writing so be patient and please help.

Ed_bear · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 5: Finding a home

(Thanks to all those who have added the story to there collection)

Vale is a major city on Remnant so there would obviously be some-parts of Vale which is deserted because of the Grimm however after the Huntsmen clear the place out the council usually leave the place as it is and resulting in many people to be homeless and these deserted places are where we see Edward currently limping around.

Edward someone who absolutely refuses to be in the orphanage for at least 3 reasons and more one is that being at the orphanage would leave information about him which would make him no longer have a be invisible status to the people and the higher ups.

The biggest reason is he has already grown up in a family so he don't want to be adopted as that would give the adopted family fake love even if it would give him resources that he despondently needs like a safe place along with materials.

The last main reason is that he has more freedom as he wouldn't be attached to a family and would be able to do as he pleased for example train, steal, make connections, secret identities and more, the reasons he would make secret identities is because it would give him a layer of protection from those who might might be searching for him.

The broken part of Vale consists of mainly Warehouse, small shops and common factory and since there unimportant the council leaves them alone, thanks to the information that Edward was able to get he knows that although it's stated that there damaged it's only a few walls or a collapsed roof which is fixable some of the factory electricity and water might still work so that's were Edward will be going so he knows where those place's are and will be able to survive.

Looking around Edward can see that the first Warehouse that he has checked is full of rubble and rubbish along with rats and cockroaches along with having a second floor which is full of papers and a few Lien that was on the desk.

Going to the next house that's was livable showed that all the windows were destroyed and that all the furniture was also destroyed this house also had a garage so checking that showed that in the back corner of the room were blood stains alone with bones and In front of the blood was a badly crafted metal spear as it was just a pipe with a sharp tip that could be used to stab things.

Searching the cupboards showed that there was nothing useful and since it was almost midnight Edward choose too stay in this house and sleep in the relatively intact cupboards and searching the house for anything that resembles a blanket or pillow.

*TIMESKIP brought to you by a Chibi Edward sleeping in a cupboard rapped in a torn blanket.*

??? P.O.V

"Okay class today since it's the first day let's all introduce each other starting with the first row from my left please stand up and tell us about yourself, as for me you can call me Mr's Hank and I enjoy reading stories."

"Yall can call me Frank, Frank Teal and I enjoy... gaming, and if any of what tu challenge mi then I well accsept."

"Renesmee Hicran" "Antonia" "Osamu Raibeart" "Jovian Bernadett" "Castor" "Dujam ShannonIdo" "Wafula Shavonne" "Wilhelm" "Mahbuba"

"Hello m-m-my n-names R-RUBY R-ROSE I-I-I L-Like w-weapons andcookiesandstorysandIhopewecanallbefriendsandmaybewecouldpaintournailsandtalkaboutcuteboysand..." (this continues for another 5 minutes) 

"MISS ROSE that's enough thank you, now class today we have another student joining us today although he's meant to be in the class above but because of his lack of knowledge in some class like, anyway ENTER."

Entering the class we see a boy with black hair and dark brown tips and hot chocolate brown eyes almost in a star like pattern he was wearing the basic male Uniform of black pants and a light green blazer with a light blue tie and light creamy white long sleeve shirt seems to be around 5 or 6.

"Hello everyone my name is Edgar and I enjoy creating things along with cooking and weapons especially Bladed weapons like swords scythes and more however I hope we can all be friends."

"Right well Mr Edgar you can go seat next to Miss Rose since it seems she's the only one without a partner, and since its only the first day we'll take things slowly."

(Sorry for the late chap and also pls give ideas for what could happen at signal)